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ITECH7407 Real Time Analytics, Federation university, Australia


Main Objective: Nowadays the supermarket chain is booming, which indirectly creates the problem for the existing supermarkets. The customers want new things at reasonable rates, so the challenges have increased more for the supermarket like Walton. Walton is facing such lot problems. Walton is doing his business in 2-3 countries; the supermarket needs to do the business in such a way that it should satisfy the customer needs.

Walton needs to follow few strategies through which customer traffic should increase. Such as

1. Increase the customer footfall

2. Increase the product taken by the customers

3. Increase the Products sale

4. with certain fix margin (12%)

A firm called BIG which stands for Business Intelligence Group helps such supermarket to overcome the drawbacks and meet the current market goals. This helps to increase company growth and revenue. This work on four major factors. Such as

1. To grasp the business needs

2. To arrange the work of the company

3. To keep the key features of the company

4. To purchase consumer quality.

In this assignment, we are going to study the analyze of Walton Supermarket. For improving the company's performance this company is going to take help from McCarthy Business Intelligence solutions for designing and deploying the best business intelligence solutions for helping the company to achieve its goal. This report deals with the analysis which is done with the help of Walton's loyal customer's over 3 years.

Walton's supermarket is a very large supermarket. This market is situated in the USA which is chain based. These supermarkets also do retail in Canada and Mexico. This supermarket is so big that it has retail operations over 33 cities, it covers 3 countries.

Now a day's Aldi is its main competitor in business. Walton's is facing so many new challenges related to sales. Previously Walton's was the best supermarket with the strong selling rate. But now due to a strong competitor, its faking is decreasing. Walton's needs to develop a new strategy to be in the market and for uplifting its market shares.

Walton's understand that for making future strategies we need to build strong business solutions. For achieving business goals. This will help the company by the clear sight of their opportunities risks, targeted actions, etc. For delivering BI solutions they are going to take help from MBI m who provides the best BI solutions.

Following are the key factors that the company want to achieve with the help of MBI

• Provision of sales visibility to the executive team of Walton's.

• For improving business outputs, provide insight into drivers of performance.

• Customer's behaviour of buying

• Strategic sections.

Customers case study: The high demanding environment of supermarkets will give an idea about the loopholes of Walton market by Business intelligence

Our main focus to increase business growth.

Challenges related to Industry: The retail market is very fluctuating this creates challenges to the market. Customers need new things at a reasonable rate. To sustain in the market one need to keep the store completely updated.

Technological innovation: Technology has made everything very easy for customers. This helps to keep the customer updated and connected. Online shopping's fad has increased a lot this gives various options and range. Customer can see all the product range and variety by seating at a place. This also helps the vendor to gather the consumer database.

Consumer views: To understand the customer's requirement Walton has to work on their customers' requirements. The offers which will attract the consumer, coupons, discounts, wide range of products with whole sale rates. Such type of activities will encourage the consumer to prefer Walton supermarket when compared to another super market.

The high demanding environment of supermarkets will give an idea about the loopholes of Walton market by Business intelligence

Task 1: Background information

Write a description of the selected dataset and project, and its importance for your chosen company.


Overview: We want the Walton should meet the solutions given by Business intelligence. Firstly they should focus on financial improvement. This performance a very important role. This will change the Walton scenario, BIG has given such solutions that will help Walton to boom in the market.

Changing generation gives the technical support which helps in money saving, face the changing conditions of the market, follow government policies, rest business services and briefing of Walton business by IB.


Task 2: Perform Data Mining on data view.

Answer: BIG has identifies a few more areas which are not mentioned here but taking it preferably will work on it and provide the solution accordingly.

Such as:-

Human resource management

Production analysis

Consumer requirement and quality providing

Consumer buying behaviour

Operational study

Improving sales

Technological challenges

Our main focus to increase business growth.

Challenges related to Industry: The retail market is very fluctuating this creates challenges to the market. Customers need new things at a reasonable rate. To sustain in the market one need to keep the store completely updated.

Technological innovation: Technology has made everything very easy for customers. This helps to keep the customer updated and connected. Online shopping's fad has increased a lot this gives various options and range. Customer can see all the product range and variety by seating at a place. This also helps the vendor to gather the consumer database.

Consumer views: To understand the customer's requirement Walton has to work on their customers' requirements. The provides offers which will attract the consumer, coupons, discounts, wide range of products with wholesale rates. Such type of activities will encourage the consumer to prefer Walton supermarket when compared to another super market.

Task 3: i. Research: Justify why you chose thee BI reporting solution/dashboards/data mining technique and why those data sets attributes are present and laid out in the fashion you proposed.

ii. Recommendations for CEO: Justify why/how your proposal could assist in achieving operational/strategic objectives.


Intelligence business has understood the Walton requirement and provided the solutions accordingly. A provision of reporting to management will help to work smoothly. Cognos and Watson are the analytical solutions used to generate the report for the users. Such activity will help the end user to understand the mistakes and work on them for a company's growth.

Such a system will help to have a close look at each and every activity performed in the company automatically. Technology always helps manual corrections.

The use of Cognos will improve the company's standard, whereas Watson will help in easy access to the data. Similarly Agile prefer the company's business ethics fast and productive. It keeps a close look at the company's business.

Information of Consumers

The solutions are provided for all the levels such as

1. Senior management

2. Middle management

3. Operational staff

These levels will provide the solutions as per their requirements and will interact with the consumer

The rights are given according to the company hierarchy system. This type of working will make the company more productive.

Training will be provided by the BIG on handling the software to the Walton Company's user.

Data Transformation Notes

BIG does not have the consumer's complete database so the average is taken for the analysis on various parameters. This is not based on Uncle Sam program which helps to create a sample database. The final data receipt of Walton will show the relation between the bases of product cost an average cost of the industry.

Design Considerations

The idea of communication flow is mentioned below for the end user

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Objectives: the brief is mentioned for easy Understanding Walton supermarket credit. This will help to smooth functioning.

Information: A brief about data information is displayed for communication and charts are shown too. This helps to understand the concepts easily.

Interaction: Various elements have been used for easy access to the user. The charts are made readable and easy to understand with the use of filters. In order to see the relationships between the charts use of filters have done. Such elements are used for better communication.

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Corporate Performance Focus

Increase Revenue whilst retaining Gross Margin: This assignment is made in order to provide a better outcome for Walton supermarket. To get the analysis of company production few things need to understand which are 

1. Giving clear information

2. Clear vision

3. Learn and implement the market condition

Such activities will help to better future growth.


The given chart shows the complete proposed business plan by IB.BIG is working on each phase of the company to meet the expectations of the Walton and its users

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KPI's will help to see the visualize view of all the four focused areas of the company. This provides clear cut information. Every organization wants to increase the company's revenue. The important key factors are used such as revenue, gross margin, total transactions, average units sold per transition and average revenue per transitions. The front page is kept simple for easy access and five charts have been made.

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Financial Performance: This platform is made to study the financial gain of the company such as cost, revenue, and gross margin. The additional information from state and revenue and gross margin is referred. This page is used by the middle authority and the person handling financial matters.

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Sales platform gives a briefing about the sales done and its behaviour. This platform gives an overview of current sales values and upcoming behaviour. This provides the link between the generated revenue and how that revenue is generated from the buyer's point of view. This is been used by the marketing staff and the middle management who keeps watching on it.

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The dashboard gives us the details of the business done and the profit earned on it. We can also get information about different cities where the store has been launched.

A dashboard is used in Walton which reflects operational and analysis activities. This dashboard helps to design marketing strategies, to understand customer's behaviour and other activities.

A dashboard gives information about the important data to get the concept of the customer. In the Walton a board displaying the operational and analysis part. Strategically thinking helps to understand the customer. Here in this supermarket of Walton customers behaviour, an innovative method of advertising is followed. This is been used by the middle-level management and the staff using it customers experience is the key part here.

IMPROVING REVENUE PERFORMANCE: To improve the monetary condition is the main intention of Walton. As per the communication with the seniors, there are some areas which need to improve the performance such as

1. Increase the customer footfall

2. Increase the product taken by the customers

3. Increase the Products sale

4. with certain fix margin (12%)

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Revenue performance

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Increase customer visits: To increase the company's revenue it is very important to increase the customer's footfall. Customers visiting the store and online indirectly improve the revenue of the company. For new customers advertising, store display, website promotion are the activities to attract them. Walton needs to understand the customer; program will help to generate the database. This program helps to generate customer visit to store and analysis is done by BIG to help Walton supermarket.

Divide and rule is the policy which can help to target the new and existing customer. This is also called as segmented marketing. This helps to sell the products which are not in demand and can be sold with the most selling products by giving combo or discounts. Here Walton executes this segment marketing strategy for the areas which are weak. Walton has this golden opportunity to focus on the specific areas for the consumers need accordingly. Here through this case study, Walton will get options to develop the strategies according to the customers need. To get the inside out of the company BIG provides the data to study the customer need.

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Increase average units sold: A company's revenue increase when the per unit is sold. This is very important to the company to sell the product to multiple people for the first time use or repetitive. The product should be kept in the eye catchy places and in small sizes. So that customer need not think much to buy the products. Walton first needs to understand the buying behaviour of the customer; this is provided by a BIG dashboard. The below figure shows the average unit sold .this will help Walton for increasing the business.

Walton will have better business opportunity to generate revenue from such cities.

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Figure: Customer graph and filter by country and month

Increase average sale amount ($): This is one of the very important factors in business. As it is important to increase the customer's footfall it is equally important to increase the average sales too. Walton needs to understand customers buying behaviour. On what area they are spending, how much they are spending like that. This is studied by KPI dashboard. 

The product which is not in much demand needs a better display. Encouraging the customers to understand the similar product and provoke them to buy customers always want to buy the products which are lesser in price most of them. Walton can put offers and discounts on such products to motivate the customer to buy. This helps in increasing the average sales of the company.

Campaigning in the store is also one of the best ways to catch the customer, offering them a sample to taste or use can help the customer to understand the product as well and creates a good rap about the supermarket too.

Maintain a gross margin of 10%: To maintain the gross margin of 12% is an important part of this industry. Product location and customer's requirement contribute to gross margin. In order to overcome the business loss in any segment of the company, we need to maintain the gross margin. A dashboard of Walton will show the loss and gain of each category. This helps to cope with the loss their maintain the gross margin.

This kind of analysis will help to generate the various plans and activities required for better customer service.

The below figure reflects the graph of Walton gross margin who manages to maintain it throughout the year and year before that .this is very important for sustaining in the market. But as seen gross margin of a dollar is not maintained. Hence we can see and understand the gross margin is maintained and the dollar value is reduced.

Figure: Total Gross Margin ($) Trend)

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IMPLEMENTING IMPROVEMENTS: Walton supermarket has been provided with good solutions from BIG. And Walton has promised to implement it successfully. We personally feel that implementing the changes strategically will result in better solutions and Walton supermarket has started following it.

Task 5: Cover letter

Write a cover letter to the CEO of the chosen firm with the important data insights and recommendations to achieve operational/strategic objectives.

Answer: Cover letter


The Chief Officer

Subject: Analysis of dataset for Walton supermarket growth, revenue, sales etc.

Respected Sir,

This report deals with the analysis which is done with the help of Walton's loyal customer's over 3 years. This supermarket is so big that it has retail operations over 33 cities, it covers 3 countries.

We studied the following point

• Increase the customer footfall

• Increase the product taken by the customers

• Increase the Products sale

• With certain fix margin (12%)

Walton needs to understand the customer; program will help to generate the database. This program helps to generate customer visit to store and analysis is done by BIG to help Walton supermarket. Walton supermarket has been provided with good solutions from BIG. And Walton has promised to implement it successfully. We personally feel that implementing the changes strategically will result in better solutions and Walton supermarket has started following it.

I have recommendation, Walton supermarket has been provided with good solutions from BIG. And Walton has promised to implement it successfully. We personally feel that implementing the changes strategically will result in better solutions and Walton supermarket has started following it.


Mr. Sam


Conclusion: In this assignment, we have studied and performed analysis of Walton supermarket. Here, we have done an analysis of the customer. How much revenue for a supermarket for a month. What are the growth and financial performance of the supermarkets? This analysis provides insight into business growth and problem and provide different alternative and helps to decision making.

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