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Development and Training Consultancy Assignment Help 

Your proposal should include the following:

- Brief description of your own Training and Development Consulting Company
- A discussion of how you would conduct a Needs Analysis
- Your recommendations for types of training programs you would conduct for hourly employees, professional employees, and managers
- Explanation of how your recommended training programs support the company mission/key issues
- Defense of your recommendations based on management theory/theories (such as social learning theory, reinforcement theory, etc.)
- A discussion of how you would validate the training you recommend
- Explanation of how you would evaluate the effectiveness of your training programs

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Introduction: Brief description

Our company ABC training consultancy provides development and training consulting services to various types of organizations. It aims towards developing employee's skill and thereby support them to accomplish the organization's mission (Rozdolskaya, Ledovskaya, &Bolotova, 2018). Through practical training approach, employees are able to raise their competency level and develop skills. Further these skills can be absorbed into routine job responsibility that in turn will be effective to raise the standards and quality of outcomes. The company offers classroom training at its office as well as provide on-site training facility. The training classes offer courses for developing skills of employees and leaders. The company offers completely customized training programs and resources according to the organization's specific requirements and objectives. Our company is being engaged helping employers to build a better workforce since past 10 years. For the consultancy process, we prefers to understand and adapt the organizational culture first, and then heading towards determine their specific training needs. The various forms of training available in the company are instructor-led training, video training programs, web-based training program, and e-learning programs. In the present report, our consulting firm will provide a training program to the employees of "Dynamic" for improving employee productivity.

How to conduct need analysis

Need analysis is considered as the first critical stage of the training system. The training staff analyses the focus of training, to be delivered,to render effectiveness in the outcomeof the program. For need analysis, the company staffs will conduct analysis on three levels viz., communication, tasks, and skills. Firstly, this include conducting a communication sessions to determine current and future business requirements. Secondly, in task analysis, the personnel of the company will visit the site and conduct workshops. Third, in skill analysis, a skill questionnaire is generated on the basis of task analysis. Further, the completed questionnaires will be checked by their respective line managers. Finally, the training personnel will analyse the findings and report the final result as the presentation. This approach helps to analyse four major aspects required for the training program (Wehrmeyer, &Vickerstaff, 2017). First, it will help in identification of the gap. Here the actual situation or performance of the organization and their employees will be evaluated. In the next approach, identification of the cause of performance issues or performance opportunities will be explored. The later will be helpful in preparing change management strategy. Likewise, recognizing priorities and importance of the activities will be estimated. The likely contributor for such information will be the employees itself and then the actualization of training process will be initiated. Lastly, the identification of the possible solution as well as the growth opportunities will be accomplished, which is the most important aspect of the training program. Evaluation of individual training needs can be identified through an external training program or by implementing staff rotation. This step will be performed, prior to the commencement of the customized training program.

Recommendation for training types

According to the expert trainers of the company, the hourly employees, professional employees, and managers are likely to be provided the introduction regarding the general training program, technical or technology development training program, and managerial skill development training programs. The hourly workers of the company will be provided with general training which would include the basic information related to the job and company culture (Dhar, 2015). These employees will be given training in the form of group discussions and activities. The process is believed to be effective, as it allows multiple employees to be trained at a time. This is a collaborative approach towards resolving the complex issues of hourly employees. The professional employees will be provided with technological or technical training depending on their type of job. It is important to note that"Dynamic" is a computer-oriented company. Thus, most of the professional employees requires training related to data analysis, programming, and coding. The training will be in strategized in conjunction to the instructor-led training, simulation for employee, and lecture-based training mechanism. The managerial skill development moduel for the managers include soft skills session such as motivation, delegation, email etiquette, and decision making. In this company, the managers require skill such as delegation, coaching, and providing feedback, which is more important for timely execution of projects. The training sessions will be performed in the form of management specific activities which include simulations, brainstorming activities, team building exercises, and eLearning practices. It is important for the trainers to consider the additional requirements of managers first as compared to other employees. This is because, managers are considered as the foundation of the entire workforce, hence controlling the manager effectively will automatically bring other workers in place. Furthermore, managers will also be responsible for reviewing and monitoring of the implemented strategies.

Training support forcompany' mission and issues

The general form of training will be given to hourly employees to make them potential all-rounder (to handle general and specific task). The cross-training helps them to fill the gap in the absence of another employee, including the strategies for delegation and negotiation. In addition to this, the training also makes them aware of the benefits, compensation policy, employee rights, and company culture. This, in turn, will increase the work efficiency and coordination of the employees. Similarly, for professional employees, the training will be helpfulfor improving their technical skills and competitiveness. Instructor-led training involves highly-skilled trainer who provides personal training to each employee. Apart from improving their technological "know-how", the trainers have also enhanced their morale and productivity rate. The training session motivates them to perform better in their respective fields. Managerial training is the most important training among all. Managerial training constitutes of both in-house as well as outhouse session. In-house activity includes activities like system scheduling whereas the outhouse managerial skills include leadership. The overall objective of the training program will be to increase employee satisfaction levels and productivity.

Recommendations on the basis of management theories

Social learning theory describes learning as a cognitive process that takes place in a social context, instead of being solely a behavioural process. The theory states that structured classes and learning from expert's mentoring are an integral part of learning and development (Floridia, & Hollinger, 2017). Instructor-led training and simulation employee training are considered as the most effective mode of transferring knowledge. The managerial training activity conducted by the trainers is based on reinforcement theory to reshape their behaviour and overcome the restraining forces of change. Managerial specific activities are considered as experimental based learning where learning and development are done through challenges, tasks, and practices to increase their efficacy. Most importantly, the management theories will be addressed by focusing on interpersonal, self-assessment, and communication skills.

Validation of the training program

For validating the recommended training, it is important for the trainees to achieve the skills and knowledge for which the training was intended to provide. Validation is a method of pre- or post-test and assessment. A group validation of the training provided to hourly employees can be done by "activity in training" to evaluate their knowledge, skills, and attitude. An individual validation of training provided to professional employees would be done through the "Exit interview" method for analysing their knowledge and skills. Similarly, an individual validation of managerial training is conducted through "Site visit and monitoring" method to identify the managerial and leadership skill (Asfaw, Argaw, &Bayissa, 2015). Above all, performance appraisal standards will also be implemented such that the employees and managers will be encouraged to apply the learned skills in their routine task.

Evaluation for effectiveness of the training program

For evaluating the effectiveness of the given training program, Kirkpatrick's four-level training evaluation model is the most effective one. This model helps the trainer to identify and analyze the outcome of the training programs and identify ways for future improvement. The four levels of the model include (Gönenç, &Sezer, 2019), "Reaction",in which the degree of reaction of the participants towards the training is measured by addressing them with few questions. Likewise, "Learning" aspect will analyse the degree of acquired knowledge, attitude, skills, commitment, and confidence on the basis of participation in training events is evaluated. "Behaviour" aspect will be determined on the basis of behavioural acquisition and its implementation by the employees in their respective job. Finally, "Results"will include analysis of the extent of occurrence in the targeted outcome in conjunction to the training event and its subsequent reinforcement is evaluated.The evaluation of training outcome will always be started with level one and then it is proceeded to other levels as per the availability of time and budget.


In summary, the present report analyses the strategies of employee training and development. The use of various management theories, validation framework, and evaluation for the effectiveness of training modules are discussed in details. The detailed outline of this report is thus believed to be effective in any medium or large sized firm. However, the contribution from employees and managers is pivotal to render effectiveness in the outcomes.

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