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Public Health: Healthcare Quality Improvement Assignment Help

In your journal, you will discuss how leadership and interdisciplinary collaboration impact the future of quality healthcare. Consider how these new innovations impact care-delivery models, reimbursement, accreditation, achievement of quality measures, and patient safety. Are these “advancements” working? Do newer care-delivery models decrease costs and improve quality and safety? How do you know? What metrics would you review and monitor? 

Please Read : Competing health care systems and complex patients: An inter-professional collaboration to improve outcomes and reduce health care costs 

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Discussion: Leadership and interdisciplinary collaboration

Impact of effective or ineffective leadership on health care quality

Effective leadership is the need of the hour to keep the health care industry on track. It is very much required to upkeep the hospital health care. More specifically the overall health care system performance will be impacted by the effectiveness of the health care leadership. Efficiency and the system integrity will be directly depending on the effectiveness of the leadership of the health care.  As the hospital expenses are increasing the need for quality and compliance of the health care organizations is emphasized. There is no alternative but effective leadership needed to accomplish the same.  From consumer point of view, it is very much required for achieving optimal health care outcomes and optimal health care deliverables, the health care leadership is expected to be effective. Both the quality and the safety of the health care will get impacted by the effectiveness of the leadership. When there are sincere efforts made by the leaders to upgrade the quality and safety of the health care,   there can be changes felt. Further an effective leader will employ the styles and personality attributes that will show concern towards the wellbeing and effective performance of the staff and this in turn will contribute towards the overall functionality and quality augmentation of the organization (De Zulueta, 2016). 

The role of an effective leadership is indispensible in building the core competency of the organizations in the health care quality improvement.  An ineffective leadership cannot work for sustaining the consistent quality growth of the organization. He will remain ineffective in financial management of the organization and will result in failure of the organization in meeting the overall objectives. He does fail in aligning the objectives of the organization with its competency and capabilities. Further an ineffective leader cannot work to motivate his employees to meet the objectives of the health care organization. As well he could not build up the competency of the organization to meet the expected standards of health care (Kumar and Khiljee,2016). 

Impact of interdisciplinary collaboration in health care:

Modern health care facilities need interdisciplinary collaboration. Interdisciplinary health care collaboration is necessary to improve the effectiveness of the health care as well it is also required for reducing the medical errors as well. When there is such collaboration enabled between health care professionals of high professional expertise, the results can be overwhelming.  Interdisciplinary team collaboration will tackle the problems from multiple dimensions. They will work on to evaluate clinical problems from multiple dimensions and this in turn will work to provide creative solutions to the problems. Collaboration with interdisciplinary professionals will uplift mutual professional respect, which is one of the main causes of health care errors (Ndibu Muntu Keba Kebe et al., 2019).

Interdisciplinary professional Collaboration in the health care organizations will work for mitigation of the problems due to miscommunication as well will also work on to reduce the problems possible due to lack of knowledge sharing.  When there is mutual understanding and trust the solutions provided to the health care problems can be more effective and this inturn will work for betterment of the overall health care outcomes. Interdisciplinary professional collaboration will work on to share the responsibilities, will work to enable role interdependence while respecting each other expertise and autonomy. To comprehend, interdisciplinary professional collaboration will work to improve the health care outcomes from multiple aspects (Morley & Cashell, 2017). 


Proposed new health care models of the organization propelled with collaboration will enable better quality in the health care models; they do improve the compassion and will deliver high quality health care in the organizations. Typical measures like reimbursement based on the quality levels achieved in the health care organizations can be realized with collaboration.  Accreditation to better level quality system managements can be realized by collaboration with multiple stakeholders.  There are evidences to these aspects, innovations in health care delivery models as well innovations in health care organizations are already working in this direction.  Newer care-delivery models can be cost effective, provided the collaboration is effective and has the necessary motivation and commitment to achieve the same.  Increased coverage for medicare and reimbursements are actually testimonials of health care effectiveness improvements. They are realized with innovative models of collaboration.  Typical metrics for quality and safety can be the level of the outcomes achieved and their comparison with the previous statistics. Typical measures like cost effectiveness(less cost), patient satisfaction, service quality (recovery time), lower rate of recurrence etc all measure the quality and safety standards in new models (Ccl).

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