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Theories, Strengths, & Challenges in Middle Adulthood Assignment Help

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1. What are some of the common strengths & challenges of middle adulthood?

The common strength & challenges of middle adulthood discussion board to work with a group has been one the major aspect to deal with the goal of discussion making and implementing views. The age group of people in middle adulthood is 45 to 65. The development of emotional maturity is one of a great aspect is this age group (Parker and Degges-White, 2017). The challenges that is been faced are motivation and self-direction.

2. Name one strength & one challenge that you find particularly surprising or important to consider in working with this age group.

One of the surprising challenge is that they find it difficult to adjust to the life without heir children (Parker and Degges-White, 2017). They have an idea about the development of their adult children but they seem to complain about their loneliness without their children. 

One of the strengths is the generativity, where they contribute towards developing the future generations. They are more concerned about their children and their betterment only. 

3. Given what you have learned about strengths & challenges, what do you perceive would be the most difficult thing for you about working with clients in middle adulthood?

The most challenging part about working with this age group is that they go through a typical emotional stage. They lose their parents as well as their children become independent (Grattan et al., 2018). They go through a certain midlife crisis which is very difficult to cope for them. They are emotionally very weak and requires support from their close ones. 

4. What is one lesson you take away from the reading & guest lecture about applying human development & sociocultural theories to people in middle adulthood?

In regard to the sociocultural theory Vygotsky’s theory seemed very effective in understanding the sociocultural state of this age group. This theory demonstrates human learning and the development of cognition of this group of people (Grattan et al., 2018). 

Another theory developed by Erikson where the psychological human development of this age group has been emphasized. The main crisis of the middle adulthood like lack of intimacy, isolation and generativity are thoroughly analysed.  

5. What is one question you still have about applying theories to this age group?

This age group has varied psychological behaviours and applying theories does not always seem to be functional. One question that arises in this regard is: how the theories can be modulated according to the psychological and behavioural needs of this age group?

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