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ITECH2305 Analysing the Modern Business Assignment Help

A written report suitable for presentation to the organisation,formatted  professionally. You are required to identify an opportunity for a change involving Information Technology in an organization, using current Australian news media to identify the opportunity.

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Change is considered as one of most efficient aspect that allows having accurate development in regard to the sustainability. Through having a consideration of change management in terms of creating technological opportunity the business firm practice can be improved. For present report, Nokia Australia has been selected as an organization. Article published in mybusiness has been considered properly to understand the change and opportunity (Mybusiness, 2019).

Report covers the detailed information in regard to current aim and objective of change within process. Different stakeholder's involvement in change practice has also been taken into account. Moreover, different process, models and techniques are also being evaluated in the study. Change management is referred as key aspect in all the process.

Strategy Analysis

Current aim of the Nokia is to develop technological values in impressive manner so that customers trust can be improved. Business firm is focused towards offering wide range of quality products to customers and ensure about the coordination with industrial trends. Entity has focused on the long term development of process.

In the media article, it has been identified that robotic retail operations are in the trends that assist to meet the goals. Restaurants are using robotic technology to make sure that issue of skilled workforce can be resolved in desired manner (Christopher, 2016). In addition to this, Nokia is also facing an issue respecting to the skilled workforce so that goals and objective can be accomplished. Company is focused on the long term development and improving technology. Business firm is well focused towards improvement in technology and operations in desired manner.

Strategic development in regard to the business operation is also key motive so that opportunity can be advanced. It has been witnessed that Nokia is continuously having improved focus on technological changes (Hugos, 2018).

Key objective behind the change is to development product quality and operations effectiveness. It assists to meet the opportunity and ensure that sustainable values are promoted. Improving the technology and resolving issue of skilled workforce is critical to refer properly.
Nokia is well focused towards boosting the operational standards and make sure regarding sustainability. Company is ready to accept changes in order to deal with the market competition that also enhances the possibility to implement the change in organization. Entity can also use robots in its operations (Monczka, et al. 2015). New production plants can have easy access to technology and robots to have better operations. In retail stores of Nokia the robots can also be used to have store management. Robots can be used to serve customers better during waiting at stores. It will assist entity to have better opportunity in the market and make sure regarding quality of services. Issue of skilled workforce can also be resolved so that development can be promoted accurately.

Elicitation and collaboration

Stakeholders play critical role in implication of the change so that long term development can be valued. It has been witnessed that stakeholder's involvement in the change is necessary so that better opportunities can be attained. Through having proper consideration of responsibility allocation the stakeholders values can be well maintained. It also facilitates to make sure that stakeholders are having proper participation in change (Mangan, and Lalwani, 2016). Application of RASCI matrix has been referred by the Nokia to make sure that change management can be referred properly. RASCI matrix is all about responsibility assignment matrix that allows having proper system so that structural values can be well maintained. Clarity to the assigning roles can be managed properly by having a focus on the RASCI. It is a grid that allows having description of diverse participation and roles in meeting the objectives.

RASCI is matrix that is being classified in different sections such as responsible, accountable, supportive, consulted and informed. It has been witnessed for implanting the change the business firm is focused towards appropriate allocation of the matrix. Responsible stakeholders of implementing change will be management and employees. Proper support of investors, government and employees is also required because it also assist in performing different activities (Fredendall, and Hill, 2016). Customers and employees will be informed about the change and its implementation in the process. Accountable stakeholders will be board of members and management. It means monitoring of change is also necessary to refer so that long term opportunity can be advanced. Consulted persons will be suppliers, technology partners and government. It will assist to meet the values properly and make sure about the opportunity accomplishment.






·         Management

·         Employees

·         Management

·         Board of directors

·         Investors

·         Employees

·         Government

·         Suppliers

·         Technology partners

·         Government

·         Customers

·         Employees


Requirements of change is also being analysed accurately. In current market competition for Nokia has been advanced so in order to deal with such aspects the implication of change is significant for entity. Company is also facing an issue of skilled workforce that also impacts the overall effectiveness in negative manner. It has been witnessed that application of change is necessary to deal with the issues. Through development of change management values the overall process standards can well maintained (Stadtler, 2015). Change is also being referred as essential aspect so that opportunities can be advanced. It has been witnessed that overwhelming desire is being taken into account. Another requirement of implementing the change is that it allows having root of values adequately. It means the challenges within operation can be resolved properly to meet the standards. It also improves the process and standards in significant manner (Giannakis, and Papadopoulos, 2016).

Requirements lifecycle management

Lifecycle management tool is also need to be referred properly by Nokia in order to manage the sustainable aspect. In order to manage the change Nokia will be referring to software development lifecycle. Classification of lifecycle stages can be as plan, develop, test, deploy and maintain. It has been witnessed that use of lifecycle assist in maintaining the standards in adequate manner. In this, it is necessary for business firm to make sure that scheduling the requirements are being referred (Dubey, et al. 2017). It allows meeting the opportunity and making sure about the sustainability. Scheduling requirements are being considered properly so that objective can be attained. Assigning the requirements, task and incidents are also being recorded in the process to meet the goals. Lifecycle consideration also facilitate to have continuous development of new features is also being taken into account.

With a reference of lifecycle process the entity can initially design a plan to develop robotics operations process. It is also necessary to set out few testing so that overall development can be taken into account (Rajeev, et al. 2017). Through having a consideration of lifecycle process the entity can easily meet the opportunity.

Other than this, it has been witnessed that change management lifecycle is also being referred by Nokia. Current state and issues of the business firm need to be analysed accurately so that sustainable values can be taken into account. It is also necessary to have consideration of identification of changes is also necessary to refer so that objective can be met. Through having a proper declaration of the change identification the overall process can be advanced. Engagement with employees is also significant to refer properly so that objective can be attained. It is necessary to make sure that dialogues with the customers are necessary to refer properly so that opportunity can be advanced (Schönsleben, 2018). Need to accept the change can be created with the help of lifecycle. It also helps in developing the key measures accurately and meets the goals. Implementation is also referred as process that assists to meet the development. It also helps in make sure that technological change is employed to benefit the operations of company and ensure about the sustainability. It also helps in developing better situation for future so that opportunity can be advanced (Wiengarten, et al. 2016).
Traceability matrix is being used by companies to make sure that activities are being tracked equally and ensure about the sustainability. In addition to this, it can be said that proper tracking of the activities allow developing strategies. It is a matrix that tracks each activity of lifecycle in adequate manner and ensure about long term opportunities (Meixell, and Luoma, 2015). Through having a development of standards in regard to traceability matrix the issues can also be identified properly. It assists to meet the opportunity and make sure about the long term goals.


Tracking ID

Tracking Date


Current Status evaluation

ID 1234

28th September, 2019



ID 4456

3rd October, 2019



ID 7845

7th October, 2019



ID 3592

15th October, 2019


Desired Status

ID 4282

20th October, 2019


Requirements analysis and design definition

In order to have accurate development of the change management practice within Nokia the entity can easily meet the opportunity. Different models and processes are being referred by the entity to meet the goals. Adkar model of change is being considered by Nokia to manage change activities. It allows accessing the values in desired manner to accomplish goals. Classification of key activities within model can be as awareness, desire, knowledge, ability and reinforcement. It has been witnessed that awareness in regard to the sustainability can be managed accurately. Information about the change must be shared with all members so that objective can be met. Through development of diverse measures the entity can easily make sure that better awareness can be referred (Reimann, and Ketchen 2017). It is also significant for Nokia to make sure that desire to accept the change is being created. It assists to meet the goals properly and make sure about better opportunities. Knowledge must be shared with the members to make sure that learning in regard to change activities can be created. Through having a development of knowledge sharing the entity can have better opportunity. Ability to share the values is also being taken into account so that opportunity can be advanced. It is a process that assists in meeting goals (Ayers, and Odegaard, 2017). Nokia is also having improved focus on the reinforcement so that change regarding use of robots in operation can be taken into account.

Other than this, company is also focused towards application of lewins change management model. It assists to meet the goals and ensure that long term opportunity can be referred. There are various stages that need to be referred by entity to have proper application of management. Classification can be as unfreeze, change and refreeze (Li, et al. 2015). Through development of such norms the overall change in the performance can be valued.

Measurement criteria and evaluation for change is also necessary to refer by the management of Nokia to make sure that change is being implemented accurately. For effective measurement of change the entity is well focused towards setting out few parameters. It facilitates to make sure that sustainable opportunity can be attained (Ben- Hassini, and Bahroun, 2019). It has been witnessed that benchmarking is also being taken into account by the business firm so that goals and measures can be valued. For proper monitoring the individual team is also being framed by the entity as it assist to meet the goals. Change implemented will be considered as success if the effectiveness of the operations has been advanced accurately. It facilitates to meet the goals and make sure about the long term opportunity.

In the present era, carrying out organisational changes is not an easy task and businesses are required to focus on different areas and aspects linked with the same. In addition to this, different strategies and ways need to be adopted by companies with an objective to carry out desired and appropriate improvements in their process of change. For example, encouraging clear and effective communication is one of the main and most important solutions which can be taken into consideration by Nokia to deal with the issues and problems linked with change management. Embracing communication is a very useful strategy because it will help the employees and staff members in understanding the main reasons because of which changes have been carried out within an organisation (Laari, Töyli, and Ojala, 2017). The solution is also effective because it can result in enhancing the degree of employee morale and motivation level during the process of change. On the other side of this, monitoring and managing resistance is also a key solution which can be taken into consideration by Nokia to carry out improvements in the process of managing change. Most of the time, businesses fail to attain the desired objectives and results in the process of change management because they neglects the need and importance of monitoring and managing resistance. Monitoring is considered an important aspect because it helps in identifying and analysing the issues and loopholes within the process of change management (Li, et al. 2015). The practice of managing resistance can results in boosting up the morale of workers so that they can give their best towards dealing with the entire process of change management.

After carrying out comparison of the solutions presented above, it can be stated that the solution of facilitating effective communication is more useful and effective. The rationale behind this is that communication will help employees in ensuring the fact that their job and position is secured during the process of change. In addition to this, the solution will also help the staff members within Nokia to become aware of the reasons because of which changes have been carried out.


As per the above study, it can be concluded that Nokia is focused towards implementing the change so that opportunity can be advanced. Use of measures regarding change management has been taken into account. Application of different norms regarding change management has facilitated in boosting the use of robots in operations of Nokia. Different models are being used to manage the activities.

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