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David Walker "An Appeal to the Coloured Citizens" Assignment Help

1. Read the Abolitionist tract by David Walker "An Appeal to the Coloured Citizens" and explain how his argument fits with your texts information about abolitionism right before the Civil War (particularly with John Brown) besides the chapter 11 also refer to chapter 13.

2. Besides being an anti-slavery movement, how does abolitionism enhance a fundamentally different value system in the North than is evident in the South - also think of this question in terms of the Woman''s rights movement begun in Northern states after 1848. How does the document "Declaration of Sentiments show a clear divide between North and South.

3. Now that you''ve read about both Northern and Southern society prior to the Civil War, what are the main differences (economic sytstems, treatment of women, religious experimentation, views on the worth of people meaning the mentality of the planter v. the abolitionist) and what makes them so significant so as to eventually cause a Civil War?

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1. David Walker being an African American abolitionist worked towards pre-Civil War phase through their movements. There were pamphlets created appealing towards Colored Citizen of the world. There were urges made to rebel against slavery practices this proved to be recognised as one of the most radical documents to gear the anti-slavery movement (Thoreau, 2016). As a retaliation of state to such movement initiatives through smuggled pamphlets in the South, the prohibitions were raised in the legislative forms. There were circulations made by abolishing literature and restricting slaves from access to reading and writing. It was in course of this movement and retaliation that Walker was warned against danger for his life. However, he refused to flee to Canada to save his life. It was post that incident that his body was found near his shop. It was the revolt that Walker raised against slavery that widely got reprinted after his death (Bond, 2018). There were small groups of minorities who were regarded as the abolitionists comprising most of the anti-slavery leaders. It was during that time that free backs had rejected the call for taking up violence. It was his only son, Edwin G. Walker that took over the elections to Massachusetts for legislature in 1866. The Civil War was initiated post the Roman Slavery practices were evidently brought to end. It was the strong virtue and movement of abolitionism set forward during 1783 and 1888 in regions of Western Europe and America that played the major responsibility in creation of emotional climate that is necessary for ending the transatlantic slave trade along with chattel slavery. Freedom's Journal is the weekly newspaper that was published in 1827 and 1829 which is operated by African Americans in the United States. It is based upon the New York City. It is through Freedom's Journal that was found in March in 1827 which was then a group of free blacks gathered to establish the newspaper intending to serve the African American. It is believed that such movements and slave revolts were preparing the foundation for the Civil War to take place.

2. As a result of the slave abolition movement in the United States the rights of women became one of the predominant movement domains (Thompson, 2017). It is found that ideological impacts were created in terms of Revolution and Second Great Awakening within the rising middle class so that elevation in education among women is spread as a common practice. It is during the initial rebellious movement by women to rise above the status of domestic servants who endowed the radical struggles and end the practice of slavery. The consciousness about rights of women began to emerge during 18th century. American Revolution ensured the legislative tradition to affirm to women authorities and freedom that guarantees the husband's authority over wives. The legal existence of women got suspended as a result of marriage. When the Southern attributes are to be considered before Civil War democracy was not much respected as a heavy influence for the aristocracy (Fleche, 2016). There were prevalent practices of slavery where more than 1,733 families were engaged in owning more than 100 slaves. It is addressing the southern wealth that education was found to get much evolved in terms of children. T was the South which often felt the obligation to serve the public where higher intensity of front-ranked statesmen is found than those in the North. Due to undemocratic practices in South the gap between the rich and the poor widened. This eventually evidenced the worsening of tax related support for the public education in the South. It was comfortable for rich to lead a property facilitated social life with high education for their children. It is adhering to South that an extreme monopolistic economic structure was adopted for small farmers. It was under the dominance of King Cotton that extreme dependence upon world conditions to decide on the pricing was prevailed in the South. As a result of abolition movement the North reacted in an unwilling and uninterested manner. The ‘free soil' movement was supported to resist further spread of slavery to the west. Support tariff and urban industry was indulged into by North. Radical changes in class, gender, social relations, private property and marriage took place in north, mutual criticism by Oneida and John Noyes enabled Civil War to be created through complexities in marriages (Ham, 2018). Mormons and Joseph Smith's concept of polygamy and plural marriage also led to the same results. The northern regions took up a communalism approach to bring about greater radical change. However, the way south took active initiative to fight against end of slavery the North did not take any initiative in ending such practices. The north eventually led to hinder and oppose the southern interests.

3. In case of North the actions towards abolition were witnessed to be quite slow rather than those in the South (Yao, 2018). When America Revolutions broke out the laws created towards slavery were easily and actively approached by the south. It was the northern stats which outlawed the chattel slavery. It was found that Slavery exists until 1860s in the regions of north. When the differences between North and South are undertaken prior to Civil War the following domains were found to demarcate.


In terms of North there were more cities and factories built and established (Leavell, 2017). There was industrial revolution taking place where introduction of cheaper and faster performing machines were taken place. North experienced shift from skilled crafts individuals towards less skilled labourers. There was economic boost witnessed.

In south agriculture included plantations and slaves. The whites in southern region made their living off that land. There were cotton kingdoms where cotton production placed increased significance to foster slavery.


In the north better and improved national roads were built. Inexpensive means were adopted to deliver the products. River travel paths were used as fastest modes (Dahl, 2017). Railroads through steam-powers machinery enabled faster transportation and travel crossing lands.

In south Water was identified as prime transportation using river as an easy and cheap means of travel.


In the north the blacks were freely segregated and worked as labourers and servants. In the same region the whites lived on the farms where children were expected to help in farming, harvesting and factories. women were regarded to be domestic slaves and servants to be oppressed and be under authority of husbands.

In south the blacks were in smaller minorities to live separately (Bulla et al. 2016). They were skills in crafts and field work. The white in south had possessed wealth in terms of slaves and lands. Women were still struggling yet education for children was enhanced in south.

Issues leading to Civil War:

It was the southern threats that required balance of power. It was through the reign of Congress that in 1840s the slavery extended in new territories.

The Ohio River was established as all free in the north and the slaves practices were carried across this Ohio River.


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