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Mission and Situation Analysis Assignment Help

Part 1:

- Choose a subject for your marketing plan that is directly related to the health care industry. You might choose a new product (a new replacement joint), a new service (TAVR non- invasive heart valve replacement), or a new business (a consulting firm to guide employers
through the Affordable Care Act changes). Please do not feel limited by these examples, but do select a subject that is clearly health care-related.

- Write a brief (1 or 2 paragraph) mission statement that answers the question "what business are we in?" It should identify a specific market or markets you intend to serve, and the benefits you believe are sought by those consumers.

Part 2:

- Conduct secondary research to locate the information necessary for the Situation &amp; Competitive Analysis of your marketing plan. You will find the ProQuest Research databases for Business in the PMI Library very helpful in this process. Be sure also to explore
government resources like the U.S. Census Bureau, non-governmental sources such as Pew Research and Nielsen, and trade associations like the American Hospital Association. It would not be unusual to use 15-20 credible sources in writing a Situation &amp; Competitive

- Write a 2-3 page analysis of the environment within which your product, service or business will be marketed. Please address all of these topics, citing facts and sources:

- Political/legal factors

- Economic factors

- Social and cultural factors

- Technology factors

- Competitive factors

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Part 1

In the current marketing plan, the company is looking forward to placing a new service of the company within the market. This means the company is trying to introduce a medical service which TAVR non- invasive heart valve replacement. This is a service in which the organization will heal the old or damaged valve of the heart through its replacement. In this, the problems of valve in the heart of the patient will be better through the use of proper healthcare service. It is important to look that the surgery is a new service which is being rendered by the company to its service needing stakeholders. It can be said that that there is an effective method of conducting the following medical treatment which will be followed in the company this will enthuse high quality of medical treatment of the company which will be rendered to the customer. The mission of the company is to make sure that the customer gets high-quality TAVR non- invasive heart valve replacement medical treatment which will ensure high health of the patient. This implies the organization is attempting to present a medicinal administration which TAVR non-intrusive heart valve substitution. This is an administration where the association will recuperate the old or harmed valve of the heart through its substitution. In this, the issues of the valve in the core of the patient will be better using legitimate social insurance administration. Look that the medical procedure is another administration which is being rendered by the organization to its administration needers. It tends to be said that that there is a viable technique for directing the accompanying medicinal treatment that will be followed in the organization this will enthuse high calibre of therapeutic treatment of the organization which will be rendered to the client (Kotler et al. 2015).

Part 2
In order to know the possible strategies and plan which would be implemented there is a requirement of analyzing the external environment of the firm to know the possible factors in the external factors, that may affect the operations of the firm in the market and they are as follows:

- Political/legal factors: Changes in political policies and government regulations may tend to affect the services of the firm in the country. This is because it will affect the regulations followed by the company in the healthcare sector affecting the overall service rendered by the firm (Wrenn and Mansfield, 2014).

- Economic factors: Healthcare sector heavily depends on economic conditions within the market. The economy helps people to get better healthcare service in the market although the cash crunch in the market affects the healthcare sector as well.

- Social and cultural factors: Social and cultural factors such as health care patterns and cultural barrier in the market affect the way people tend to use healthcare services. This may affect the firm's introduction of new services in the market.

- Technology factors: In the modern era technology has become an integral part of healthcare organization. Technological advancement will help in increasing the healthcare standards within the organization.

- Competitive factors: Market competition is increasing and very aggressive manner there are big brands in the market rendering health=care service which makes the competition within the market very high (Kotler et al. 2017).

Expected results
By looking at the marketing factors as well as the service description it can be said that the expected results for the current service will be positive in nature. The company is focused on rendering high-quality service which is needed by the customer in order to make sure that the medical treatment is properly provided. Hence it can be said that the following results can be positive in nature.

From the above research, it is concluded that the marketing plan regarding TAVR will be successful only if the organization is conducting a successful marketing plan regarding its organization. For the proper marketing plan, the organization has to make a proper strategic plan which will include the methods for rendering high-quality service and proper medical treatment. 'The organization is centred on rendering fantastic administration which is required by the client so as to ensure that the restorative treatment is appropriately given. Thus it tends to be said that the following results can be positive in nature. 

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