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Evidence Based Practices Assignment Help

1. Develop an EBP Standard (150 to 250 words) - List a bundle of care of two to three intervention from the evidence and discuss how individual patient's preferences will be considered.

2. Implications (150 to 250 words) - Provide a summary of the consequences from the proposed project on research, education and practice.

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Today, with advent of new technologies, it is found that the patients are expecting better quality services from the healthcare organizations. It is thereby necessary for the staff to develop intervention techniques that will allow them to perform as per the needs of the organization. Today, patients are found to be suffering from anxiety, stress, depression, and other behavior problems in a given environment.

It is thereby necessary for the nursing staff to develop an evidence-based approach through which they will be able to serve these patients in a better way. They can follow the practices as mentioned in the research literature and act accordingly on the patients in a given environment. Second, they can use technological platforms and thereby overcome the issues of the patients based on the medical reports generated (Schraw & Patall, 2013).

Third, they can even follow nursing models wherein they will not only provide treatment solutions to the patients but will also assist them from the counselling approach in a given environment. It will thereby help the patients to get recovered quickly in a given environment. For example, in this case, the patients are supporting from Asthma and thus the major treatment solutions will be either providing necessary medications or use another approach to medicine and accordingly provide it to the patients (Schraw & Patall, 2013).


The proposed research is regarding identifying ways and solutions for curing Asthma among the patients. As per the recent research reports, it is found that nurses are following evidence-based practices in a given environment. It has thereby become important for the nursing staff to adhere to the different nursing care models and accordingly provide care treatments to the patients in a given environment (Magers, 2013).

It will subsequently make sure of overcoming the challenges faced by the patients regarding Asthma in a given environment. On the other hand, the nursing staff through such an intervention approach will be able to provide necessary care solutions, will be able to overcome challenges present in the external environment, and also will be able to schedule the different treatments as per the needs of the patients. It will thereby allow patients to get recovered quickly in a given environment.

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