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COS70004 User-Centred Design, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia


Assignment Topic: ‘Exergames’ for the Elderly

Analyse software context of use (i.e., users, tasks and system environment) using a variety of models to identify user requirements.

Generic skills

Analysis skills

Communication skills

Purpose: In this assessment piece will give you the opportunity to develop the ability to find and make use of evidence from scholarly sources (i.e., academic literature). You will also need to understand and analyse an unfamiliar domain.

Your task is to briefly review the academic literature (i.e., papers published in academic journals) to determine the following:

• is there any evidence that ‘exergames’ are of benefit to the elderly?

• what are some of the challenges in designing an ‘exergame’ for the elderly?

Most importantly you will need to identify possible requirements and/or design guide- lines for the ‘exergame’ based on current literature.

Solution :


Executive summary

Social Exergames is capable of involving senior so that their physical activity can be increased and they can live semi independently as long as possible. Exergames are the games which can be played with remote control and it use motion sensors which needs player to move and it is very popular these days. Many of these games can be played by the senior citizen and this can help them in maintaining their health situation so that they can survive semi independently as long as possible. It is very difficult to exercise at home and it is also not possible to go out to participate in any training session for senior citizen. This creates many health issues in senior citizen people and also there is very less mode of entertainment Hernandez, J., Brox, E., Luque, L. and Evertsen, G. (2019). According to the re-habitation therapy maintaining physical and psychological health both are very important for old aged people and that’s why there is need of Exergames which help them to make social connection and also it can help to fight from their loneliness. In this report we have discussed how participation in Exergames can help to motivate them to do more exercise. Further author has focussed how Exergames can help to build physical health and mental health.


Game has become important and popular tool for education and health prevention. Video games not only entertain teenagers but also it help old aged people in entertainment and it enthusiasts them too. According to the recent interventions in the case of games and remote sensors they have analyzed that game with motion create interest in all aged people, where there is need of body movement for controlling the game. As a survey it is being noticed that lack of physical activity is one of the major reason for public health issues. If there is lack of physical activity it can be a reason for cardiac problem, cancer, obesity, and that affects all aged people.


There are many games developed now which has been designed to involve physical activity. Another part of development helps not only to increase physical activity but it also help to persuade users so that they can exercise more based on the physical activity. However, making important decision related to design process is not easy because targeting the audience is not possible. Exergames designed work on the concept of persuasive technology which not only involve people to play games but it also create effective communication between users so that they can get in touch with other users and they can be interested in enhancing their personal appearance. It can help to change attitude and behavior of the people Exergames Fitness | Powered by Motion Fitness. (2019). According to a survey it is found that old aged people do not involve much in physical activity task and that’s why they get sick and that made them feel loneliness. Senior citizen people lack their physical activity and they sit in their home rather than going organized training center and learning program.


More than this elderly people face other type of challenge too like motivation problem and senses motor skills. In old aged people creating communication is also difficult and also they feel several cognitive challenge for example slow information processing Tveter, N. (2019). Exergames can also be used to handle depression problem in old aged people and it create awareness in them. The hypothesis behind the development of Exergames is that it can help individual to motivate and persuade seniors so that they can exercise more and can be interested in helping other elderly for doing more physical activity rather than sitting at home. Addition of social factor makes this game more possible because they care about their online presence.

Research should target on group of people so that people having different characteristics and behavior can share their thoughts regarding Exergames which can help to build its hypothesis. Nintendo wii games has been analyzed in this report which can be used by old aged people. The Nintendo games can be used by old aged people in range of games like the wii fit balance sports, wii fit sports with the Wii fit notes. According to the different studies it is being observed that elderly are interested in playing different types of wii games and bowling has been considered as safe until the game is self paced which means player can take time whenever they need Hasselmann, V., Oesch, P., Fernandez-Luque, L. and Bachmann, S. (2019. However, elderly female players are allowed to choose their games based on their interest in these Exergames. They can choose game between tennis, boxing and sword fighting. Some people has said that playing WIii game is not easy and it require interest in player. However due to social connection they can be interested in playing such games. After analysis of Wii game it is observed that playing wii game has been liked by many people and that is good for social wellbeing of old aged people. While some has said the Wii game is too hard and it is not designed much for elderly it also got negative feedback from many of the users Tveter, N. (2019). However, there is also chances of falling out in Wii fit game rather than balancing narrowly in wii fit game.


There are other games too like Touchdown’s dance town fitness system which is Exergames which involved physical activity of users. It is better choice for elderly because it use camera to record the dancing activity. There is a dance mat and that tracks the movement of players it is better choice for elderly because of its functionality and ease of the use. Mr. De Bruin has studied the virtual analysis of playing this type of games and how motor control scheme can be interested for the players. They use dance pad so that they can train stepping. All these dancing game helps people to get more interested in doing physical activity that can even be played by elderly stroke people.

Social factor helps to make this game popular and Wii games and Exergames are connected with social connection so that they can create interest in player. But there is not possibility of playing Exergames together via internet. However, it is also being analyzed that elderly people do not quit soon the co playing activity in comparison to the new and young generation. Though it is also observed that online co playing is not much awarded in comparison to the physical co-playing.

When we talk about persuasion Exergames it is the process of deliberate communication in the users. By excessive and effective communication it helps people in enhancement of their physical activity and it helps in bringing positive change in the player. However beyond the limit of persuasion it is not much helpful because it make so many false promises and that cannot be true up to some extent. Persuasion technology is known as the technology which helps users to change their attitude because of social presence and social influence but it do not use deception and coercion. Though changes should be voluntarily accepted by the subjects.

It works greatly in motivating old aged people so that they do some kind of physical activity to become fit and strong. Nevertheless making elderly people change is a great challenge and that cannot be easy for anyone. If there is displaying information then that process can help to encourage old aged people. To maintain sedimentary lifestyle it is very important to create interest from inside the soul and that is possible with the help of Exergames.


Thus in this report we have focused on explaining the Exergames and various factors affecting it. We have discussed the type of Exergames like Wii game or others. The reason behind the concept of persuasive technology is to create increased communication so that it can create interest in users so especially old aged users. When they will be ready to change their mind for doing physical activity in social influence then that can be beneficiary in maintaining the physical and mental fitness. It happens when old aged people feel loneliness and they need someone to support them.

Exergames help them to motivate elderly aged people so that they can get a virtual or real coworker and along with them they can play games. Social communication and interaction helps them to make feel proud and their attitude can be enhanced by social interaction. Creation of interest, motivation and inspiration is the main motive of Exergames. When there is need of increasing physical activity in individual then that can be achieved the use of this type of game. Persuasive technology and persuasion is the basis of Exergames and that is designed specially to suit the need of old aged people. These games are designed such that it could be easy to play and also create interest. In short to maintain physical and mental health Exergames is good choice.


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