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Contemporary Issues in Global Tourism Assignment Help

This assessment is designed to get you researching and thinking critically about contemporary global issues in tourism, and prepare a script which will be the basis of a presentation.

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Slide 1: Introduction

Tourism on a global scale is one of those service industries that constitutes various elements, which are both tangible as well as intangible. There are several contemporary issues that influence global terrorism, such as tourism crisis and crisis management, climate change and sustainability, and health risks, and I shall be discussing these over the next few slides.

Slide 2: Contemporary issue 1 - Crisis management

Crisis management in tourism basically refers to the plans, measures and manuals that are used to promptly respond to any issue such as natural disasters or security threats, with the intent of minimizing the negative consequences and impacts on the tourists. Usually, tourist destinations and agencies that are well-prepared, are the ones that have appropriate action plans in place for such emergencies, including post-disaster recovery methods. In order to be better equipped with the means to tackle the disasters ad unforeseen events, it is necessary to encourage a collaboration between private and public entities for successful crisis management.

Slide 3: Crisis management

Liu, Pennington-Gray and Krieger (2016) have documented that the manner in which the media portrays a certain crisis is extremely influential in terms of dictating the crisis management techniques, along with the level of threat that is being perceived among the tourists. Although this research was limited to cruise tourism, I think we would all agree that this conclusion is applicable for the entire tourism industry on a global scale. Thus, I would like to state that communication is an important factor when it comes to the management of any crisis in tourism.

Slide 4: Crisis management(contd.)

Gurtner (2016) talks about terrorism, which is a major crisis that has been affecting global tourism in numerous countries. Due to the increase in the chances of such hazards, many tourist destinations, such as Bali in South-east Asia, are taking steps to develop strategies that are more holistic in nature and thus have the capacity to tackle and counter these threats. While I do agree that terrorism doe not affect just the tourism industry alone, it would be rather foolish to ignore its impacts, asBuigut (2019) has reported thateconomies such as Kenya have suffered a loss of over a million US dollars due to this issue.

Slide 5: Contemporary issue 2 - Sustainability

Now, we will take a look at how changes in global climate and the earth's ecosystems have affected the tourism industry. It is necessary to make tourism a sustainable process by making the best possible use of the available resources, in addition to ensuring that the operations can be sustained for a long period of time, thereby determining the economic viability of the destination. In terms of sustainability, it is also necessary that the tourists respect the host communities and do not indulge in actions that would otherwise harm their ethnic beliefs or practices but instead benefit them as much as possible.

Slide 6: Sustainability

Mathew and Sreejesh (2017) have published a study that researches the impacts of sustainable tourism on the local communities. They concluded that being sustainable has major impacts on the life of the people residing in the tourist spots. Thus, I think it would be safe to say that there is a very strong relationship between the quality of recreation, and the standard of life that the residents have in those areas. The increase in the incidence of tourism on a global scale has put a lot of pressure on these communities, and in case the benefits these local communities receive from the outsiders diminish, there are chances that they would develop a negative attitude towards them.

Slide 7: Sustainability(contd.)

Canavan (2016) also shares more or less the same opinion in this regard; when the host-guest relationship is a positive one, there are beneficial impacts in terms of multiculturalism and mutual learning. The tourism industry suffers when there is little or no involvement of the local stakeholders, since the primary goal of any tourist is to learn about a new culture from a new perspective, which is possible only when there is an appropriate exchange of values and information between the guest and the host communities.

Slide 8: Contemporary issue 3 - Health risks

And now, we have come to the third and the last issue that I shall be discussing in this presentation - the health risks of the tourism industry. This is a major issue that affects global tourism, and although many countries do their best to avoid the insurgence of disease-carrying pathogens by having strict immunization requirements, the attempts are often ineffective. For instance, tourists often indulge in intensive sports and activities such as mountain-climbing and other activities that make them prone to injuries, thereby increasing the risk of contamination through blood.

Slide 9: Health risks

Donohoe, Pennington-Gray and Omodior (2015) identify Lyme disease as a major health risk that spreads across continents, tourism being the primary mode of transference of the pathogens. The authors have discussed that it is important for the national authorities to supply the tourists with guidebooks on how to handle the risks of dangerous diseases, especially those that are infectious or even vector-borne in nature. More often than not, there are no vaccinations or drugs available for the treatment of these diseases, which further threatens the future of the global tourism industry.

Slide 10: Health risks(contd.)

Hall (2015) identifies tourism as being one of the major threats to the health of not just the environment but also the people. The rate of biological exchange all over the world has increased manifold, which has also affected the sustainability of tourism practices.

The author has further stated three major factors that influence this risk -

- The mingling of tourists with people living in a rural area

- Increase in the contact between wildlife and humans

- Increase in the risk of contracting infections from local areas.

Thus, I feel that while many countries have public health initiatives to protect the tourists, it is practically impossible to actually avoid the contact between foreign and local communities that might be susceptible to an infectious disease, mostly due to the availability, acceptability as well as the variable nature of these plans.

Slide 11: Conclusion

Thus, to conclude this presentation, I would like to state that the issues that I have identified, have the capacity to influence the working of the tourism industry in the future. Disasters and security threats will always affect the level of tourist influx, while the industry has to continually find ways to carry its operations in a sustainable manner, not only for the environment but also for public health.

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