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MR2316 Human Resource Management Assignment Help

This assignment assesses the following Learning Outcomes of this module:

1. Examine implications of non-compliance to human resource management legislation

2. Evaluate role of Human Resource Management policies in developing a professional and profitable organisation

Assignment Brief

Prepare a 2000 word report on Human Resource Legislation analysing the effects of non compliance for a small motorsport Company with less than 50 employees. Include the role of policies in the organisation and evaluate how these contribute to the development of a professional organisation. Industry examples can be used to illustrate the benefits gained from efficient HRM policies and strategies.

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Human Resource Policies and Legislation


The Human Resource Management team re responsible for the most important resources that a company possess. The humans are the most significant resource because a company cannot run by itself. However, these humans of an organization have to be managed strategically to produce maximum effort that can generate maximum profit. For this purpose, the policies and the regulations or the legislations are formulated within an organization in order to channel positive communication that can clarify the objectives of the firm andpersuadeall to follow a consistent process to achieve it. The same is the case with the SME that is discussed in this paper, which is a motorsport company comprising of not more than 50 employees.

Consequencesof non-compliance to the legislations ofhuman resource management

There are a number of areas that the human resource management department and the human resource management team covers while building an effective operational unit for a company (Tsalisand Nikolaou, 2017). There are certain legislations and policies that all the employees in a firm have to comply with on a regular basis for the development of the firm as well as for individual improvement. These legislations are present with a firm in order to generate appropriate techniques for the appraisal of the individual and group performance, the interventions of organizational development, training as well as counseling and finally to initiate, assist and stimulate the whole process continuously. There are no limits to the possibilities that the human resource management laws can bring upon a firm that has about 50 members in it (Tsalisand Nikolaou, 2017). The motorsport company manages to provide for technologically advanced cars and motorbikes that can take part in com petitions globally and can win as well. For this to happen the operational units have to be strong and that can only be done with the rules of compliance with the policies and laws. There are a number of them that have been presented below:

• Providing opportunities for employment equally is one of the important laws companies follow in order to achieve the objectives for success (Tsalisand Nikolaou, 2017).

• Any discrimination based on the origin, gender, colour, age, religion, physical deformities or disabilities, etc. is forbidden under equal opportunity for employment.

• Laws of affirmative actions for positive efforts made in the areas fortraining and improvement.

• Laws to enable equal pay and mitigate sexual harassment in workplace.

• Other employmentacts on leaves, benefits, work hours, innovation or creation, retirement, immigration, health and safety, etc. These policies have to be complied with while in an organization and there are more that the motorsport industry focuses on in the contemporary world (Hennekamet al., 2019).

However, the presence of these man guidelines to comply with often leads to the violation of them quite easily. Companies often face criticism or lose face because of the violation of thisguideline or for non-compliance. It can happen within an organization or the whole firm can be involved with it, but it generally leads to deterioration (Bešicand Hirt, 2016). The company that comprises of only 50 employeeshas a greater chance of facing such difficulties and when done so can face penalties or even dissolution. Understanding the industry of motorsport can be done through proper compliance of regulations and failing to do so can have consequences that are long lasting. The firm becomes easily vulnerableto legal hassles, lawsuits, government audits, fine enactment, etc. (Hennekamet al., 2019).The significant implications of the act of non-compliance with the legislations of the human resource management are presented below:

• There are serious issues regarding the unfair treatment of the employees while paying them for the work done based on the skills of the person. Negligence to pay fair-wages and a higher price for the overtime duties can lead to lawsuits (Hennekamet al., 2019). A company of only 50 members have to follow it religiously to retain the skills they have in the competitive market.

• The process of hiring has to be rationale and fair as well. Although it is not possible to hire or employ everyone that the company interviews, the interview process in it along with the selection n screening processes needs to maintain an appropriate conduct. Discrimination or abomination of laws leaves companies vulnerable to negative consequences like punitive damages and compensations that the motorsport company has to avoid if they want to stay in business (Ali, 2016).

• There are laws regarding an appropriate age to employ a person, which is at the age of 18 and a minimum wage standard that can be offered to an individual with a certain set of skills. In a motorsport company there can be numerous departments starting with the human resource department, finance department, sales and marketing department, research and development unit, testing units, manufacturing units, etc. The the firm in question has just started to build the firm and segmentation requires more people, which non-compliance with these laws will not help to achieve (Ali, 2016). If the employer recruits someone below 18 years of age then it is the violation of the federal laws of labor and fines can be added against it.

• Workplace health and safety is a serious policy to handle and failing to comply with it can lead to lawsuits again. It however, can also lead to dangerous accidents that can damage the motorsport company physically as well as financially.

• Motorsports Companyneeds to have proper licenses from appropriate authorities in order to be able to build the cars and the motorbikes according to the requirements of the competition (Bešicand Hirt, 2016).

• State and federal labor laws have to be maintained to avoid rebellion or protestations from the workers. Strikes from the operational unit or employee union can lead to financial damage too.

Role of the policies of Human Resource Management in increasing a professional and lucrative organization

All organizations around the world tend to develop sound policies and regulations of the human resource management in order to maximize their effort and in turn the chance of profitability increases as well (Esteban-Lloretet al., 2018). Therefore, the motorsport company in question focuses on t as well for growth and maturity to handle the staff it has employed. The polices not only improve the productivity of individual employees but also changes the administration of the organization in a positive way my different ways such as compensation, recruitment, compliance, record keeping, performance, training and evaluation. There are a few specific duties that these policies focus on in an organization.

• The process of labor management and the relationships within.
• The information systems of the human resources(Esteban-Lloretet al., 2018).
• The benefits and the compensations provided to individual employees based on their skill set and position in the company.
• The diversity in the workplace.
• The research of the human resources.
• The placement of the employees and the practices of employment.
• The health, security and safety of the employees in the workplace.
• The training as well as development of the employees after recruitment and with the changes in trends in the industry as well.
• The classification of the employees along with their equal opportunities of employment (Oyewunmiet al., 2017).
• Payroll deductions.
• Performance evaluation and improvement.
• Termination policies.

The small enterprises that have been able to formulate an updated form of management policies have in different ways contributed to the success of their firms. The application of the above mentioned criteria as policies of the human resource management when done in a consistent yet intelligent ways can bring assured benefits for thefirm (Collingset al., 218).

• The communication channels between the departments of the organization and within the whole operational units are clear.

• The managers, leaders and the supervisors know exactly what their job role is and how do they need to behave in order to generate more efficiency within the firm(Baruchet al., 2016).

• The organizational context or viewing and considering all the employees equally and in a fair way.

• The laws give the idea for the creation of the employee handbook that helps to measure the overall effort given and the total outcome of it(Oyewunmiet al., 2017).

• The formulation of the training programs by the supervisors and the orientation programs for the employees.

• The policies that are comprehensive as well as prudent saves a lot of significant time of the management that goes on the activities of business suchas development of newer technologies for the cars, analyzing the market competition globally, campaigning for the latest improvement , etc.

• The curbing of all legal threats and litigations can be done through it, which is a positive source of brand recognition for the firm.

• The problem solving standards are high and quick and do not require much energy loss.

While the policies have an overall positive effect upon the company as whole it also have an effect on the individual professional of the firm that helps them in their process of development and growth(Collingset al., 218). It provides the employees of the firm, be it the manager, researcher, or any other operational staff, the employment condition for all these different people with all these different job roles is very clear. The individual profit is gathered in the following ways:

• The managers are able to make proper decisions regarding situations with the firm(Jeskeand Axtell, 2016). The consultation with the superior authorities is not always necessary and the subordinates see to accept the decisions readily because their decisions can be quoted with justified policy actions.

• The employee-employee relation might improve because of the laws mitigating any chance of biasness, discrimination or favoritism (Baruchet al., 2016). All the employees will get equal treatment.

• The guidelines that have been laid down for the managers of the firm minimize any chance of personal bias as well.

• The employees work with more confidence than ever because of the benefits and the compensations that they receive as a reward from the firm, which makes them feel included.

• The motivational aspects of the firm are increased as well with the clear focus on te objectives and the systematic ways to attain them(Collingset al., 218).

• The chances for the employees being dissatisfied with the employer have been reduced as well.

Industry illustrationsof the benefits of efficient HRM strategies and policies

The motorsport company, which is only 50 members big, desires to follow the trends set by famous firms in this industry in regard to the policies of human resource management and the strategies relating to it as well (Belloet al., 2016). The industry have developed a lot to take part in the competitions that is governed globally by the firms like Federation Interntionale de I'Automobile or FIA and Federation Internationale de Motocyclisme or FIM, governing the two-wheeled as well as the four-wheeled competition.

Companies like Ford Europe, Formula One Group, Mercedes-Benz, Hendrick Motorsports, and many others have formulated the legislations and policies in ways that can help develop cars or motorbikes with better technologies in order to perform better at the competitions (Belloet al., 2016). There are many polices adopted, a few of which have been discussed below:

• The processes of electronic storage within the firm were initiated that stored the payroll documents, which not only reduced the space taken by the files but made the sharing of data with the government and other agencies easier.

• Maintaining and developing relations with the executive teams and presidents of the brand to make sure that the policies were meeting the brand expectations (Jeskeand Axtell, 2016).

• The implementation and improvement of the survey of employee opinion helped increase the rate of participation in the technological advancements of the cars.

• The processes and policies of payroll reduced the rate of errors in processing.


The need of the compliance management within a firm, however, small or big have been assessed and clarified in this paper. The company that has been detailed in the course of this study works in the motorsport industry and is a small one thriving for success and growth. That is the very reason the company has decided upon sound policies of equality and equity in pay and in labor as well. However, when at times the non-complies issues disturbs the systematic functioning of a firm that is growing, it can face serious financial troubles. The needs to mitigate them as well as the policies that develop the firm despite of these issues have been discussed indetails.


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