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SEB724 - Engineering Leadership Assignment Help

1. Present a detailed cost plan for change.

2. Develop a detailed communication plan for change.

3. Perform a review of change strategy.

4. Assess the complete change management plan to ensure strategic re-alignment and restructuring of the organisation using the change leadership methodology.

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This section will explain the cost plan for change, communication plan for change, review the overall change management processes for the organisation and assessment of the changes and their effects on the organisation.

Cost Plan

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This table shows the different costs incurred on different processes in change management. Change identification included the survey of losses, data collection, analysis of data and readdressing vision. Readiness assessment included employee analysis and strategies. Training includes awareness programs and rigorous training. Change implementation consisted of hiring new and replacing unproductive staffs and ensuring on time performance. Review of success was based on collecting review from those at management level and customer feedback. The cost incurred to the company on all these processes for bringing change was 653200 (Celiket. al., 2016).

Communication Plan

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A communication plan was made to let the company go on the route of success. Different strategies were made to improve communication between different stakeholders of the company. Channel selected for this purpose was face to face, phone or email to inform others about the changes implemented in the strategies. Scope and vision of the company were changed. Others changes implemented were the change in the adjustment of product, service, company structure, and procurement plan and market area. Stake holders of the company are its shareholders, customers, employees, vendors and partners (Kashiwagiet. al., 2012).

Review of change strategy

Change strategy was implemented to take the company out of the failures. The company had a lack of management and execution. Top level management was not stable. Services of the company became outdated. External forces that became the reason forthe decline of the company were declining customer base, cutthroat price competition, unprofitable business and serial big profit failures. Change strategy includes steps to improve all these performances. It helped management to perform effectively and efficiently. All the activities and processes were completely changed. The working structure of the company was altered. Strategies made to improve communication and coordination among the members of the company. Better communication and coordination between the employees help the company to improve its outcomes. The structure was re-aligned. All the positions of the people were transferred and given the work that they can perform effectively. Leaders were given the training to become successful and how to make their members involved and interested in their work (Goetsch. et al., 2014).


The company made the rules and regulation to follow to bring change in the company. People were asked to follow the rules that were implemented. Goals and mission of the company were given a new direction. The change was implemented to improve the processes in the company. Training programs were properly organised to help people achieve their goals. Company management changed the overall goals to be achieved by the company. Vision and mission statement were reviewed for and effective change. This change helped the company to improve its customer base and gain more profits. People got more interested in the company. Suppliers and investors got more interested in the company because it started earning more profits after the change implementation. People should stay focus on their aims to succeed in their mission. Desired results of the company should be delivered to the employees of the company.


The costs and communication plan are devised in this section. The costs incurred started from change identification to review of organisational change, and total costs were 653200. Communication plan consisted of discussions of goals; strategies etc. with stakeholders and getting customer feedbacks and also change interactions and employment. Mode of communication was face to face, email or phone. The processes, products and working structures changed and communication and coordination between the employees and senior management roles were changed for improvements. This can lead to better conditions and organisation can tackle failures or decline.

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