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COIT20249 Cyber Security, Central Queensland University, Australia

Professional Skills In Information Communication Technology


Executive summary: Cyber security is an important practice in the organization in order to protect the system, data, Information, Network, and hardware from the risk of Cyber-attacks. ABCT has applied cyber security process in order to prevent the damage or loss of sensitive data. Its goal is to prevent the stolen money, personal and financial data, consumer's information, secret of the organization, etc. This report will discuss the importance of cyber security along with the three security vulnerability within the organization. Different techniques of Cyber-attack will describes in this report. The organization needs to apply different cyber security process in order to protect its personal data, information's, bank details, payment method, etc. which can easily be hacked by the attackers.

Introduction: ABCT is an Australian technology company who has different range of Hi-Tech products which includes hardware and software. ABCT has many offices all over the world and it has two overseas offices. The virtual private network provides Computer Services to this company which has been maintained by the head office in Canberra. The employees of ABCT can work from home by using virtual private network (VPN). It has more than 10,000 customers regularly. They store the information of their consumer in the cloud. The computer network are progressing in current years. Interconnection of different devices through the internet are increasing day by day. The information of consumers and data stored by Organization in cloud. Cyber security is an important practice in the organization in order to protect the system, data, Information, Network, and hardware from the risk of Cyber-attacks. ABCT has applied cyber security process in order to prevent the damage or loss of sensitive data. In the words of Evans et al. (2016), its goal is to prevent the stolen money, personal and financial data, consumer'sinformation's, secret of the organization, etc. Almost every organization has a website and export system which enable the attackers to easily enter into the internal network. Smart devices at home and at work are mostly connected to the internet which enable the attacker to attack easily. cyber security is very important for ABCT and also for every individual in order to prevent it's personal data and information. The secondary method has been used in gathering all the information about cyber security. The main aim of this report is to make people understand about the importance of applying cyber security at home and at office through which any organization and individual can prevent its data and personal information from cyber-attack.

Question 1: Explain what is cybersecurity and why it is important for ABCT?

Answer: Importance and types of cyber security: The use of internet is growing day by day by people which state that protecting the personal information to hack has become very important and has become a necessary process. The computers that are not secure and control can easily be affected by malicious logic and anyone can hack the personal data from the system. Cyber threats can caused due to vulnerabilities or unexpected accidents. The objectives of hackers is to steal the secret information, to make illegal transactions, to destroy the personal data. Attackers use different types of in order to affect the computer they use virus in order to access to computer. So cyber security is very important for every organization in order to reduce the risk of threats. Cyber security helps the Organization in protecting the data, programs, other personal information of consumers and employees, etc. The security has been undertaken in order to minimize the threats and vulnerabilities. The different types of cyber security are hardware security, data loss prevention, intrusion detection system, identity and access management, anti-virus, application security, Cloud Security,etc.

Impact of cyber attack: Every business has key assets which the competitors and criminals wants to utilize my hacking the personal information and money the criminal wants business personal data, financial details of the business, financial position, personal data of consumers, clients list, online payment services, secret behind designing a products etc.

A cyber-attack can easily damage ABCT Company. It can affect this business image and also decreases consumers. Cyber-attack can affect the financial position of ABCT. It will decrease the financial position and arise loss. ABCT company financial position decreases and its revenue also decreases from the theft of money, theft of personal information data, bank details, consumer's personal information, payment and card details, etc.In the words of Bhatia et al. (2016), ABCT has suffered a cyber-breach which affect its system, devices and network of its organization. Cyber-attack can also decrease the reputation of the organization and trust of consumers which leads to loss of large number of customers, reduce the profit and decrease the sale. This also affect the organization relationship with the investors, third party, partners and suppliers. The attacker can stole the personal information, personal data, payment method, bank details,etc. which can affect the organizational growth.

Question 2: Identify and explain at least 3 security vulnerabilities in ABCT's system.

Answer: 3 security vulnerability

1. Sensitive data exposure: Sensitive data exposure can take place anytime when a threats occurs sensitive data exposure refers as stealing all personal data by the hackers. The attacker has many options in hacking the stored data by using a Malware based attack software within a server and Browser by middleman attack. In the words of Coull et al. (2017), it has been found that attackers don't break Crypto they tried to use software in order to corrupt the data. They used to steal encryption keys and passwords which poses a bad impact on the reputation of the ABCT Company.

2. Injection vulnerabilities: Injection vulnerabilities can occur every time in an organization when the application send to an entrepreneur. The most popular injection vulnerabilities can affect xpath, XML etc. it has been stated injection flaws is easy in order to discover only by analyzing the code. It is very hard to find during session of testing. Thecyber-attack that corrupts an injection flaw are loss of data, loss of sensitive data, and lack of accountability. The attackers used injection attack in order to hack the system and can easily get control on the system. Injection vulnerabilities can also affect the software of the organization. Vulnerability affect the internet of things devices like routers, webcam, smart meters and those devices which runs software

3. Buffer overflows: A buffer overflows vulnerability is a condition which exist when an application try to get more information. Buffer overflows is an attack which is common and it is quite hard to discover. In order to corrupt through butter overflow attack the attacker needs to know about the management of the target application. There are different types of buffer overflow - heap buffer overflow and the format speak attack are the most popular buffer overflow. It is one of the dangerous attack because they attack all the applications in desktop, web application and web server. An attacker can use buffer overflow in order to target a web application and to execute its plan


Question 3: Do some research, and find and list 5 different types of emerging threats and describe each of them in detail. In your discussion include what damage the attack might cause, who is responsible for these attacks and their attack techniques.

Answer: Types of cyber threats

• Malware: Malware is a software which performs malicious task on a network or device and corrupt the data and information's of ABCT Company over system. Malware is a software which can easily corrupt the data of ABCT Company.

• Phishing: Phishing is a method with a goal of hacking personal and sensitive data such as information about the consumer, personal details of consumer, password of the organization, payment method, bank details, credit card numbers,etc. In the words of Hamman et al. (2019), it can hack personal information only by sending a mail.

• Man in the middle attack: Man in the middle attack is a cyber-security attack which allows the attacker to establish opposition between the sender and the receiver of message the sender and the receiver thinking that there are only two person within the communication but a metal man attack might use the communication process in order to confuse enemies. Man-in-the-middle attack and easily corrupt the communication relationship between organization and the second party.

• Trojans: Trojans is a type of Malware. It is a trick which invite someone into the protected area in order to corrupt the information's by hiding behind a program. It can spread by email which comes by someone you know through the email. In the words of Mosca et al. (2018), when the employee of ABCT company open that email then Malware will spread all over the system. it can also spread by clicking on false advertisements.

• Attack to IOT devices: Internet of things devices are vulnerable to different types of Cyber threats. Hackers undertaking the devices of ABCT in order to make it a part of DDoS attack and in order to steal the data which has been collected by the device. The primary target of hackers are internet of things devices.

Cyber defense for business: The organization needs to adopt process of Cyber defense which includes important measurements like patching system. When the organization found a security flaw in the system and product they needs to apply a measure in order to resolve the problem. In the words of Sharkov et al. (2016), if Microsoft fine that a hacker has entered into the system in order to access the personal information through a code, the company needs to issue a patch and needs to distribute it to all the owner of the windows. They need to do this at least a gap of one month. the new Tools and techniques new technologies are coming into the market which make it easier for all the organization to make defense against cyber threats which includes:

• Point solution for secure browsing

• Security Services

• Continual attack tool

• system that allows communication between security team members

Importance of cyber security awareness: Cyber security is very important for every business. A business who don't wants to be a victim of Cyber-attack applied cyber security importance of cyber security in a business is not only to protect the data and information but also protect the personal information of the employees and their consumers. In the words of Eiza et al. (2017), there are many benefits of cyber security in an organization. Cyber security is very important for ABCT Company in order to protect all the data and information's and to train and inform their employees about the benefits of cyber security and the reason behind applying the cyber security. If a company train all its employee about the benefits of cyber security and about the loss in not applying the cyber security, the company will never face the risk of threats. When a company providing its employees and all the workers a proper training about cyber security, then they will in the process of saving money which related with loss in security threats. Time saving is another benefit in giving proper training to the Employees about cyber security. In the words of Shackelford et al. (2015), if all employees of ABCT company will aware about the cyber security then they will take a very less time in order to track the threats. All employees can easily solve the problem with proper training. The Trained employee can develop the company culture more efficiently which related to cyber security and information security.


Ways to identify cyber crime: Threats arises when the following task has been played by the employee of an organization. In the words of Ransford et al. (2017), this also occur when new technologies involved in the business and data process used by the company.

•  system abuse: When employees misuse the internet in the organization during working hours which include getting access on irrelevant material, social media sites or gambling.

• Hacking the company's system: When the unhappy employee of the company try to hack the company's personal data and it's consumers information's in order to give to others company then threats occur. In the words of Slotwiner et al. (2018), the employee may look forward to cause a damage of personal data which leads to damage the system and increases the risk of threats.

• Financial fraud: The external and internal threats can occur in the organization through the manipulation of system of accounting, misusing the reports, conversion of fund, and financial payment through credit card and bank accounts which can easily access by the hackers.

Conclusion: Cyber security is an important practice in the organization which helps the organization to protect the system, data, information, Network from the risk of threats. ABCT is an Australian technology company who has a large variety of Hi-tech products which includes hardware and software. the organization recently applied cyber security in order to prevent it's personal data, personal information, consumers information, money, system,etc. It has been concluded in the above report that cyber-attack can damage the whole organization which leads to decrease trust of consumers, profit of the organization, sale of the products, etc. In the words of McAlaney et al. (2016), the three important security vulnerability has been mentioned in the above report in ABCT's system. It has been found that cyber threats can come from anywhere from any people such as criminals, hackers, individual, etc. has been stated in the above report. The techniques used by the hackers in cyber-attack has been illustrate along with different types of cyber security through which a company can protect itself. Different types of Cyber threats and importance of cyber security awareness along with the way an organization can identify the cybercrime has been concluded in the above report. The attackers use different techniques in order to achieve its objectives, such techniques allows hacker to harm the system, steal the personal data of the consumers, steal the password, steal the secrets of the organization, etc. Threats are growing in current years and are becoming very frequent.

Recommendations: The company needs to focus on applying a secure function of cyber economy and also needs to acquire individual privacy and defense strategy in order to protect the data and new innovations.

The company suggested to create a cyber-security leaders role which provide an efficient authority to work with and also can direct other agency in order to save the documents and personal data. It can also boost the existing and future regulations and laws that affect the organizational cyber security.

The company needs to acquire security services particularly in order to deal with vulnerability in system. The company should improve it software and develop its ability which can easily recognize the increase in use of third party software. In the words of Khidzir et al. (2016), the organization should support the manage security service provider which will increase the cyber security within all the organization.

The company should provide training to all its employees in order to make them educated. it also include education for consumer which helps to protect personal information and recognize threats attempts to access information.


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