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Role of Social Workers Assignment Help

How are social problems defined or viewed by society in relation to this population?

How are social justice issues framed in relation to this population?

What do social workers do when working with this population (this is a micro system perspective)?

Explain and evaluate:

How do they assess needs, engage clients, and design and deliver interventions?

How do they validate their processes and practices (how do they know their interventions work)?

How do social beliefs influence the way this group or population is viewed and supported by the social

work profession? (This is a macro system perspective.)

What is your appraisal of the relationship between the philosophical intentions of social work, the United

States mindset regarding this population, and society in general?

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The perspectives over the position of people with mental illness have been a question and have varied from one community to the other. Mental Illness includes every health condition which involves changes in the behavior, emotions or thinking and is generally problems in the functioning in day-to-day life. According to a study of 2017, around 13% of the world's population suffered from any kind of mental problem, with 3.76% of people with anxiety disorders and 3.44% with depression (Hannah, Max, 2018).

The treatment by Society

Roeher observed the treatment and social perceptions towards people with disabilities by other people and noticed that this treatment is neither of similar kind everywhere nor fixed. Previously around 16th century Luther and John Calvin, both Christians indicated that these mentally ill people are possessed by evil spirits and thus, were subjected to physical and mental pain for exorcism purposes. Around the 19th century, the people who supported social Darwinism asked to stop aid for the poor and handicapped people when they put more emphasis on ways in which these mentally unfit people limit the process of natural selection and will slow down the natural selection of people which are fit for progeny. With time, Mentally Disabled people have been able to gain a slightly better position in society, many changes in the management and for the treatment for the disabled peoples have been done.

However, many patients have to cope with their health issues as well as the issue of social exclusion. This has been observed that society doesn't treat people with mental illness such as depression, schizophrenia any different than slaves. In fact, health care professionals do not always treat people with mental illness with dignity and even the psychiatrist also expresses reduced willingness to have any sort of contact with these people. (Rossler,2016). Currently,

many magazines and newspapers have created mental and health sections that try to increase awareness among people. Magazines like Psychology today has even helped to make people understand the psychological and mental health issues for so many Americans (Borinstein, 1992).

Mental Illness- Social Justice Issue

According to a study by National Alliance on Mental Illness, 46.6 million adults of the United States have experienced mental illness during a year and every one in five people the age of 13 to 18 experiences mental disorders at least once during these years. The mentally-ill people are not treated appropriately and this requires the necessity of norms and social justice for these people. They also should be treated equal to other people and the privileges of these people should also be maintained (Ailbhe Finn, 2017). Social justice for these people will work in such a way that it will make their lives better and can live a normal, healthy life.

Some evidences show that treating mental illness as a health problem will trigger social stigma and will make the situations even worse. There is a need for appropriate care on a community basis and holistic solutions which also considers social, economic and other factors.

Role of Social Workers in Mental Health

The social workers who are trained clinically make the nation's largest group of people who provide services of mental health. These workers are highly trained and are professional which work to improve the quality of life of these people through various practices which include research, organizing the community, advocacy, and various educational programs. These people work in the favor of social justice and help in various fields including poverty, unemployment, disabilities and in our case mental illness.

Minor Social Work

The social workers at this level usually engage with the individual or families to solve the problems. These social workers stay in contact with the families of the mentally-ill people for discussing the care of their patients. If the person is involved in any sort of procedure that is legal than the social workers perform a role by gathering information. The psychiatric social workers could also be an employee of outpatient centers that work with juveniles and adults where they psychotherapy assessments, helps in the education of patients and their families.

Macro Social Work

The social service workers help their clients by intervening on a large ground such as to make changes in the health care laws, and also by organizing activist groups which operate state- wide for making social changes. It is the difference between who works at a large level and the psychiatric therapies which deal with patients individually. They work for changing the experiences that mentally-ill people suffer at a micro-level.

Public Stigma in US

The public stigma can be defined as the attitudes of negative people and their beliefs which motivate the people to reject and avoid mentally-ill people. It also results in discrimination and the reduced autonomy of mentally-ill people. It is widespread among children and adults in the US. The beliefs of people worldwide are not homogeneous or static and depends upon the culture of the society in which it is observed (Parcesepe, Cabassa, 2013).


Social Workers are helpful to the families in trying to improve their relationships and to support them when they are either ill, going through a divorce or any other issues. The work of them includes the counselling of people, including the help they give to identify the problems, set goals and then are able to find solutions for their problems. Also, if there is any sort of abuse whether physical or mental, they can also plead for legal actions that needs to be taken in the court. They help in facilitating communication among family members and trying to resolve the issues of them individually.

Children can barely defend themselves from situations that harm them, social workers help in letting them live a good life and avoiding the living situations that are negative for them.

Many foster care systems are made all around the world which focus on assessing the living conditions for children and helps in increasing their welfare. They are responsible for finding out any allegations of abuse, maltreatment or neglect against children, and can also help single parent to gain the benefits of government assistance programs.


With the change in the structure of the family changes overtime, so does the problem faced by the families. The new issues include the divorce and remarriages of people and also members of a family which take legal actions against each other. The American people view the families as a nuclear family where the extended families lives separately. The last 50 years has seen a tremendous rise in the divorce rates, cohabitation and not marriages, and also families have both gays and heterosexuals. The changes in the family structure has opened social work to tackle with more social issues and has also increased the level at which these social workers work. With time, social workers need find solution for various problems that happen in a family and with children. The family issues and the problems with children have increased overtime

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