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Annual Report Assignment Help

Discuss the following scenario: Staff members from the marketing department of your firm are doing a splendid job selling products to customers. Many of the customers are so pleased that they are also buying shares in the company's stock, which means that they receive a copy of the firm's annual report. Unfortunately, questions sometimes arise that the marketing staff members are woefully inadequate at answering. Technical questions about the firm's financial condition and performance are referred to the chief financial officer, but the director of marketing has asked you to write a memo in which you explain the key elements in an annual report so that marketing representatives are better prepared to respond to questions of a more general nature.

Write clear memo (no more than 250 words) that describes the contents of an annual report so marketing personnel can understand the basic requirements of an annual report. Reference this week's readings and lecture to help organize and explain your thoughts. in addition, answer the following questions:

Do you think all marketing staff members should be equipped to speak with the public about the firm's financial matters?
What are some of the benefits of improving employee financial literacy?

2. Write at least 200 words summary identifying the firm that you selected (Wal-Mart), summarizing why you selected it and explaining the items that a financial analyst might find useful within its Annual Report. accepts instant and short deadlines order for Annual Report Assignment Help service – order today for excellence!

Subject: Annual report


I have noticed that some of the staff does not have a full understanding of the annual reports. For serving their customers in better ways, it is important for the staff members to understand the requirements of annual reports. The memo serves guidance to educate the staff members about the simple components for the annual report.

Details of the annual report

The annual reports has gained formal financial statements that are being published every year, and the information is being sent to the stakeholder's company. The whole report examines the operations and views of the business organization in the present or upcoming year. The annual report consists of audited statements of financial position, income, notes to statements, and cash flow is provided in the details under different line items. As said by Chen et al. (2015), the management analysis and discussion of the business organization is important to understand the position of the company after one annual year. The annual report consists of a brief report of the company business operation and information related to different business segments. 

I believe that marketing staff members need to speak to their customers about company financial matters.

The benefits of developing employee financial literacy are to increase the knowledge of the employees to make decisions and improving the mistakes the staff members are doing. All the organization has their own separate goals, and  it is being divided into different companies.

 Items financial analyst found it useful in an annual report

The organization Walmart is helping to build an ecosystem all over the world. THE organization Walmart has a strong financial position and a unique set of assets to expand its capabilities to deliver the best solution for their customers successfully.

The financial analyst must look upon the mission and vision statements of the particular report. The financial analyst must have the details of auditors, bankers, directors, and a registered office in the annual report. The financial analysis needs to analyze the director’s report, which is being used for discussing the overall operations of the organization that are depended on different types of sectors. As said by Cronin et al. (2018), the financial analyst needs to follow an MDA which provides information about the trends of the company, SWOT analysis of the organization, key items present in the financial statements and different types of risk factors that are present in the business. The financial analyst needs to report on the corporate governance, which composes of the board of directors and brief information of dependent and independent directors of the company. The auditor's report is important for the financial analyst to identify the expenses involved during the business process.

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