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Leadership Assignment Help

The paper invites you to delve deeper into leadership theory, leadership characteristics, or the practice of successful or failed leadership models.

Content Requirements for Leadership Paper

• This paper should be 750 words

• Please write an introduction with a thesis statement at the end of the introduction.

• Organize your paper, writing full paragraphs with effective transitions between paragraphs.

• Provide evidence and use details to support your claims.

• Develop a conclusion that summarizes the main points of the paper.

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Leadership is defined as the act of influencing others to make them understand and agree upon the required action to be done and thereby accomplish the shared objective. In short, leadership is the effort of inspiring others to satisfy their potential and attain their goals through proper guidance, encouragement and example. Similarly, an effective leader is one who can explore the self-skill in order to assemble the entire followers towards goal accomplishment. In an organizational context, all managers are considered as the leaders who are required to motivate the subordinates for achieving individual as well as organizational objective (Crona, Gelcich, & Bodin, 2017). The present paper will discuss various leadership theories and leadership characteristics and evaluate them through proper and validated evidence.

Leadership theories and characteristics

According to Nawaz et al (Nawaz, & Khan, 2016) leadership characteristics is based on leadership theories, which subsequently distinguish leader from a follower. Some of the major leadership theories include:

• Trait theory: This theory believes that leaders are either born or are prepared with certain qualities. The theory primarily focusses on the personality assessment of leaders such as creativity, intelligence, conscientiousness and self-confidence. According to reports, the UK government appoints the senior civil servant by analysing the personality assessment of the candidates. In the personality assessment process the candidates have to qualify questionnaire test in order to possess the leadership qualities like result-oriented, integrity, capability and direction.

• Behavioural theory: Here it is believed that great leaders are made through teaching and observation. The theory basically focusses on the actions instead of mental skill of the leader. As per the report of Liao et al (Liao, Chen, Hu, Chung, & Liu, 2017), a common man utilises only 60 % of its capability to become a leader, however through teaching and motivation the remaining 40 % can be achieved to become a perfect leader.

• Participative theory: In this leadership theory, it is believed that ideal leaders are always open to accept the input of others. These leaders are more focused in participation and committed towards decision making process. Research conducted by Kurt Lewin suggests that participative theory is most popular among the subordinates of corporate settings like hospitals, educational universities, hospitals, and IT companies (Billig, 2015). In context to decision making process, company's manager engages the subordinates in making decision procedure after consultation with its team members.

• Management theory: This theory analyses the leader's management ability viz., organisation, supervision and group performance. This theory is often used in business activity to manage and execute employees in the right direction. One of the best example of asuccessful leader associated with management theory is Bill Gates who represents himself as a strong and strict leader to his subordinate for having complete control over the production process.

Ethics of Leadership

In ethical leadership, the leader always act ethically and tries to set the same standards for its followers as well. These leaders not only inspire others to do work in right way but also motivate them to become the kind of personality they want to become. Some of the ethical behaviour includes: making clear boundaries, asking right questions, abiding by policy, responsibility towards ethical action and culture.

Evidence to support claims

In most of the above discussed leadership theories, it is found that the mainframe approach towards understanding leadership effectiveness focusses on either leadership behaviour (directive charismatic motivate and participative) or leadership traits (intelligence, honest, decision making and commitment). Based on the reports of some published studies, it can be concluded that behaviour is the most important predictor to find leadership effectiveness (Meyer, Burtscher, Jonas, Feese, Arnrich, Tröster, & Schermuly, 2016). For instance, a leader is considered as effective when holds qualities like conscientiousness and extraversion. While, a leader possessing qualities like consciousness and agreeableness can effectively improve group performance. Thus, in this case conscientiousness is considered as a consistent predictor to determine leadership effectiveness. The company can hire an individual having the most consistent leadership behaviour and can train them accordingly to promote him/her to the leadership position. Irrespective of this, companies should also consider the individual's record related to mastering tasks, good communication skill and change implementation capability.


It is the responsibility of a leader to consider multiple point of view for success achievement through exhibiting emotional intelligence capability and implementing reflective behaviour as well. In conclusion, evidence suggests that leadershipbehaviours are the most important anticipator of leadership effectiveness.So,it is suggested that organizations can train that employees accordingly to become more efficient leader. In addition to this, companies can also focus primarily on participative and management leadership theories for their overall success. They are the one who can transform a depressed, and dysfunctional organizational culture into a positive, inclusive, and successful organisational culture. (?ndriukaitiene, Voronkova, Kyvliuk, Maksimenyuk, & Sakun, 2017).


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