Resource Management Assignment Help
Part A – Introduction to the concept of resource management (45 marks) Compile an infographic poster to explain the concept of resource management. The target audience is a group of Year 12 students visiting your university. There are multiple resources on the web on what infographics are, how to compile an infographic poster and what software you can use.
Part B – Introduction to environmental impact assessment (110 marks) Go to the website of the Queensland Department of State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning and click on the Coordinated Project process tab on the left-hand side of the page. Select any of the Completed Projects that are listed.
Part C – Land resource surveys and evaluation (25 marks) Explain in a three-minute video recording how we make use of land resource surveys and evaluation as part of EIA and a resource management strategy
Part D – Reflection (20 marks) Write a professional reflection of 200-300 words on the assignment and your execution thereof. Please note that a reflection is not a conclusion, and your reflection should hence not make concluding remarks to any of the parts of the assignment.
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Part A- Introduction to the Concept of Resource Management

Part B- Introduction to Environmental Impact Assessment
Resource management is a process, which helps in making the proper allocation of the available options. The management process includes an adequate understanding of the matters and then deciding the distribution of the possible and potential resource. The management process needs to be monitored with proficiency to minimise the threats of having a significant problem. The management requires expert knowledge of what should be included in a resource management team. The issues associated with proper kind of resource management include lack of knowledge and in the following part, the problems related to lack of knowledge is going to be minimised with proficiency.The Airport link project is an extended road system involving subversive toll roads and developed structure, to join "Brisbane's northern arterials of Gympie Road at Kedron and Sandgate Road and the east-west arterial at Toombul, to the Inner-City Bypass and North-South Bypass Tunnel at Bowen Hills". The state government contracted with Bris Connections to design the graph, commission, finance, operate and preserve Airport Link for around forty-five years. On the other hand, "State-owned City North Infrastructure Pty Ltd" offers various administration services associated with the agreement among the Bris Connections and the Government (, 2019). This project has been taken into consideration for building two separate tunnels that will be situated parallel to north and south in each direction. Another two tubes towards east and west between Clayfield and Kedron will be developed. It has been reported that higher structures and connections around Enoggera Creek, connecting the principalchannels in Windsor along with the Inner-City main road and the superficial road could be established through this project.

This project has been recognised as one of the most critical strategic transport elements of the motorway-standard road networks. This project is a part of a strategic move to develop the effectivity of Brisbane's road connecting system, reliable with transport plans and objectives of the Queensland Government.
The detailed description of the EIS procedure
The “Commonwealth Department of Environment and Heritage" was officially checked over the transfer of the plan under the "Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999" to identify whether this plan was a "measured action" underneath the act or not. The "Representative of the Commonwealth, Minister for the Environment and Heritage” was formally identified on 19 January 2006, which this plan constituted a “measured act” pursuant to section 75 of the “EPBC regulation” due to the possible location of spoil from the supposed channels at a site head-to-head to the eastern end of Schulz Canal (, 2019). From this project around 2.4 million cubic metres of moveable spoil would be dug from the tunnels and moved to several potential sites, involving places on or near the old Brisbane Airport. While the amount and rate of spoil manufacture and place for dispatch would differ depending upon the methods of excavating and building projects, this is important that removal of waste would need around 131,000 one-way trucks.
Different types of proformas have been received as per the EIS procedure. These are mainly related to the buildingstage. These concerns include air quality measurement due to possible dust nuisances, sound and quivering from the construction of tunnels, developed traffic problems and safety in the worksites as well as adjoining roads, loss of locally significant places and vegetation, and influence on local community facilities. After these types of proformas and concerns have been reported, the EIS programs made some points that can be maintained to minimise the side effects of the project. To minimised air quality and health risks, the EIS has taken dispersal method focussed on the aspect of airingopenings, jointly with a health risk evaluation because of ambient concentration levels projected by the means (, 2019). On the other hand, it has been found out that one of the critical objectives of this road project is to provide relief to narrow roads.
This is authoritative that critical undesirable influences are not disposed on other places of Brisbane's highway network, specifically on the point and departure transportations to the channels. Along with these aspects, this construction program proposal includes the elimination of some of the noise sources between 6.30 is to 6.30pm, Monday to Saturday. Some other special operations involve tunnelling around 24 hours each day, seven days per week. These are some of the efforts proposed and find out through the EIS survey that the project could impact and how to minimise its impact for a consecutive time (, 2019).
The principal purpose of the EMPs and EIS procedure is to make sure that accomplishment about the management of ecological impact is undertaken within time and in an efficient manner at the time of project construction work and operations of the tunnels. The EIS procedure is active and connected with the resource management approach of the project mentioned above as evaluation and identification of several impacts of the project will help project co-ordinators to adopt alternative ways and methods to minimise its effects. Taking and management of alternative approaches after understanding the reports by EIS will support the project coordinator to manage cost variables involved in the project. The cost variables in this Airport road linking project might develop after the EIS assessment consideration or might be minimised. Therefore, it is useful to re-module the entire project management plan only after considering impacts on the environment as well as on the community through and after this project.The above analysis provides details on the methods of conducting a land survey and how it helps in conducting environmental impact assessment (EIA). A transcript has been used to understand the discussion better. The above project looks deep into the airport connectivity problems. A construction project has been setup near the airport area to sort out the connectivity issues in the area. A couple of tunnels are being made, and the impact of the tube and other construction has been discussed.
Part C- Land Resource Survey and Evaluation
Person A- How we make use of land resource surveys?
Person B- To know that we need to look deep into the primary uses of land resources. Land use and land management make a straightforward impact on water, soil, nutrients, animals and many more. The purpose of land resource survey data is significant, especially in the 21st century. It can help the government as well as the locals to understand the environment very well which in terms can help to produce a better quality of crops, less wastage of resources, and many more. It can also assist in determining the salt level of water and water quality. The survey of natural resources provides the starting line data needed for effective development planning.
Person A- Now that we know the use of the land resource survey, we must now understand how the land resource survey is carried out, and what are the outcomes of land resource survey?
Person B- The land resource survey can be costly. Specifically, if the user of the data is not specified along with the method of uses, the practice of surveying can be defined in three different categories, and they are small, medium and large. Soil quality, air index quality and many more are taken into consideration for doing a complete survey. Depending on the landmass area, time consumption can vary.
The outcome of the survey shows the condition of the land area and overall environmental situations along with the available resources in the land. It shows the places suitable for cities, farming, mining and many more.
Person A- How we make use of land resource surveys and evaluation as part of EIA and a resource management strategy?
Person B- Since we have understood the use of the land resource survey, we must now know how it will be used in evaluating the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). However, we must first understand the outcomes of environmental impact assessment (EIA). EIA always helps with understanding and pointing out the bad environmental projects and assists in the prediction of significant adverse impacts(Baude et al., 2016). It also helps in pointing out mitigation measures to reduce, eliminate or offset significant has implications along with identifying feasible alternatives. Land resource survey keeps a complete record of all such thing that is needed for evaluating Environmental Impact Assessment. Since the report shows the number of available resources in the peace of land, it provides a clear idea on the optimum level of resources can be used and helps in dividing the funds for the betterment of the economy.
Part D- Reflection
The above discussion helped me to enhance my presentation skill and my evaluation skill. It gave me a new perspective to understand the use of resources in an economy. My attitude towards the use of natural resources has been deeply impacted. It provided a unique perspective to understand the environmental impact assessment, land resource survey and many more. It helped me to look close to the effect on the environment that are causing due to the misuse of natural resources and the level of impact it is causing to our economy.
The process of converting data into information took the right amount of time. Although I learned new methods of shorting data, I believe it is an area of improvement for me, and I am looking forward to work on this matter. My time management skills also need more enhancement. Managing time was a big problem for me since the beginning of the assignment. Connectivity issues near the airport have given me a differentperspectiveon the matter. It teaches me that change is needed despite how excellent the accommodations are. The population of the country means business but do not ignore the environmental effect due to the changes.
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