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Importance of Vital Sign Monitoring During Iron Infusion Assignment Help

Assignment requires you to reflect on assessment techniques that are performed during your recent clinical placement.You are required to journal during your placement and present an extended reflection from one assessment (nursing assessment) performed whilst on placement and link it to the evidence.

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In the last few weeks, I have been asked to conduct iron infusion in the form of IV for patients. While I know the procedure to apply IV to the patients, this sounded new to me. In the initial days, the nurse head explained the purpose of intravenous iron. I realized that this has to be carried out only at the clinic and that it can consumer several hours to insert and complete the procedure as per the specifications of the physician. I understood that these iron injections are meant to improve the iron levels of a person.

When a patient continues to take it regularly, it is important to study the iron levels at periodic times and then switch to iron supplements. My nurse head said the 6 major patients who take this intravenous iron treatment and this includes cancer patients, celiac disease patients, anemic people, patients with gut bleeding, kidney dialysis and inflammatory bowel disease. In the past, I have worked on intravenous insertion and assistance to the head nurse during dialysis of the patient. I was constantly said by the head to closely watch the iron level when this treatment is provided to those who have bleeding in the gut region as the body absorbs iron rapidly.

My assessment for this period is to monitor the vital signs during the iron infusion given to patients through IV within the hospital environment. When I was asked to study the vital signs like temperature, respiratory rate, heart rate, blood pressure and oxygen saturation, I asked the need to assess these signs on a regular basis (Rampton et al, 2014). That’s when I learned about the hypersensitivity reactions that can happen during iron infusions though these reactions are rare.

As soon as a person is provided infusion of iron through IV, there is likelihood in breathing problem, low blood pressure, dizziness, and bloating and chest pain. When the patient has already informed about the allergic reaction, it is easier to monitor. On the other hand, not all patients provide the allergic information data. I learned that chest tightness and itching should be addressed with stoppage of iron infusion for at least 15 minutes. During this time, all the vital signs should be monitor constantly (Rampton et al, 2014). The infusion has to start only after the patient gets better and this time the infusion has to be reduced by 50%. On the other hand, continuous breathing problem needs immediate halt of the iron infusion and the patient has to be induced with corticosteroid to control the reaction.

When a patient with anemia looks out for a treatment, it is important to check the vitals and then infuse iron. This is because the sensitivity can increase at any moment and chances of anxiousness are high. The waiting time for the patient to get better is between 15 minutes and 1 hour. When it exceeds one hour, the infusion has to be stopped and regular fluids will have to be infused. This is just to improve the physical health and also to stabilize the vitals on the whole.

Oxygen saturation is common among patients with anemia due to the mental stress and fear caused by the iron infusion via IV. With isotonic fluid infusion, it is possible to control the problem of breathing and monitor the signs. As the heart rate becomes normal, the infusion can begin. It is during this situation that the nurse has to take extreme care as iron deficient patients have high chances of getting their vital signs oscillated.

As soon as a patient informs of the anemic condition or some other iron deficiency, it is important to put the safety first and explain the procedure in detail (Bhandari et al, 2018). This can control the fluctuations in the vital signs and keep the patient prepared for whatever that is going to happen next. The patient – nurse cooperation is extremely important to achieve the desired outcomes. On the other hand, the changes in vital signs will have to be monitored for every 5 minutes as complexities can arise at any moment and at such cases, the physicians will have to be invited. The intervention of a physician in this process can ensure safety and also guide the nurse on the subsequent steps to be taken. This is the reason to conduct the infusion within the clinical environment.

This assessment was useful in understanding the safety aspect associated with intravenous iron and the complexities that a nurse can face during this process.

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