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Evidence-Based Practice Proposal Assignment Help

The proposal is the plan for an evidence-based practice project designed to address a problem, issue, or concern in the professional work setting. Although several types of evidence can be used to support a proposed solution, a sufficient and compelling base of support from valid research studies is required as the major component of that evidence.

This project contains six formal sections:

1. Section A: Problem Description

2. Section B: Literature Support

3. Section C: Solution Description

4. Section D: Change Model

5. Section E: Implementation Plan

6. Section F: Evaluation of Process


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Evidence-Based Approaches to Solve homelessness in Chicago


This paper shades light on homelessness in Chicago and its measures. Homelessness means having no shelter for staying and they are of different types. There are single adults, children, mentally retard people. Homelessness is huge issue which the people of Chicago are facing. People are lying on streets or tents in Chicago. They don't have proper place for staying. Homelessness is arising due to physical and mental disorders, stress and anger issues. Everyone is trying to find a solution to the problem of homelessness in Chicago. The various factors for homelessness is lack of education, unemployment, loans, bad relation with family members, lack of work experience and training and childhood illness. The fundamental needs of homeless people in Chicago needs to looked after. They need homes for staying, timely meals to stay health, good education to further gain a work experience and training center for learning purpose, employment to earn and live a better life. However there are social and economic conditions which are affecting a lot. People are unable to face the challenges of life which is making them homeless. This problem needs to be stopped and it can be done through the social enterprise model and vulnerability model. These models looks for the solutions by making ties with the government and saving people from various domestic and public abuse. The implementation plans taken up are on employment, providing rental subsidies, raising funds for the people.

Section A: Problem Description 

1.1 Background of the study 

It is really a matter of grave concern that a large number of people are becoming homeless in Chicago. Within a year over ten thousand people faced the problem of homelessness and the total number may be more than 81,000. Among those homeless people, nearly 25% were children who are facing serious problem to continue their study in school. A large section of people including policymakers, elected personnel and social workers are in favor of campaigning to iron out the problem of homelessness. These homeless people can be seen spending their days and nights dwelling on the pavements and most of them have children with them.

1.2 Problem statement

There are a number of reasons behind this serious problem and losing jobs, domestic violence, separation and family disputes can be some of them. Some other reasons like physical deformities, mental disorder, and huge stress are also responsible for the creation of this burning problem that are forcing people to spend their days and nights on the street side. Lack of income to manage a home and cost associated with divorce are decreasing the entire income of a family and as a result of this issues family members have to come out of their home in Chicago. In Chicago, a number of houses were dilapidated due to natural calamities like Hurricane and failing to mend their houses are forcing people to live on the streets. The most recent survey of Chicago's homeless population revealed a total of 5,657 people and the data was published by the Department of Family and Support Services.

1.3 Aim of the research 

The aim of the research is to find out the exact reasons behind homelessness and possible solutions to mitigate in Chicago so that homeless people can secure accommodation for homeless families.

1.3 Aim of the research

- To identify the reasons behind homelessness

- To find out the characteristics of homelessness people in Chicago

- To explain the theoretical underpinning of homelessness in different age groups

- To recommend some possible solutions of homelessness in Chicago

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Section B: Literature Support 

2.1 Concept of homelessness and different types of homelessness

Homelessness can be defined as a condition of without having a home or completely homeless and spending days and nights on the streets and other places that are not suitable for human dwellings. Also, people who are temporarily sheltered or took shelter due to an emergency are considered as homeless people. There are variations among the people who are homeless and they haven facing the problem in various ways. Homeless people can be differentiated as short-term and long term homelessness or chronically homeless people. There are a number of variations among these homeless people. Different types of homeless people include single adult, children who are living on the pavement with or without their parents, mentally retarded people who are driven out of their houses and so on. Other types of homelessness are hidden homeless and controlled homeless. It is very important to note that a large number of people fall in the category of hidden homeless people who are just living in housings that are not at all suitable for human dwellings.

2.2 Reasons behind homelessness of the people

Poverty is the prime factor which has its existence in some parts of American society since the nation came into existence. Poor family income and lack of minimum wages are pushing the families to live on the pavement which is unhygienic and not suitable for human dwellings. In Chicago, families who are facing financial crunch due to extreme economic inequality can hardly afford to find permanent shelter for their families and absence of low-cost housing are also putting pressure on many youths to find a shelter abroad. According to some reliable studies, a number of family shelters are not ready to accept the youth specifically male ones who are older or who have broken their relations with their families that are forcing them to find shelter on the wayside. Becoming pregnant at an early age is also resulting residential crisis and as a result of this many youths are driven out from their homes and it is pertinent to note that a large number of homeless people become pregnant while spending their days on the pavements. Up to 49% of the youth have the experience of pregnancy when they have been living on the street side and most of them give birth while they are still in the condition of being homeless.

2.3 Theoretical understanding of the homelessness of the people

Sociologists have carried out extensive researches and they have tried to draw the attentions of the policy makers, elected members on the issue of rising homelessness in Chicago. A number of theoretical models associated with homelessness can be applied to study and understand the problem of homeless and this includes psychological models, models of vulnerability, factors related to adulthood and so on. It is certain that that structural factor takes a prime role while explaining the problem of homelessness in Chicago, but it is also noteworthy that these factors alone are not sufficient to explain the concept of homelessness coherently. Several other socio-economic conditions like unemployment data, job instability and also the role of the housing market like pricing, insufficient housing for the public are undoubtedly a fundamental reason of the problem of homelessness.

Homelessness indicates individual factors as well as structural features. The subject of the individual vulnerability is very noteworthy while explaining the present concern and following this subject a number of studies have been carried out.  Having psychotic disorders along with other mental illness such as drug addiction have been studied as the factor which increases the probability of homelessness and a researcher found that those who have no psychotic disorder are in the lesser risk of homelessness even if they have a number of other mental disorders. Mental diseases that lead to hospitalization also increase the possibilities of becoming homeless. Some researchers analyzed the impact of childhood exploitation and abuse had a very serious impact on women, especially whose ages are above 17 years. The present model related to vulnerability factors explains that improper treatment during childhood (physical, emotional and sexual) leads to homelessness during adulthood. The result also implies that drug abuse of parents predicts the problem of drug and alcohol in adulthood that results in chronic homelessness.

2.4 Variations among Subsets of the Homeless Population

Homelessness does not always take a single shape and it may vary with individuals based on total income, markets related to housing and a number of beneficial policies and programs. Based on the Empirical research a number of groups can be identified and those identified variables include lack of sufficient education and training life events that are causing stress, facing a number of difficulties related to work, and suffering from mental disorders that are long lasting. According to another group of authors who carried out an extensive research in order to find out the exact role of housing and social resources that create psychological distress among the homeless people, identified that their roles are not so relevant and that psychological distress is influenced by another type of variables like illness and traumas of childhood.

The models presented above, in a nutshell, are an ideal illustration of integrating approach in the study of homelessness and of course there are a number of other models. These types of studies that strive to integrate the variables that have been mentioned earlier are found to play a pivotal role in the maintenance of homelessness.

Section C: Solution Description 

Theme 1: Needs of homeless people in Chicago

The very basic needs of homeless people in Chicago are housing. They do not need handouts. The homeless people of Chicago are a combination of mentally ill, drug and alcohol addicted, poor and unemployed people. Each of them has different needs. The main requirement for such people is permanent housing. People are living in tents and on street in the cold. This simply means that Chicago needs affordable housing. They need proper food, employment and portable toilets. These portable toilets will stop the people to use the grass as the bathroom. Homeless people need to be educated too. They need to treat as human beings. They have to be provided with services and support. This will keep them off the streets. People require warm clothes and some daily-use items. There should be the provision of blankets and pillows for those sleeping on the streets. There should also be a warming centre providing food and shelter.

Theme 2: Social and Economic Conditions of homeless people in Chicago

Homelessness means a complex situation and it is related to the public health of people as there is no place for them to live. There are many social and economic conditions which are contributing to homelessness in Chicago. It shows that people do not have the capacity to cope with the challenges thrown to them by life. This led to a series of un-favourable life events. The social factor like the immediate behavior caused homelessness. Other social conditions like drug and alcohol problems led a way to homelessness in Chicago. These affected their life chances. This led to low quality of the social connection; poor education completion; unemployment and lack of opportunities were given to them. The cause of homeless for the people of Chicago was criminal activities, poor economic conditions and breakdown of a relationship.

Theme 3: Characteristics of homeless people in Chicago

Homeless people in Chicago have some distinguishing characteristics. The first one is that they are neglected and abused by the people on whom they had trust or on whom they relied. Such a trust issue can lead people to become homeless. People have debt and when they unable to get any kind of emergency loan they start separating from their own families. They clearly know that they don't have proper places to live in and they have no food. They need help from people and closed ones. Unfortunately, all they get to see is closed doors and cold looks. This changes their way of thinking. This makes them handle the nation-wide power outage. They always have a feeling that they are unwanted. They have a characteristic of repeating the same mistakes again and again. It can be any mistake like drug or alcohol, mental or physical illness, anger issues. They also face bad relationship with family members and most of the times they have a feeling of being cheated by people.

Theme 4: Plans to remove homelessness in Chicago

The city is planning to remove homelessness by making new strategies. This will improve access and opportunities for people in Chicago. There are more than 500 local stakeholders who are participating in the planning process to remove homelessness. There are goals like the crisis response system. This system stops homelessness everywhere and they return people to stable housing. People create ways for stable and affordable housing. They help homeless people in providing households. In the case of youth homelessness, they create services for the youth. This prevents homelessness. This also helps the youth from not becoming the next generation of homeless adults. They provide sustainable employment opportunities especially to those who are at a greater risk of homelessness. People of Chicago are trying to create advocacy and civic engagement. They make robust plans gives a path for the people to secure home. There is a cross-systems integration which works and collaborates with public and private systems. This method ensures to put an end to homelessness. There is a capacity system which is giving assistance to homeless people in Chicago.

Section D: Change Model

Model 1: Social Enterprise Model 

Homelessness is mainly related to structural factors like insufficient housing supply, various levels of unemployment and no social safety. The local authorities are the ones who need to provide accommodation to the people and they also need to provide the required services. Social enterprise always responds to the needs of homeless people. They do an activity which involves trading in combination with a social purpose in the homelessness in Chicago. There are many approach and models covered under social enterprise in the case of homelessness. They generate revenue and that creates an awareness mission. The trading activity is not their major goal but they divide the money into other parts of the organization. They trade their funds for social purpose as that of Chicago. They help in giving the contracted service provider. Social Enterprise is helping homelessness in Chicago by delivering government contracts. The accommodation charges of a bed are maintained by social enterprises. Thus the homeless Chicago people are getting a hostel and supported accommodation. They are gathering people for participation in community-based activities. They are trying to give safe living spaces to homeless Chicago people by giving a holistic lifestyle. The revenue is generated through the mix of trading and housing-related benefits. These social enterprises are giving employment to the homeless ones. This employment will be a stepping stone for the people in the labor market. They help people in training. They are giving chance to people to gain a qualification so that later on they can move into the labor market.

Model 2: Vulnerability Model

In the case of homelessness in Chicago, structural factors are important but these factors are not sufficient enough to explain this phenomenon. There is a need to consider vulnerability factors to explain homelessness. There are some factors which increase the chances of homelessness. There are other factors which are integrated into a model that would explain these factors and analyze their value and weight with some sets of the variable. The factors analyzed are the effects of parent and childhood abuse because of homelessness, depression and substance abuse problems for the women who are homeless in Chicago. The model explains homelessness and provides an explanatory framework for the people. The main aim is to find social housing resources. This helps to reduce the psychological distress faced by the homeless people of Chicago. Apart from this, they targeted the variables like childhood traumas, chronicity of homelessness and illness. Thus a vulnerability model was developed which made a difference between three types of domains. The domains were sources of stress, mediating variables and showing stress in the physical and mental health of homeless Chicago people. The first part gives the importance of problematic life events faced in childhood. They look after the chronic life tensions also. These two factors work together with other variables that are the housing and social resources. These help in determining psychological distress in homeless Chicago people. Just by combining all these factors a structural equation model with complex relations and interaction was made. It actually predicted the stress symptoms in homeless people in Chicago.

Section E: Implementation Plan

A number of strategies and planning can be undertaken to solve the chronic problem of homelessness in Chicago and these are stated below:

The responsibility of the Government

The Government also has a great role to play with and they should form several task forces who will bear the responsibility of monitoring the rate of homelessness in Chicago and will take preventive measures. Government initiative may include campaigning and also bringing major stakeholders together in order to increase coordination among them across the city and also attract investors in order to provide better employment opportunities that will reduce the rate of poverty which is predominantly creating the problem of homelessness. And also public partnership model plays a great role in bringing the success of any large initiative that has been undertaken to tackle any particular issue or problem.

Role of the housing authorities

In order to tackle the problem, the housing authority should take a leading role and their officials should find out the ways to provide rental subsidies and other grants to those unfortunate people who are facing the problem of homelessness in Chicago and also they should take the responsibility of accommodating the eligible residents.

Role of the community-driven organizations

Community-driven organizations were formed in collaboration with government agencies, formerly homeless or homeless people, lawyers and people from different spheres of the society and they should take a pledge to address this burning problem in Chicago by raising funds.

Section F: Evaluation of Process

The Government's plan to provide better employment might be fruitful if it is implemented in a proper way and achieving a long term goal, the government should monitor the progress of the plans that are already implemented. Merely taking a series of programs will not able to bring the desired success. Sometimes it is noticed that a number of beneficial programs are being failed to get the desired goal for lack of proper funding, and failing to involve a large section of people. One of the shortcomings of the program is losing the momentum in a middle way and this needs to be tackled by periodical monitoring. A lot of attentions need to be paid to fill up the communication gap between the government and the homeless people. Also, the Government should verify whether the implemented plan is under progress as desired. Providing rental subsidies may initially be fruitful but it may not be the permanent solution achieving to tackle the present problem. Enabling the homeless people to stand on their own feet by providing them skill development training requires their participation at a large scale failing which the solution will remain futile. Raising donations is a great idea to take a number of beneficial programs and these also need to be monitored by the concerned departments. Otherwise, the fund may be misused and the desired goal may remain unachieved. Creating ideal opportunities to attract new investment will only be effective if those homeless people can be recruited in those organizations. They require sufficient salary to manage a home and to give better education to their children so that their future generations may not suffer the problem of the homeless.

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