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Emergence of Sport Globally Assignment Help

How sport has changed globally over the past 25 years and what sport managers need to do to adapt to these changes. 

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How sport has changed on global level in the Past 25 Years.

Sports have always been the center point to bring every soul together, from different countries and continents. The various levels of the different genres of games worldwide in the global scenario has undergone a drastic change in the last 25 years, making it one of the most attractive way for not only living but encouraging many around the lives of the athletes who have helped in bringing these changes.

Way back if time is reversed, it would be seen that athletes then had very less chances to show their abilities and the training and facilities were just limited making it very hard for them to survive (Howe, & Silva, 2018). Now all the players are not only living their passion in sport games but also making good career for their future. Nonetheless, earlier, all the equality among the men and women athletes was just nil which has drastically saved by the several amendment in the sport laws and international laws and regulation. It is found that more preferences were given to men dominated sports as they were known to be making much difference than their female counterparts. This has shown the drastic changes in the sport games and allowed international players to come and strengthen the brotherhood beyond their national boundaries (García-Pallarés, et al. 2009).

Earlier the training and the health and nutrition of the athletes were not given much preference. With very limited funds these athletes few of whom came from really needy families had to struggle for their own survival, although being the best in their field of work. Globally many countries lacked the true spirit of the sportsmanship and failed to give the needed requirements to their athletes which turned in many failures during big games all over the world. Only few spirits were given importance like the cricket, football and hockey. These three were the main money cashing and glamorous spirits known to people around the world 25 years back (Jonasson, & Thiborg, 2010).
Sport manager's needs to make following efforts to adapt with these changes

There were fewer stadiums and lesser training grounds. But with time and understanding now the scenario after 25 years has changed bring a 360 degree overall positive growth of different forms of sports around the globe. The stadiums have the modern technology lighting systems, which enables for night sports much better to view. Now the athletes get many training and support systems like good trainers, food, nutrition and even jobs on the sports quotas around the world. Equality is now prevailed among both the female and the male athletes without any form of discrimination. Now different genres of sports are highlighted which were a part of the ancient history of the countries around the globe, bringing the old sportsman sprit back into people again. There are appointed health trainers and doctors for the athletes who are always screening and making the life of these sports person much easier (Adcroft, & Teckman, 2009).

In conclusion it can be predicted that in the coming years with these positive and up front changes the sports scenario would be much better and successful. But to make it more precise the managers who re taking care of these athletes have bring more flexible changes in their routines like being more forward and open minded, adjusting to the changes according to the time and scenario. Making their clients more sports centric than just to make them a money making machine. Too much stress of wining can bring the life condition of the athletes down, so it depends on their managers to make this stress lessen and clear their paths with much support and helping them to bring out their potentials to the most (García-Pallarés, García-Fernández, Sánchez-Medina, &Izquierdo, 2010).

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