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Compare a Modern and Historical Recipe Assignment Help

Essay – Compare a modern and historical recipe. 

You are required to choose a modern (published within the last 10 years) recipe and also find a recipe for the same dish published more than 100 years ago. You are to provide a copy of both recipes. 

You are required to compare, contrast, and reflect upon the two versions of the recipe. Discussion should include equipment, ingredients, cookery techniques, language and underlying assumption 

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The report will discuss in detail about the recipe called as French Pancakes also called as crêpe in French. It is a kind of a very think, cooked form of pancake generally made from wheat flour. This word is very similar to pancake and is obviously of French origin. It has derived from the Latin word crispa which means curled (Barreiros & MAZON, 2017). The basic recipe has originated from Brittany, which can be found in the northwest part of France. The overall consumption in the current time is widespread in the country and is actually called as the national dish of the country.


Comparison between the old and new recipe

Equipment used then and now: the book from where the old recipe is originated is from the year 1919. During that time, the process of baking required a closed space as far as heating is concerned. During that time, the fuel to heat the close space was provided through wood, coal and even gas. Crêpe however always require a hot frying pan or flat and circular hot plate (BOOK, 2016). The recipe is rolled up and ready to eat are made by pouring the thin and liquid batter on the hot pan usually with some amount of butter or oil on the surface of pan. The batter is then spread on it by two of the ways either by slightly tilting the pan or by distributing it with a spatula.

Ingredients: ingredients used in both the recipes are very similar with each other. The only difference is that is the way it has been cooked in the both the recipe. Modern recipe uses oven instead of hot pan to make the recipe. The old recipe later used oven as well after cooking it a bit on hot pan (Brien & Vincent, 2016).

Cookery techniques: the old recipe as for the hot pan cooking first and then use of oven. The modern recipe asks for the oven cooking only by pouring the batter in the hot pan kept in oven and then let it bake.

Language: in the early time, the language used for cooking was little technical and was difficult for the laymen to understand. However, the recipe uses a simple language with simple ingredients. In the modern time, every product has been commercialised and is easily available in the market (Course, 2018). However, in the old time everything was prepared from the scratch and build up as per the recipe.

Underlying assumptions

There are number of assumptions that has been underlined over the years by professionals as and when the process developed. Following are some basic assumption followed by both the recipes: -

Ideal results initiate from mixing bowl: any recipe is actually a chemistry experiment which consist of so many ingredients that are mixed in a particular order to cause reaction that manufacture particular impact. Most recipes like Crêpe forms a crumb which is done first by creaming fat and sugar and eggs are added and slowly consist of dry elements into the whole mixture along with alternating the liquid as well as milk. Both the recipes asked to do that same (Eames et al, 2016).

French way of cooking is normally considered as the backbone of many kinds of cuisine across the west part of the world. The impact and identification classic French cooking methods are considered legendary in current time as well. This place is achieved precisely why the cuisine from French can sometimes be highly intimidating for any beginner in cooking (Ford et al, 2018). The food from French also leaves many professional cooks feeling that have to live up to some standard in order to achieve that unattainable flair as well as elegance.

Selection of right kind of pan is very important and in the old-time pan used were mainly usually ceramic one. In the current time, so many baking pans options are available (Guibert-Martin et al, 2017). 

Using the right kind of flour for the recipe is also very crucial. So many kinds of flours consist of variety of percentages of protein. Higher the protein, higher will be the gluten. The flour used in baking has the least amount of protein as well as also yields more lighter version of baked goods.

Weighing the ingredients are always very important. Primarily, the recipes ask to weigh the ingredients for exact measurements because that helps in giving best results but measuring with right scales can also help in reaching the exact target (Mauxion, 2018).

The foundation of ideal cooking Crêpe is intimate chemistry as a part of important ingredients. The flours help in thickening the batter and as discussed, helps in providing the gluten, a protein that provide right structure to recipe. The first ancient technique which has been followed for ages is to never overmix.

Crêpe are specifically highly popular all across the France. The common types of ingredients used in recipe are eggs, flour, milk, a pinch of salt and butter have been in use from ages now. Crêpe originally were of sweet type later savoury Crêpe came in fashion which was made with buckwheat flour but was unsweetened (Naqvi, 2017).


There are so many ways in which Crêpe can be eaten in different countries with diverse names. Like Crêpe with whipped cream as well as strawberry sauce on it came to Northern part of USA from South Asia and it later became part of East Europe, where a same kind of meal is known as blintz. As discussed, Brittany serves Crêpe in a most conventional form along with cider. In counties like Italy and Hungary, Crêpe is called as crepsella and palacsinta respectively (Waffles, 2016). The recipe is spread over Slovak, Croatia, Czech, Danish and so many German regions with so many different names. There is Spanish and Polish version of recipe as well. Now a days, the recipe can be served with so many fillings like fruit jam, honey, cheese, Nutella and many more.

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