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Socioeconomic Status Assignment Help

- What does socioeconomic status mean to you?

- What do you perceive your status to be at this time? What was the status of your family when you were a child?

- How did socioeconomic status impact your educational experiences in elementary school, high school, and beyond?

- How did factors of ethnicity and gender enter into your experience and life choices?

- How does your experience compare to that of your siblings, your friends, or to others in the neighborhood(s) in which you grew up?

- How do these socioeconomic variables contribute to who you are today?

- Do you feel you would be a different person if any or all of these variables were changed?

- Which variables and specific events in your life resulted in your decision to work in health care?

- How can understanding the impact of SES on your personal life help you better understand the lifestyle and healthcare choices made by your patients?

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Socio-economic status makes up a very crucial part in shaping the life, relations and other key aspects of one's life in general. The following report is a self-reflection based on experiences in life in first hand. The implications of the socio-economic status and the significance of the same are mentioned in the following part of the write-up.


I am a black girl came to the United States of America from the western part of Africa at the age of 17. I came here for the continuation of my education. It is a great life change for me. I am actually from a modest family and came to the United States of America the happening country of the world. Further my family background also something unique, I am the only child from my mother but one in five from my dad side. This unique parental combination also provided me modest support from family and mostly it happened me to face the world only from my perspective and all my experiences are unique and I felt that they have something to do with me mostly.

My experiences:

It is a hard-learned lesson for me in life that the social status is very significant in life and it is very much required for people keep up a decent social status for getting a reasonable recognition in life. Several factors impact a person status in life, for me, the key factors that played a role in deciding my social status include, my race, being black, my nationality, also my parental status and economic position of myself. Mostly they are at the negative side, I did not get any born advantage in United states unlike my other white counterparts, who are only children of their family and economically also mostly satisfactory. The emotional, social and economic satisfaction and privileges they are getting in life often used to make me the envy of them.

Modesty in family life also is a somewhat different aspect, which made me struggle to cope up with. There are some high-class families in my childhood life and schooling times, who have a different outlook towards life and society, also deal with them differently.

When it comes to other life experiences and practices like health care, our modest family do have a different attitude towards health care. We believe mostly the orthodoxical traditions in health care. There is a considerable influence of social practices of the community in West Africa on my family as well as on myself too. Our family believed in spiritual healing and its power in line with modern health care. For most of the common ailments, there are instances where they succumb to spiritual healing and other herbal healing. Also only after coming to the United States of America, I got more exposed to life care practices being practiced here. Also the services and provisions available for eligible migrants like me in the country. Government-sponsored Medicare, Medicaid, etc increased my vision towards the health care and all this broadened my vision towards quality health care and the implications of better health care and the necessity of the same. Also typical initiatives of the government and other concerned bodies for the welfare of the state and how crucial it is for wellbeing, recognized by me, after coming to United states only and getting exposed to health care practices.

In any case, my childhood experiences of being caring, being attentive and compassionate towards each other in the family learned from my mother and this might be one of the reasons for me to develop interests in the health care profession. Also recognizing the need for health care in the society and need for the wellbeing of people in the society as well in the family developed for me a passion to upgrade my health care skills and knowledge. Adding to that is the fact there is no qualified health care professional in my family and this made me develop a special interest in the profession which contributed for me to improve myself in this direction.

Socio-economic status is one important aspect of life that forced me to recognize the significance of the same. Only when a person is socially respectful and having a good economic position, he will grab the attention and value in society. His wording will be given value for and he will be given respect for his values. These attitudes shaped my personality as well. I felt that both social status and economic stability can be achieved from a profession in health care. Social respect and significance can be attained by the profession and also economic good being can be achieved with better returns from the profession. These are some of the perspectives that provided me a special interest in the health care profession.

Several areas of western Africa are highly impacted by the lack of health care facilities, I have some relations serious impacted due to lack of health care facilities. There are is no proper maternity care, no proper hygiene and widespread of serious viruses and diseases quite common in western Africa. An inherent drive to something good for my society seeded a deep interest for me to move towards the health care profession.

In recent years one of my good friends got affected with cancer and was dead at a very young age. This should have been averted if there is proper care for the same as in several other parts of the world. If I could not rectify the disease, at least would have provided the right advice at the right time, which should have provided a life for my friend. Lack of knowledge of my friend's family has lead to this unfortunate incident. My special interest in health care got consolidated with these experiences.

Socio-economic status is highly impactful over the health of individuals both psychologically and physically too. Only those patients who do have good economic statuses will able to manage their health care and can able to grab good health for themselves and loved ones. SES is an important factor in life. I do have first-hand exposure to that from my own life as well by witnessing the society in my country as well as in the United States. Those with good resources can take care of themselves, who do not, cannot attain good health.

From my unique and first-hand experiences in life, I witnessed the significance of SES and its implications to life. Apart from consolidating my own SES, I believed that I can do good for society and for people who are not well off socio-economically like others by taking up a profession in health care. Exposure to hard conditions and a multitude of social lives made me sufficiently mature now to discharge my duties towards society.

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