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HUMN4402 Planning and Budgeting Assignment Help

To prepare for this Discussion: 

Review the Course Introduction and think about the aspects of planning and budgeting highlighted. Refer back to the Course Introduction throughout the course for reference. 

Review Chapter 1 of your course text, The Basics of Public Budgeting and Financial Management, and consider functions of budgets and various budget formats. 

Review Chapters 1–3 in the report ,"Competition in Corrections: Comparing Public and Private Sector Operations." Take note of similarities and differences between public and private budgets. 

Think about each type of budget (public and private) and consider which types of criminal justice agencies might use each.

With these thoughts in mind: 

Post an explanation of 2–3 differences between public and private budgets. Then explain which types of criminal justice agencies might use a public budget and which types of criminal justice agencies might use a private budget and why. Be sure to provide detailed examples and be specific in your response.

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Public and private budgets – Differences

The purpose of public budgeting is to balance the budgets and plan projects efficiently (Cooper, 2006). On the other hand, private budgets are meant to predict results of operations. 

Public budgets are usually less clear while private institutions make it mandatory to communicate to their shareholders and also to creditors. This will improve the overall quality and help the private company to forecast the future of the firm which the government fails to follow. 

Budgeting in case of public sector is highly unstable and biased. There is an influence of the bureaucratic group on the process and hence, there are several challenges faced. In the case of private firms, there is a financial department that strictly follows the procedures and ensures that even the low level employees abide by the processes to achieve results. 

Types of criminal agencies using private budget

One major criminal agency that makes use of private budget is private police. This typically includes mall security or railroad police. With more security firms coming into the industry, the government and local firms are in need of security guards and detectives (Stringham, 2015). They are meant to minimize the crimes in the locality and maximize the peace levels. Private police will be governed by respective agencies. 

Types of criminal agencies using public budget

Majority of the law enforcement agencies including Europol, Ameripol, GCC POL (Gulf Cooperation Council Police Force) and United Nations Interim Administration Mission located in Kosovo work internationally and make use of government funds to maintain law and order in the state (Cooper, 2006). There are also agencies like central security guards, railway protection force, border police, investigation agency, forest rangers, immigration department and armed forces that establish laws and regulations. Though there are controls on the budgets, these criminal agencies take the responsibility to plan population management effectively. 

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