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Change Management Assignment Help

1. Description of the search method (i.e., databases, keywords, criteria for inclusion and exclusion, and number of studies that fit your criteria).

2. Summarization of all of the research studies used as evidence. The essential components of each study need to be described so that readers can evaluate its scientific merit, including study strengths and limitations.

3. Description of the validity of the internal and external research.



Change in organization in current perspective is constant which modifies the functional and organisational structure of the body. Change in the process, strategies, technologies, procedures and culture leads organisations to significant transformation and helps achieve the goals without much constraints. The aim of the research is to analyze the differences between theories versus practice of change. It also aims to develop measurable outcome to recognize the changes.


- To Analyze current practice versus research to recognize a change

- To Assess stakeholders, team roles, and leadership skills needed to bring about change

- To Create evidence based practice objectives that are aligned to measurable outcomes

Description of the research

In the views of Camero & Green (2015), change management is an essential activity for every organisation as it ensures sustainability of the organisation. In context to this study the research secondary data collection method is used in order to obtain relevant information about the topic. It is important to note that selecting peer-reviewed journals which are appropriate for obtaining secondary data is very important where it is necessary to evaluate its reliability and relevance with the topic.

In context to this study, the main focus of the research is to analyse and evaluate the theoretical aspects of change management with the practical implication of change management in organisation.

In context to this study, certain criteria of inclusion and exclusion is developed which provides a specific direction to the research. Here, business corporations have been selected as the area of research. The journals and book have been selected as per the objectives of the research. It is important to note that journals and books that have been selected are peer reviewed and the date of publication is not more than 2016 as the relevance of data is more appropriate and the information of the contents carries latest updates of the research.

In context to this research the one journal and two books on change management have been selected for in-depth understanding of the study. It is important to note that, while discussing the various applications of change management proper strategies and methods need to be considered by leaders as well for ensuring success in the change management in the organisation.  

In the views of Padilla-Díaz (2015), the research design of the study is explanatory as the research requires thematic-explanation of the acquired data from the secondary source of information.  In the opinions of Smith (2015), the research approach is selected to be deductive as no new concept or theories have been developed in the research. The research explains the available data and information from analysing the secondary data. Moreover, the research philosophy for this study is interpretivism which suggests interpretation of the information along with analysing the data (Lewis, 2015).

Literature Review

Evaluating the evidence based secondary data

The theory and practice of change management:

This book specifically deals with the various theories and models of change management. The chapters of the book include in-depth discussion on the Kotler’s Change model where in-depth understanding of the stages of changes in organisation is discussed. Identification of the areas of change and appropriate strategies that support the change in company is also explained in this book (Hayes, 2018). This book provides significant data which satisfy the requirements of the research.

Leading change toward sustainability: A change-management guide for business, government and civil society:

Business sectors have social responsibilities which need to be considered as ethical values of the organisations. It is important to note that, sustainability and leadership are some of the important factors that require considerations. In the opinions of Doppelt (2017), carbon-emission of companies and the ill-effects it has on the environment. The book holds detailed discussion on the factors regarding the implication of CSR by various organisations and the requirements of corporate sectors to renew their CSR models.

Organizational transparency: A new perspective on managing trust in organization-stakeholder relationships:

This journal clearly illustrates the significance of organisational transparency and the relationship of organisation with its stakeholders (Schnackenberg & Tomlinson, 2016). The journal is helpful as it provides necessary information regarding the various factors that are related to the enhancing transparency of the organisation. Change in the strategies and procedures can help individuals to recognize and evaluate the intensity of the transformation in the organisation.

Evaluative Table Template


Strengths and Weaknesses of the resources

All the three resources are having relevant information of the topic. It includes in-depth discussion and also help in developing clear concepts of change management and leadership. However, none of the resources carries significant solution which can be considered in time of crisis. Crisis management regarding implementing changes are not clearly mentioned in any of the resources.

Description of the validity of the research

Authority: All the resources used in the research are from reputed authors who have prior experience of the publishing books and journals and hence, the contents are reliable and valid in nature.

Accuracy: As per the research and analysis of the secondary sources of data  it can be said that, information available in the three resources in context to the research are accurate and holds valid justification for its usage.

Objectivity: The journal used in this research is objective in its nature where the primary data are placed and are analysed. However, the two books are more subjective in nature as the author’s opinions are highlighted in the book.

Currency: All the journals used in the study are published in respect to the last three years which suggests that the data of the research contains latest information and analysis. 

Coverage: The three journals used in this research covers a wide area of the topic which supports the basic focus of the research. It is important to note that there has been significant discussion on the topic in all of the three resources

Appearance: All the three resources have been cite by more than 120 people which suggests that the three resources important and reliable sources of information.


Change management includes various process as it involves change in the organisational strategies, process and procedures. These factors are important as it determine the efficiency and success of the changes. It is important to note that when it comes to study the various aspects of change management in organisation, appropriate resources are essential to be analysed. In context to this research, three resources have been used to analyse change management in organisation and has been evaluated as per the objectives of the research.


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