When Men Experience Sexism - Reflective Essay Sample

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Reflection Essay Sample: -  When Men Experience Sexism

The speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, said that " 'Man up' is a sexist term that should be retired along with all the other gender-based imperious imperatives" ("Christine Pelosi", n.d.). While women experience most of the negative effects of gender-based discrimination, men have to endure societal expectations that they act in traditional 'manly' ways. Although sexism favors men, women have fought back against gender discrimination through feminist action. Practices that are biased against men should foster cooperation between men and women instead of driving them apart as it does at present.

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Increasing the sensitivity of men towards sexism will encourage them to reject views that support sexist acts towards both men and women. This rejection of sexist views is already a common trend among women who have acknowledged the prevalent and detrimental nature of sexism. Men's sensitivity can be increased by having them reflect on their privileged status in the society. Drury and Kraiser (2014) state that when men identify how gender privilege benefits their lives, they reduce their support for many forms of sexism. Reduced support for sexism is achieved by acknowledging the illegitimacy of the system's sexist acts against men and women. Berlatsky (2013) argues that the culprits of sexism against men are not feminists, but other men. Men should be willing to apply the lessons learnt from women's opposition to sexism to achieve complete gender equality.

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Continue reflective essay...Since men and women are both exposed to sexism, stereotypes should be seen as the common enemy. Men should assume an active role in opposing the stereotypes foisted on them by the traditional gender roles which result in gender discrimination (Wolfe, 2020). Confronting sexism means directly disapproving of any sexist acts and challenging the perpetrators themselves (Drury & Kraiser, 2014). Berlatsky argues that men do not suffer because women target them. Instead, men experience sexism as a result of stereotypes that affect both genders. For instance, sexist acts against women include expectations of passiveness while men are expected to be naturally active and violent. Men and women should confront the perpetrators of sexism and realize that stereotypes affect both genders.

Women have successfully fought sexism for many years thus acting as predecessors for their male counterparts. Men ought to follow the example of women and demand changes in the system to promote equality. Benatar (2012, p. 2) states that women enjoy rights that are otherwise denied to men such as protection from conscription into the military. The author also finds the practice of granting women lifelong alimony payments ludicrous. This custom was appropriate during the mid-twentieth century when women were expected to be housewives. Men should consider joining women in the fight against sexism to eliminate acts that perpetuate inequality between the genders. Women also vociferously challenge all gender-based violence unlike men who are expected to show their virility through physical violence. Salter (2019) states that "Many progressives, meanwhile, contend that the detoxification of masculinity is an essential pathway to gender equality". Therefore, men should cooperate with women to end sexism.

Gender discrimination not only affects women, but also men hence the need for cooperation between the genders in fighting sexism. Women have fought sexism for a long time, which gives them an edge over men, especially in divorce settlements and custody disputes. Activists for men's rights should join women in the fight for gender equality, which is achievable by confronting sexism in unison and by improving men's sensitivity to sexist behavior on all fronts. 

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