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Training Evaluation Assignment Help

case study 10.2 evaluating a possible change in training methods at Te

1. At which of Hamblin''s (1974) levels was evaluation taking place in this study? Give reasons for your answer.

2. Which Strategies were adopted in this study?

3. What were the benefits of adding a longitudinal dimension to this evaluation?

4. What benefits do you think were gained from using multiple methods of data collection?

5.Why do you believe an evaluation research rather than an action research approach was adopted

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Hamblin’s level of evaluation: 

Hamblin in his training evaluation model has proposed five different levels which are of use in assessing the final outcomes of the training model.  The first level is reaction level,  where in the reaction of the learner will be evaluated once after getting exposed to the actual course, the second level is the learning evaluation where in the knowledge, skills and attitude of the learner will be evaluated once after provided with necessary training and exposure to the course programme. The third level of evaluation is the evaluation of the job behaviour, where in the job performance of the leaner after completing the course and the training will be evaluated. The next level is about the organizational functioning where in the organizational functionality as result of the training programme will be evaluated. The last level is the ultimate value addition evaluation to the organization, which comprehensively covers the organizational outcomes directly as a result of the training programme. In the current case of training and evaluation model, Tele sales Incorporated training programme for Tele sales and manner is evaluated for the job performance, i.e., the third level of Hamblin’s model for the sake of making comparison among different stakeholders participating in the training programme. Specifically the training evaluation of the CBT based training programme in group as well as in Individual levels is compared with those who undergone training with traditional facilitation model. Also, the performance levels of the control groups were investigated and evaluated as part of this model operation and execution. The key observations in the decision making process contained in evaluation of performance immediately after the completion of the training session and comparing the same after lapse of certain time as well(About 6 months of duration) after the traning programme. This indicates that the evaluation is mainly based on the level 3 of the Hanblin’s model(Biswas,2018), the job performance, rest of the levels are not considered much in taking decisions regarding the training evaluation in the current context. Hence the level 3 of the Hanbin’s, model (Chowhdary and Sharma, 2019) is the key aspect considered in the training evaluation of the Tele sales Incorporated.

Strategies adopted in the current exercise: 

1) At the outset, the objectives of the training evaluation are set, i.e., to find the most effective and appropriate training model for the current organizational requirements and for the current employee work group working in the organization. 

2) In this connection, at the outset, the employees are selected in random and arranged in few groups (each of about 30) in different type of training session programme. Two of the training sessions are based on CBT(Computer based training) at individual level as well  at the groups level. Other one is in the traditional facilitator based training group. One more training group, control group is also prepared in the organization for the sake of cross verification regarding the impact of factors other than training in shaping the performance and to draw implications on the training model.

3) For collecting information on the performance during the training process as well in the aftermath of the training programme, set of questionnaire as well as observation based data collection methods were employed. 

4) The rationale of employing such diverse data collection tools are multifold, the first principle of the strategy is to collect as much information as possible from the employee (learner) secondly to make observations from the practical working on the job. Thirdly the findings are made as reliable as possible by employing appropriate statistical and quantitative methodologies(Nardi,2018) to create models that are valid and potent enough to bring insights which are dependable.

5) The next concern in the strategy is to find the job performance on long term perspectives. Investigation of the performance of the employees after certain time elapse and implications of the training and the sustenance and relevance of the same for job performance is evaluated from these findings taken after certain time lapse.

6) Finally the most significant part of the evaluation strategy is to compare the findings from each of these training models on a single framework and to compare the findings to identify the best model of the training.

7) Hence the strategy employed in the current case is a comprehensive model that can work well to find the right option based on the selected objectives of evaluation of training. The findings are validated and reliability of the same is quantified by employing statistical means of data evaluation.  So the strategy employed is based on reliability as well is based on realistic evaluation of training effectiveness, without giving any bias by keeping the population as randomly distributed as possible.

Advantage of employing longitudinal dimension to the training evaluation:

The current training programme evaluation is being carried out to estimate the comprehensive aptitude of the models described in the case. Each of these training models is evaluated for their effectiveness on long run as well as for sustenance with time. This way the findings can be made not just implicative of the findings immediately after completing the training model, rather they can be considered for their effectiveness in operation and impact over the performance with time. Since longitudinal dimension will enable the testing with several factors that can decide the effectiveness of the training model in a set of duration of time, the findings can evaluate the real potential of the each of the training model in relative framework.   The actual job conditions and probability of variation of the same with time are some of the concerns that can impact seriously the training models and their effectiveness. Hence including the evaluation of the job performance immediately after the completion of the programme as well after elapse of certain time will enable the researchers to find the relative and true potentials of each of the training programmes identified in the current context. Such strategy is more likely to provide more reliable and right fit solutions to the organizational requirements. Also considering the nature of the operations of Telesales incorporation and the dynamic challenges the employees do face on job, a model of evaluation with inherent longitudinal dimension can provide more reliable and more dependable insights into the employee job performance at conditions which may change with time and correlation of these performance characteristics with training models employed in the due course of training exercise. This is the sole reason for considering the longitudinal dimension to the training evaluation in the current case(Little et al.,2015). 

Multiple methods of data collection:

In the current exercise multiple methods of data collection are employed to screen out the probability of errors in the data collection process. As there are multiple methods employed, it is more likely to get accurate findings. Bothe reflections of the learners about the learning exercise, before, during and aftermath of the training programme will provide comprehensive account of their observation and experience of the training programme. Same is the rationale in evaluating the job performance from multiple aspects, when there is evaluation of the job performance done from multiple aspects it is more likely to get  the true performance of employees in connection with the training programme provided to them. Further,  as the results are made after elapse of certain time, the effectiveness of the training programme is made to get evaluated more realistically and after testing the same with diverse factors that aroused with time. To summarize multiple data collection methods offer unique advantage of mitigating the inaccuracies due to errors and to make the findings more reliable as well. More number of data elements will increase statistical significance of the findings in the quantitative methods and hence more emphasis is provided for the same(Padgett,2016). 

Evaluation research and Action research

In the current case there is clear evidence that the research is contained in evaluating the actual evaluation of four training models proposed in the context. Evaluation is done for the job performance for naturally occurring action challenges as a part of the job functionality. The findings are just based on the evaluation of the performance outcomes for different training models without any conisation to the actual factors of challenges occurring in the job functionality. In an action research based programme, a set of structured actions may be applied to find the corresponding outcomes from the subject. However such a process is not taken up in the current context and it is totally an evaluation research and there is no inclusion of action research case analysis.  Based on the research procedures employed as well based on the data collection methods employed as well as based on the data analysis techniques employed in the current case, it can be vehemently indicated that the current case is an evaluation research exercise rather than an action research programme (Bradbury, 2015). 

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