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Organisational Behaviour And Leadership


Introduction: Leadership is the ability to direct life that would move in a certain direction with clarity and with consistency. According to Lewin's leadership style, leadership can be categorized into three types. They are Authoritarian leadership where the leaders will have an autocratic approach. The leader, in this case, will provide views and needs to the subordinates so that they can be controlled with a clear vision. The second type of leadership is the democratic leadership which involves the participation of each individual in the team while taking a decision. The third group of leadership style is the Delegative leadership, where no guidance will be given to the team members and the decision will be taken by the team members individually (Blanchard 2018, p.55).

Part A: Leadership philosophy

Describe the following:

a) Your leadership style.

Answer: Personal Leadership Style: My personal leadership style is the democratic leadership method. This is the process where the individual member of the team knows their function and will be effective for their role with correct guidance. The members will be allowed to openly discussed the issue and provide their point of view. The decision-making process will involve all the members of the team.In this process, equal opportunity will be given to the members. They will be encouraged to exchange freely and discuss a certain issue.

b) Leadership/ principles that you would not be willing to violate.

Answer: Personal principles which will not be violated: The personal principles which are strictly followed while taking a decision in the team are as follows:

• The group's members will always be encouraged to openly sharing ideas related to the project concerned. This is a principle which will be followed by me as this will provide enough confidence amongst the members to have a continuous flow of communication within the team. Although the leader will be the person to take the final decision, however, the different factors which will be discussed in the team will be considered while taking the decision (Bassell, Lambert and Friedman 2019, p.140).

• The second principle which will be encouraged among the team is allowing the member to know their functions in the project. This will allow the team to have better engagement and better focus on the work in hand. This will also enable the team members to take responsibilities, giving them a feeling of self-importance.

• Encourage creativity amongst the team members. And on succeeding to reach the aims of the project, the members involved in the project will be rewarded sufficiently.

• Further, factors like honesty, intellectual competence, courage are some of the important characteristics which an individual requires for maintaining a fair decision making in an organisation.

• It is essential for the team members to be fair while taking any decisions related to the team or project which should not be violated. This will maintain harmony within the team working together.

c) The impact of personal beliefs (e.g. religion, inclusiveness) on your leadership approach.

Answer: Impacts of the Personal belief on the approach to leadership: The democratic style of leadership is also known as a participative style of leadership. The impacts related to this kind of leadership style are as follows:

• As the leader of the team following this style of leadership encourages a flow of communication in between the team members, this will inspire the team to have an increased amount of cooperation among the team members and the employees. In this case, the employee will have a better understanding of the work. They are efficient in reasoning and are more team players (Hensel and Visser 2018, p.1110). When the team members understand that their decision matters, they will be more involved with the organisation and the projects handled by the team. Hence the employees will be able to give the maximum hard work.

• It is observed that when the team members are open to discussing issue and topics related to the project, they are more creative (Gadirajurrett et al. 2018, p.135). This encourages creativity amongst the employees. Further, encouraging creativity among the team provides an easier way to share the ideas of the team members.This type of enhancing the creativity of the employees is also known as the supportive democratic style of leadership.

• Another impact in this kind of leadership style is the setting of goals which are workable. This can be attained with the help of SMART goals. The SMART goals include specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and timely meeting the goals. The most effective way to meet the goals is by sharing the goals among the employees or the team members. Through open communication and consistent planning by the different members the goals can be achieved (Maduka et al. 2018, p.702).

• It is important for a leader to empower the employees so that they are equipped enough to meet the requirement of the project (Kanki 2019, p.133). Hence, there are times empowering of the employees involve in the training and providing the essential skill to the employees which increase the efficiency of the team members to achieve success in the goals.


d) Key experiences that have informed your leadership approach

Answer: Experiences based on the leadership approach: In my personal experience in a leadership role, I was the team leader for the technical group of the organisation consisting of 10 members. These 10 members were handling different departments related to a project. During a situation where the customer required assistance, however, the sites requiring the assistance for the project were based in different parts of the country. There were 5 such sites located at different parts where the members needed to attend the issue on site.
In such a case it was important for a group of members to be an office to handle the back office, spare part, and customer service while the other group needed to divide amongst themselves to the different site to meet the customers. A team meeting was organized where intrinsic planning was done. As a manager of the team, I had encouraged each member's feedback related to their suggestion to deal with the situation. The members communicated their views which helped in developing an effective plan. Further, each memberwas engaged in the discussion and strategically developed a plan related to the project. Although the process was time-consuming; however at the end of the meeting each member knew their duties that need to perform to fulfil the requirement of the project.

The result observed at the end was the successful completion of the project without disturbing the other technical activities which the team was performing. It was observed that the team had improved in the co-ordination and co-operation in between themselves. In addition, there was an increased trust and confidence observed amongst themselves.

Part B: Application of leadership philosophy

a) Identify a key leadership issue (either past or present) in your organization (or an organization that you are familiar with) that requires you (a prospective or current leader) to make critical decisions.

Answer: Identification of the issue in the current organisation which requires a critical decision

With the increase in the price of the raw materials and utilities, theorganisations failed to increase the price of the finished products. As a result of which the company failed to maintain the demand as well as the competition between the rival companies. This has to lead to the major difficulty to operate the company smoothly. It was observed that the company has lost its creative perspective due to the lack of effective leadership. In addition to the stifling of creativity, the productivity of the company also reduced.

b)    Provide a brief overview of the issue, to contextualize it.

Answer: Overview of the issue: In the current situation, most of the companies work in the global economy. In such a situation, there are many factors that control the success of an organisation other than the number of customers and the competition (Rosenbach 2018, p.150). These include suppliers, associates, and many other external factors. In such cases, it is essential for the organisation to have collaboration among the employees which will focus on the success of the company. However, the company seems to have concentrated more on gaining against the competitor. As a result due to the lack of any efficient leadership, each employee concentrated on their individual gains.

Further, in this case, the organisation failed to achieve success because there was only one single boss who handled various decisions. Promotions of the employees were given based on individual success. This resulted in developing a false assumption that anyone can attain a higher position in the management with prior skills experience. The employee due to this reason concentrated more on the simple logical solution of the issues faced by the company and overlooked the importance of personnel management(Roux and Härtel 2018, p.61). The managers of the team assume that there is an equal level of skill and competence in the team and they fail to take the charge of the team and the staff for the improvement of the company's situation.

Executives in order to fill the vacant position in their managerial post select people without judging their ability guide the team efficiently. It is essential for the executives to evaluate the primary challenges that are been faced by the company and then according to the requirement look for the appropriate candidates to fill the position (Harris and Sherblom, 2018, p.55). Secondly, it is important for team managers to have the correct attitude. The team manager failed to work together closely with the team members and understand the skills and the level of competencies within the team. The company had an autocratic leadership system. Due to this, the single leader of the team would take decision and others would follow on the basis of the order placed by the leader.

Lastly, due to the autocratic leadership nature of the organisation, the company observed to have no communication between the manager and the team members. Due to this lack of communication, the activities got restricted, lack of clarity and confusion made the employees reluctant in communicating with their manager (Remund and McKeever 2018, p.316). The autocratic nature of the leaders would makethem demand for an answer to the staff while the employees fail to communicate the issue that is the cause of the failure of the company.


c) Based on your leadership philosophy, explain what you would have done as a leader in the situation you have identified. In your explanations, provide justification for your decisions on how you would have handled the situation.

Answer: Based on the personal leadership philosophy, steps to be taken for the issue and justification of the steps taken.

The situation for the failure of the organisation can be handled in three main steps.

• Develop communication among the team: The important steps are to cultivate a process of communication within the team. This will not be a one-sided communication coming only from the manager. Instead, this will be a two-way communication where the employees and manager will have a discussion of the effective way to improve the situation of the company (Roux and Härtel 2018, p63). This will allow the employees to have clarity on what is expected from them and what are the steps that need to be addressed in order to reach the goals of the company.

• Development of a Business strategy: When the effective communications between the team members are established it is important to set business strategies for the smooth operation of the departments in the organisation. The leaders will provide specific goals and strategies with the discussion with the team (Hussain, et al. 2018, p101). This is how the leader will be able to guide the team to meet the vision and the mission of the organisation.

• Collection of appropriate data for taking the correct decision: Collecting proper data is crucial for taking the correct decision. Although it does not ensure that the decision taken by the leader will be completely full proof, however with the use of the data which includes internal data like sales reports in the last few years of the company, the employee skill data should be analyzed (Para-González, Jiménez-Jiménez, and Martínez-Lorente, 2018, p.424). Further external data like the competitive market and their strategies and change in the economy as well as the market situation will be helpful for the leader to take appropriate decision.

Conclusion: Effective leadership qualities will allow maintaining equality amongst the team members and it will also enable a flow of ideas which will bring effectiveness in the decision taken. There are times when the leader may not be able to ascertain the various aspects of a situation. As a result, there are chances that the decision cannot be judged by taking the different sides of the issue. Open communication in between the member of the team will increase the productivity of the team leading to better contributions from the members of the team.


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