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Question 1: A short history of Crypto Currencies

Answer: A CRYPTOCURRENCY (CRYPTO-CURRENCY) is defined as one of the inbuilt digital assets for the given medium of exchange that would be able to retrieve and exercise secure financial transactions along with the inbuilt quality of the control to have the additional units that would be able to also verify to the given transfer of assets. It represents the idea of using digital cash n virtual currency as a fiat currency. The cryptocurrency was invented by the developer "Satoshi Nakamoto" during 2009 and includes the form of SHA-256, part of the work scheme. He announced that he developed," A PEER-TO-PEER ELECTRONIC CASH SYSTEM." It is also known as digital or visual currency, are the form of electronic money. Includes the best part of payment systems that would be able to execute contracts along with the given run programs (Delmolino, 2016).

Question 2: What technology is used

Answer: It's a digital currency that can even include the form of the encryption techniques for the ways of the currency, operating independently of a central bank. Blockchain technology is used for cryptocurrency as it is more efficient; reduce time n share your time with other experts with other developers. It includes the decentralized control form of the given centralized digital currency along with the given central banking systems. Cryptocurrency works based on the distributed ledger technology. Cryptocurrency includes the cryptography, " The art of solving or writing codes." The technology allows digital information to be distributed, but not copied.

Question 3: What exchanges are on which they are traded

Answer: It is one of the type of the fiat currencies for the given special online markets; along with the given scope of the variable exchange rate that can include the world currencies like Dollar, Pound, and Euro and Yen (Fry, 2016). Cryptocurrency would be vulnerable to unethical issues of the hacking form of the cybercriminals. Cryptocurrency exchanges are like stock exchange; buyers n sellers are offered a platform to trade different assets which with their value based on the current market prices. Mostly three types of exchanges are there:

TRADING PLATFORMS: which connect buyers n sellers to one another

BROKERS: which sell cryptocurrencies at a price set by brokers.

DIRECT TRADING: which provide direct peer-to-peer trading. This allows users to exchange currencies across the world and the seller n buyer settles on a price.

This trading is very commonly used.


Question 4: What is the market capitalisation of all cryptocurrencies and which ones make up largest % of that capitalisation

Answer: It is defined as the current share price multiplied by the total number of existing shares. The market capitalization of the world's top currency is more than $125 billion. All currency trading is done in pairs. You have to buy one currency and sell another currency in the forex market. Market capitalization is a measure of the value of security. In cryptocurrency, it's defined as the circulating supply of tokens multiplied by the current stock price. Large capitalization cryptocurrencies have a big market capitalization and as such are safe investments to make.

LARGEST % OF THE CAPITALIZATION: BITCOIN is the original cryptocurrency and it remains the go-to leader of the market. Bitcoins needs to have an inbuilt value of money. It even includes the growing base of the users, merchants, along with the given startups. Should have the currency, Bitcoin' s value should be able to come with the potential help for the people willing to accept the given payment. Per coin price is more than $7,305. So, there are roughly 17.1 billion BTC in circulation, according to market capitalization (Halaburda, 2016).

Question 5: Are different currencies suitable for different tasks

Answer: The different currencies should be able to build on stores of value along with the given traded existence of the nations to the foreign exchange markets. So, different currencies can be used for different tasks, but cryptocurrency has become major buzzwords in the financial world. People starting realizing that bitcoin can be major moneymakers. Hence when we are putting in the money to the given cryptocurrency it would also be able to arise with the given value rising to be able to sell the profit-you for the significant part of the investor required to swap cryptocurrencies, in the hopes of jumping from ship to ship to maintain the highest value (similarly in stock market)- you are a trader.

Question 6: What opportunities do they provide

Answer: It includes the key market opportunities for the related analyzing changes with the given environment as a significant part of the technological and scientific developments that would be able to generate to the given business opportunities.
The factor that drives the market growth is negligible fees for the transaction in cryptocurrency exchange. Though the opportunities offered through Bitcoin are still substantial. There are still many opportunities in Bitcoin. Bitcoin is "close to bottoming". Includes the possibilities to be able to minimize the costs for the given failed opportunities and unrelated part of the risk along with the given cost of new product at a global scale. However, the research also finds that block chains have greater perceptions that ready for commercial use (Hileman, 2017).

Question 7: What are possible dangers

Answer: Cryptocurrencies are deemed to be one of the most volatile, new that can adopt today's market. Investing all your money can reduce your investments, you can quickly lose all your money if you have not researched properly and don't know what you are doing many do not know even what cryptocurrency and block chains are and how does it work, so have a clear understanding of what technology is. There is a huge amount of coins available today, and there's a tendency to overlook the fundamentals of the cryptocurrency and make decisions based on hypes. They tend to just follow the hype. So, after that start researching on the many different coins that exist today and make your decision after that. Examines the risks for the given cryptocurrency, related to the currency along with the business perspective. The important point is, cryptocurrencies are should not be governed from the central bank, national or international organization, deemed to review the participants considered for the given transactions, and also includes the loss of confidence for the given abrupt drop with the given value. Includes the cryptocurrency required for the cash currency with the given purpose of the criminal community; that can also be breaking into the crypto exchanges and would also be obliged to drain crypto wallets along with the possibility of the stolen cryptocurrency. It is also one of the transactions based on the conduct of the internet along with the given hackers target the given type of people. Through the investors approach it may also be building on the strength to the key requirement of the own computer security system, It would be dependent on the cryptocurrency having a highly attributes and the significance to the reliant unregulated companies having a lack of the appropriate internal controls to the given fraud and theft that would be also regulated to form the financial institutions. Includes the software form of the given suspect at times.


Question 8: What regulation are they subject to

Answer: Even though the whole world is slowly starting to know and understand more about cryptocurrency day by day. Legal and regulatory issues are two of the big problems facing the crypto sector till' today. There's no common directive or any international legislative basis that could give an exact understanding of how the cryptocurrency industry should be regulated. Regulations prohibit financial firms holding or trading cryptocurrencies. People's Bank of China includes the form of the regulating bitcoin form of the given prohibiting financial institutions that would be able to handle the bitcoin transactions. The past four years have seen cryptocurrencies become ubiquitous, prompting more with their regulations. The cryptocurrency market place extensively is expanding to have cryptocurrency regulation. Regulation should also be built on the challenge to have the key for the new cryptocurrency market entrants. Though cryptocurrencies have been touted and represented in different names, their very nature qualifies them as money. Governments have been reluctant and mostly refuse to regulate the cryptocurrencies or either altogether to look their way. In all grit and honesty, the prospects of government regulating cryptocurrencies are quite a tough one. Cryptocurrencies have been used to launder money and users of cryptocurrencies are wanted to avoid paying taxes, this is because cryptocurrencies are not effectively regulated by governments of countries at the moment.

Question 9: Can we start our own currency and what is involved (you can omit this section as it is quite big, this is in here for those of you that are especially interested)

Answer: Cryptocurrency is attributed to be one of the currencies that has also bonafide to have created and also be able to prosper with the given business idea that would be adequately be launched and as a part of the, that can also prosper to bring its own blockchain, and build on the own digital currency (cryptocurrency). It is examined to be one of the ways to start the cryptocurrency that can make the powerful marketing tools along with the consumer benefits that can help to bring and to be able to differentiate yourself from the competition. As highlighted with most of the significant advantages:

• Eliminating fraud risk

• Providing transaction anonymity

• Cutting down operating costs

• Offering immediate transactions

• Ensuring an immediate pool of potential customers

• Providing securities for their funds.

Conclusion: It is concluded that the Cyptocurrency is one of the vital tool used in the modern times and the law governing to cover the cryptocurrencies would be better to protect oneself from the cryptocurrency regulations along with the key direction to be headed. Regulates the digital currency, with the given thousands of cryptocurrencies that are part of the circulation.
Needs to interpret the trade or use visual currencies that can follow on the risk to also be able to build on the no recourse strategy for the things go wrong.

Summary: The cryptocurrency is better form of the currencies in the digital market. Different currencies include the significant relation to the payment systems for the most part of the key executives in the contracts along with the inbuild run programs. It includes the key possibilities of the virtual currencies that can also be sold to the exchange platform having conventional money.


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