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WHS Policy Development



Question 1: Identify and discuss in detail five quality management and continuous improvement theories.

Answer: Quality management theory

Deming's theory: This theory based on fourteen points of Management, system of thoughful knowledge and Shewart cycle. In the words of Rogersonet al. (2016), if a company focuses on cost the problem arises that the cost rise when the quality deteriorates. The profound knowledge includes system appreciation, knowledge theory, variation knowledge and psychology knowledge.

Crosby's theory: Philip Crosby is a person who made the point that if a company spends money on quality it is money that is well spent. This theory is totally based on four absolutes and such absolute are:

• prevention is the best way in order to ensure quality

• quality can be measured by the price of behavior of the product

• zero defect is the presentationapproved for element

• We define quality as attachment to requirements.

Joseph Juan's theory

Joseph Juan is recognized as the quality Trilogy which consists of planning, improvement and controlling of quality. This theory consists of ten steps:

• training should to be provided

• Boot up project

• identifies performance

• report of results

• achievement of improvement

• needs during improvement should be made

• goal for improvement should be identified

• Monitor progress

• firm is needed

• repeat

EFQM framework: The European foundation for quality management model is totally based on eight criteria for Quality Management and the eight criteria are:

• focus on result

• focus on customers

• facts

• constancy of purpose

• continuous learning

• training to employees

• developing partnership

• social responsibility

Ishikawa's theory: This theory is a development theory which handles the quality improvement projects. There are seven basic tools in order to improve quality and such tools are:

• stratification

• check sheets

• Pareto analysis

• cause and effects

• process control charts

• histogram

• Scatter charts

Question 2: What does Kotters 8-Step change model tell us about transformational change for businesses? Discuss your answer in a paragraph.

Answer: Kotter's change model: This model consists of eight steps in the first steps it identifies the threats in the future and also examined the opportunities that needs to be exploited. In the second step it identify the leaders within the organization and their commitments. In the third step the company needs to create a vision in order to determine the value of such change and also needs to create a strategy to execute such vision. In the fourth step it will identify whether the vision is implementing successfully. In the fifth step the company needs to remove the obstacles by identifying the change leaders and by removing barriers. In the sixth step the company needs to motivate their employee towards the success by rewarding them which help them to meet the goal. In the seventh step the company build the change for the improvement and in the eighth step the company states the progress of every change and also state the value and importance of hiring and providing training to the staff.

Question 3: What is the diffusion of innovation theory and why might a manager implementing an innovation be particularly interested in this theory?

Answer: Diffusion Of Innovation Theory: Diffusion of innovation theory is a Theory which explains why, what and how the ideas and Technology can spread. Diffusion is the process through which the innovation is communicated in a social system. Everett Rogers, a professor who gave value to this theory in his book diffusion of innovation which was published in 1962.


Question 4: What is the purpose of the ISO 9000 Standards for Quality Management and what standards are included?

Answer: ISO 9000 Purpose: ISO 9000 is defined as a series of International standard on quality management its purpose is to develop the quality in order to help companies efficiently and effectively document the quality system which needed in order to maintain and proper quality system. In the words of Hundet al. (2017), this standard help a company in satisfying its customer, meet requirements and to achieve improvement.

This ISO 9000 include:

ISO 9001 (2015)

ISO 9000 (2015)

ISO 9004 (2018)

ISO 19011 (2018)

Question 5: What is cost-benefit analysis and what is it best used for? In your response outline how you complete a cost-benefit analysis

Answer: Cost benefit Analysis: Cost benefit analysis is a process which has been used by the company in order to identify the benefits of decisions or actions subtract the cost related with taking such actions. In the words of Liue al. (2017), it identified intangible benefits and effects from such actions and decisions on employees and customer satisfaction. The manager of the company applied cost benefit analysis in order to identify the cost and revenue generated from the new project, through the outcome of such analysis it can easily be identified that whether the company should pursue next project.

Question 6: Discuss the concept of a learning organisation in one paragraph.

Answer: Learning organization: Learning organization is a company which provides learning to its members and transforms itself. This concept was made by the research of peter Senge and his colleagues. In the words of Lekaet al. (2019), it develops result which is related to the pressures faced by the modern organization and also help them to remain in the competition.

Question 7: Why is the concept of shared vision an essential component of a learning organisation?

Answer: Concept of shared vision: A shared vision is important to build a successful learning organization which give employees focus and also provide energy. In the words of Grayet al. (2016), it has been stated by senge that if an individual in the shared vision become a stakeholders then it will work hard which will encourage an individual to take risks and become committed. All these factors give a power to the organization in order to learn and transfer itself.

Question 8: Discuss the concept of team learning in relation to a learning organisation.

Answer: Team learning: Team learning is the effort of a team in order to achieve a common goal, the main purpose of team learning is to achieve the objectives through the discussion, routines, conflicts and practices. In the words of Potteret al. (2017), team learning can be referred as their collective learning which helps a team to do well by using a common tool that is learning agenda.

Question 9: Identify and outline three different sustainability practices that are now common in Australian workplaces.

Answer: Sustainability: Inspire employees to use public transportation:It has been found that traveler can easily reduce CO2 diffusion by using public transportation. In the words of Lianet al. (2017), an individual can also take working remote or bike which will save money and employees will feel betterin saving money and budget.

Switch to post-consumer waste products packaging and waste paper: the paper manufacture industries is the fifth biggest energy user industry in the world and PCW recycle waste paper and uses limitedpower and also reduce the overall consumption from consumers and production.

Being a good global neighbor: Business totally based on the community to provide a workforce. A healthy community with public transportation and good food which leads to a workforce that is less illness.

Question 10: Provide a definition of risk as identified in the Australia/New Zealand Standard for Risk Management (AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009)

Answer: Risk management in Australia: In November 2009, AS/NZS ISO 31000: 2009 replaced the existing Australian and NewZealand risk management standard AS/NZS 4360: 2004. In the words of Earleand Let al. (2016), the Australian standard risk management provides agencies of fund members along with the principal and guidelines which should be applied during the development of risk management structure and programs.


Question 11: Discuss the concept of risk management. Outline the factors that make a risk management system successful and the factors that may inhibit effective risk management.

Answer: Risk management: Risk management can be referred to as referred to as the process of determining, controlling and identifying the threats to the capital of an organization and earning. This threat and risk can result from different management errors, natural disaster, accident, etc.

Question 12: In your own words, describe the seven steps in the risk management process as outlined in AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009.

Answer: Seven step risk management process

Outlining objectives: Outlining objectives is a key step which includes identification of projects need and it also create needs for the achievement criteria for the project.

Risk management plan: This management plans refer as a report which contain a clear definition of risk management methodology. It implements objectives of the risk, role of the team members, strategy and tools, etc.

Identification: The identification of the new project risk can be made by using assortment of method which includes brain mapping, fishbone outline, questioning, etc. The main gold behind identification of project risk is to ensure that the risks are known.

Evaluation: The risk of the project needs to be evaluated so that they can be managed properly and effectively. Evaluation techniques contains qualitative evaluation and quantitative evaluation.

Planning: Once risk has been identified it is very important to develop strategy. This should be assigned to the group member in order to manage the problems. The team members needs to take appropriate action in order to mitigate risk.

Management: This process includes a continuous mitigation of risk throughout the project which also includes continues analysis of risk along with the identification of plan B.

Feedback: Feedback is an important part for success. In the words of McInneset al. (2017), the feedback helps an organization to take action concerning risk and also enable the team members to take an effective action and to react an efficient result. This also enables an organization to expand execution and control the risk management process.

Question 13: Identify and describe Five(5) ways of how to capture business information.

Answer: Five ways how to capture business information

• Establish your capture management strategy: By establishing the capital management strategies the company can assure that both the executive share the same expectation and can move forward towards the goal during process together.

• spend time with your capture manager: By speaking with capture executive properly and regularly or on a daily basis or once a week will make both people understand the problems and the need to address such issues.

• create a repeatable capture process for evaluation: An organization can easily manage the team and opportunity by making and using visual performance measurement which helps to assure that the team management is working effectively to achieve a goal.

• objectively evaluate each opportunity: The opportunities changing in relation to government procurement. it is very important to review the fit of the requirements. The cost of the acquisition, the fitness of the competition, etc. achieving a deal that will cost the money may not help an organization in growth.

• stop the capture process early: Successful company needs to manage the management process and it is important to stop the process accordingly and find other opportunities.

Briefing report: The report describes about the process and process scheduling followed by proper utilization of the resources. The report also states about the cost benefit analysis and risk management for the process. The report also suggests few aspects where the organocation can improve their process. Quality management theory and Kotter's change model also been introduced and described in the report. Different factors are also explained in the report such as ISO standard, risk analysis, sustainability, team learning, risk management process and others.


Develop a memo for the management team to report on customer service provision.


Action plan

Scope and application

An effective action plan for the employees needs to be implemented to achieve continuous improvement and innovation initiativeswithin the organization


Management is responsible for making and creating emergency Action Plan in order to improve the performance and skillsof the Employees through this plan and this plan needs regular and should be revised as needed. The manager primary focus will be on improving the skills and competencies of the employees and implement new innovative ideas within the system.

This program will be reviewed to each and every employee in order to assigned responsibility and to make them understand about the importance of such responsibility and how such responsibility can improve their performance in their respective job roles.

This program also includes a training to a large number of employees to make them aware about the safety process during the work. This plan also includes accounting procedures along with a cost benefit analysis of the overall plan, impact of changes on the employees and its consequences and a contingency plan for non-conference for the plan.


The overall plan will be implemented through various types o training sessions and after compaction of the training program an assessment test will be held by the professionals to understand the changes among the employers in their performance. Cost benefit analysis of each training sessions will also be measured. A contingency plan will also be developed upon assessment of the risks during and after completion of the process t retain the change in performance among the employees.

Action plan











Result and re-focus

To improve the performance of the employees through continuous improvement and innovation implement

Assessment foe the employee about which kind of problems they are suffering from and what will be the probable solution of those problems

Assessing the employees based on their problems they will be categorized for different training programs

The arrangement of the training program will be completed by assessing the need of the employees and based on that which kind of experts are needed will be enlisted

The training program will be arranged by the experts to guide and develop skills of the employees and able to implement new innovative technologies and ideas in the workplace

After completion of training program employee will be asked to implement those knowledges in real work to understand their performance improvement index

The employees will be assessed based on their performance index and after overcoming certain point, they will be declared whether they need more training or not

An overall result will be deaired and based on the report new training program is needed or not will be assessed

Risk assessment 



Low engagement of the employees

  • Proper communication with the potential benefits
  • Implementation of rewording system to the employees upon showing better result in the process

Adequate resources are unavailable

  • Bring expertise from outside the organization if needed
  • Create a standing team who can monitor the process and if needed adequate they can take adequate measures

Improvement blocked due to some reason

  • Communication with the employees about their issues and problems regarding these training sessions
  • Encouraging employees to take part in the training program actively

Impact of change and its consequences




Employees who will show positive changes in their performance will be prized and rewarded by the authority and based on their performance they will be implemented in their respective job roles


Employees who will show negative impact or opposes to go through the improvement training process, they will be encouraged.

They can be told to get rewards if they managed to show positive results at the end of the training.

If needed the experts will communicate with them about their anxiety and fear about the process and encourage them to go through the process.  

Contingency plan




Employees who will face problems after completing the training session or still not getting an adequate result from it will be reassessed to understand the real reason behind their performance issue, and then they will be re-trained.


During and after the training session, the organization has to make sure that new technologies and innovative ideas, and it's regarding resources are available to the employees to use properly.


The expert will be available after the training sessions so that the employees can get adequate guidance or after facing any problem they can consult with an expert.

Cost-benefit analysis: The cost-benefit analysis is the process of business to analyses the decisions. Majority of the business analysts always sums up the values of the action or situation to build the best business model for both the customers and employees. The manager needs to identify underperformed employees who require training to improve the skills of the organization. For the training process, the manager needs to use proper investment in their technologies to provide a new training process for the employees so that they could able to learn very fast.  The organization needs to identify the best opportunity cost to provide the right decision regarding the training process. The opportunity costs provide alternative benefits for the organization to analyses any kind of missed opportunity that helps the manger to provide the right decisions. With the help of cost benefit analysis the financial metrics oculd be easily studied like total revenue required in the training process to pursue a particular project properly.

Gantt Chart

Gantt Chart.jpg



Question 1: Review and analyse the results of the 12 surveys received outlining the results of the customer survey, well as potential reasons for the tow return.

Answer: Review: Woodhouse enrollment implemented a survey in order to know about the level of satisfaction of the candidates with the services provided by the company. This survey totally focused on services provided by the company and needs to improve such service. 100 survey has been sent out by the post and out of hundred surveys only 12 were returned. This survey includes comments and Recommendation from the candidates in order to improve such services.

Question 2: Discuss the successors from this type of continuous improvement initiative.

Answer: Discussion: The company gets to know the different level of satisfaction from different candidates through this survey. The company also get different recommendations and suggestions from the candidates by which the company can improve their performance in future. During this survey the wood house recruiter get to understand the problems faced by the candidates from their services and can improve their performance through such recommendations.

Question 3: What could Woodhouse Recruitment take from this experience into future efforts to improve performance?

Answer: Analysis: The company implemented a survey in order to get the level of satisfaction of the candidates with the company's services. These surveys contained such questions:

• Overall satisfaction with woodhouse recruitment: It has been found from the 12 surveys that 7 candidates were totally satisfied, 2 candidates were somewhat satisfied and 1 candidate was totally dissatisfied.

• Ease of doing Business with woodhouse recruitment: It has been found from the surveys that 5 candidates were totally satisfied and said thanks to the company for giving such satisfying job, 4 candidates was somewhat satisfied and answered that the consultants were very familiar and friendly to them, 2 candidates were dissatisfied and said that it is very hard for them to contact Consultants, and 1 candidate were totally dissatisfied in doing business with woodhouse.

Question 4: Make recommendations for future customer surveys.

Answer: Recommendations: It has been found from the survey that many customers would like to recommend woodhouse recruitment to others. In which 5 customers said they would definitely recommend to others, 4 customer said they will also like to recommend to others, 2 customer said no they would not recommend to others because they were not happy with the services provided by the company and 1 customer will never recommend Woodhouse recruitment to anyone.


1. Introduction/Background of your report.

Answer: This report includes the operational system of wood house recruitment and also identify its key performance areas. This report also analyses the needs of improvement on the system and performance area of the company. The report also includes recommendations and suggestions for the improvement by considering cost benefit analysis.

2. Two operational systems identified

Answer: Processes: A process is a program and can be defined as an entity which shows the unit of work to be implemented in the system. An individual write the program in a text file and during the execution of this program, it becomes a process which perform the task stated in the program.

Process scheduling: The process scheduling is referred as an activity by the process manager that controls the elimination of the process. It is an important part of multiprogramming operating system which allows more than one process into the memory to load at a time.

3. Identified experts for advice and consultation

Answer: The company has different passionate person that makes every customer feel comfortable at Wood house and also has different confident professionals who create value relationships with their team members and customers. The company also has an expert of strong ethics who take commitments and keep promises.

4. Recommended Areas for improvement

Answer: The company needs to improve the communication skills of their Consultants who communicate with the candidates and also needs to provide more job according to the skill of the candidates. The company should provide information during their process and the consultants need to communicate in a friendly and familiar manner with the candidates. The company needs to improve their services by increasing the skill of the Consultants.

5. Trial and testing utilising cost benefit analysis/risk management

Answer: Cost benefit analysis is a process which has been used by the company in order to identify the benefits of decisions or actions subtract the cost related with taking such actions. It identified intangible benefits and effects from such actions and decisions on employees and customer satisfaction. The manager of the company applied cost benefit analysis in order to identify the cost and revenue generated from the new project, through the outcome of such analysis it can easily be identified that whether the company should pursue next project.


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