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Reflection on Business, Society and Planet Assignment Help

Write a Reflective essay on sustainability on economics, business and environment. What is the current status, what changes might be needed to facilitate better outreach of the objectives?

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Sustainability is all about meeting the needs of the people at present, without compromising the capacities of the future generations to meet their necessities in future. Sustainability traditionally do address three main pillars in the mankind progression, the economics or business domain, the social conditions and the social trends and finally the environment or implications to the planet. Each of these three pillars of sustainability, need to be integrated towards the commonly identified broad objectives, to enable the world to move towards its ultimate goals of sustainability. In any case, the effectiveness of the commitment of the mankind to enforce the planned objectives and to realize the outcomes predicted will define the degree of compliance with sustainability. The following part of the write-up wraps the measures of sustainability in the domains of the business (Economics), society and Planet (environmental) taking place at present on global scale and will do a reflective analysis of the same.

Sustainability in Business (Economics)

Economic sustainability is one of the key pillars of the sustainability at present. Economic sustainability do refer to the particular type of conditions where in the businesses are assured of making profit certainly and further there is also considerable scope for business operations to enable profit for the organization, while not involving into any type of impact over the social or the environmental aspects of the society in general. So it is contained in some sort of responsibility in the organizations, where in the business operations will confine themselves into just confining to those measures which will not create any type of negative impact over the local environment, community, society or even economy of the neighbourhood. Specifically the business will be specifically confining to the triple bottom-line (Al-haddi, 2015) and will promote progressive environmental and human rights policies. However still as per the contemporary pace of sustainability practices seen into the society, there is scope for both appreciation as well there is also scope to recognize the need for further intensifying the efforts of the sustainability. It is appreciable in the sense there are several organizational throughout the globe has become part of this magnanimous paradigm shift towards benevolence for mankind through sustainability in Corporate social responsibility initiatives (Crane et al., 2019). Ofcourse there are few federal government policies encouraging this shift and initiatives of the organizations, but still there is much to do for the organizations to promote themselves in this direction. Each and every company need to make it part of their vision and mission to commit for sustainability comprehensively. Differences in commitment on large scale will not contribute for a change on mega scale. It should be the case for both the public and private organizations as well. Further sustainable business promotion need to be included with trained hands to make the procedures and processes more effective and to benchmark the same with similar global standards. Only such effective measures can accelerate and efforts of the mankind towards sustainability. Further, sustainability can be seen as something that can be achieved with consistent, intense and effective initiatives. Only outcomes of such sustainability practices do meet the objectives of the measures. Half-hearted and incomplete attempts of the organizations towards sustainability cannot yield commendable results and also the practice needs to be extended for entire organizations on the planet. Such a change can be achieved by integrated attempts of both the policies and the voluntary commitment of the people as well.

Sustainability in Society

Sustainability in society is contained in promoting the sustainability in the neighbourhood. It can be enabled and practiced by almost all organizations and all stakeholders in general. Sustainability in society consists in two parts, the first developing the knowledge and awareness of the sustainability in the society and the second is making each and every stakeholder of the society as a valuable partner in promoting sustainability . There is something for everyone in the society to enable sustainability. Typical knowledge and experience sharing will contribute for promoting sustainability in the society. Sustainability can be achieved by social cohesion and by integrating the actions towards identified society level sustainable objectives (Eizenberge and Jabareen,2017). A critical insight into the societal sustainability, can be reflected in few deficiencies at present. There is commitment and practices of sustainability occurring in the society at present, but the wide spread practice of the same is limited. Typical activities based on cultural promotion need to widen their scope of coverage much larger. They can include social issues like social justice, inequality, poverty, democracy, migration, human rights, gender discrimination Etc. Also there should be more room for participation, members of society should be facilitate more for participation and interrelating themselves with other partners of the society from entire globe. Such collaborative, ideal and pragmatic approach is the only approach to attain broader and wider objectives of sustainability (Pestchow et al., 2017).

Ecological sustainability

Sustainability for environmental needs is another important aspect for sustenance promotion. The actions of each and every stakeholders of the planet need to be aligned and synchronized to make the planet a better place to live on. There are committed environmental policies being seen in theory and practice as applied by a diverse range of organizations in the society. However still the applicability of the same is limited and there is need for broadening the adaption of the same. More and more organizations from all corners of the planet should get integrated into participation of the environmental sustainable practices. Further there is need for the stakeholders to share their expertise, and experiences in moving towards more ecologically sustainable planet. Collective efforts and collaboration (Chin et al, 2015) for a better change is the most wanted and significant change that can be anticipated at present in this direction. Ecological sustainability can be enforced, encouraged and monitored, however a global consciousness for a change and recognition of urgency do make the difference in adopting and realizing this objective in reality (Kiron et al., 2015).


Sustainability and its three pillars of business (economics), society and Planet (Ecology) are discussed in the context of current pace of progression. It is very much evident that there is need for both the change in the pace and breadth of compliance with sustainability. Self-Reflection based on critical insight and emphasis is presented towards collaboration and participatory progression, which can be an impactive driver of change to enable the identified objectives of sustainability.

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