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Workforce Challenges Assignment


Assignment 1

Question 1: What are the variables that influence an employee's decision to leave or stay at an organization? (Hint: It's not just money.)

Solution: Today, with increased challenges in the internal working environment, the role of the Human Resources (HR) department is vital as they need to formulate policies that will not only motivate the employees but will also ensure that they do not leave the organization. One of the key objectives of the HR department is to ensure lower employee turnover ratio and thus the HR department needs to deploy strategies accordingly in a given working environment (Glowa-Kollisch et al., 2014).

There are several variables that will influence on the decision of the employee to either leave the organization or stay within the present organization. These include - salary and other benefits, healthcare benefits, extra perks for the family members, vacation and paid leaves, promotions, assignment of more responsibilities or new tasks, and also promoting to the Head of the Department(Glowa-Kollisch et al., 2014).

It will allow the employee to either feel as a part of the organization team or will make him feel that he is an extra member working in that organization. Thus, the type of motivation that he is looking out for should match with the current HR policies formulated for the employees(Glowa-Kollisch et al., 2014). Only then he shall be able to take this decision of either leaving the organization or staying with the organization in a given working environment.

Question 2.1: Is pursuit of a single-payer system the solution to workforce challenges? Why or why not?

Question 2. 2: What challenges have occurred to health care workers in countries that have adopted a single-payer system?

Question 2.3: Would similar challenges occur in the United States? Why or why not?

Solution: Single-payer system reflects to the system wherein the entire financing for healthcare of a given workforce will be done by the government. The government will be receiving the funds from the public through taxes and thus will be utilizing those funds for the purpose of enhancing healthcare in a given environment (Sunyaev, 2014).

However, there are multiple challenges identified for deploying this system in a given environment. These include - legislative challenges, public support, healthcare industry support, cost issue, and even other employer-provided plans that can turn out to be better options. It is very much important for the government to first analyze the major pros and cons associated with this system and only then decide on whether such a system should be implemented or not.

Even, the reviews of the health-workers need to be considered that will allow the government to decide whether they should consider the implementation of this system in a given environment or not(Sunyaev, 2014). There are already challenges existing regarding Medicare in the United States and thus the government needs to remain more careful before implementing single payer system solution for the given workforce in a given environment.


Question 3.1: What prevents health care from having the same customer satisfaction as Amazon?

Question 3.2: What prevents health care employees from having the same satisfaction as Google employees?

Question 3.3: What are the leadership skills or attributes necessary to accomplish these objectives?

Solution: The workers working in the healthcare industry need to remain more careful and also need to take more responsibility as they are serving different healthcare needs to the people in a given environment. Now, for the customers who will be purchasing any items from Amazon will be based on - their personal preferences, their choices, their requirements and needs, and also considering the future usage of those items(Sunyaev, 2014). Thus, when they receive those items from Amazon, it will increase their satisfaction levels in a given environment.

On the other hand, when a patient is admitted in a hospital, he or she will be expecting particular type of healthcare services from the healthcare organization. However, the working approach and the overall serving will be different compared to the expectations of the patients and thus their satisfaction levels will decrease in a given environment (DeAngelis, 2014).
Similarly, the healthcare employees that are working in different organizations need to perform multiple tasks in a given environment. For example, today, the role of the nursing staff is vital as they need to perform not only nursing duties but also othermanagerial tasks of the organization. It will thereby ensure that the allocated tasks are completedwithin the timeframe and as per the expectations of the organization.

Also, they need to provide more personal attention to all the patients with an objective that they can get cured quickly(DeAngelis, 2014). However, for an employee working in Google will feel work pressure but will be able to complete his or her task without handling much issues similarly found in the healthcare work environment.

Also, he will be able to correct his errors if made any and will be able to recover from the current problem. It is thereby recommended to the healthcare staff to deploy leadership and management skills in a given environment(DeAngelis, 2014). It will allow them to not only accomplish the objectives but will also ensure that the patients are able to receive desired services on time. It will thereby allow them to get recovered soon in a given environment.

Question 4. 1: Much attention is given to the multi-generational clinician workforce. But what about multi-generational administrative workforce? Are the challenges similar?

Question 4. 2: What about interactions between multi-generational clinical and administrative workforces?

Solution: Today, with increased challenges in the external working environment, it is found that the healthcare organizations are hiring those employees that can perform multiple tasks in the organization. For example, today, even the nursing staff is required to perform the management and administrative tasks to manage different complexities in a given working environment(DeAngelis, 2014).
On the other hand, some of the nurses need to look after differentschedules and ensure that all the patients are receiving required services and on time. However, it is observed that for the multi-generational administrative workforce, the tasks are different and hence even the challenges will be different for them in a given work environment(DeAngelis, 2014).

The administrative workforces will be working more on the administrative tasks such as accounting, billing, budgeting, financing, and other such tasks that will help the other departments of the organization to manage their daily routine in a better way. In addition, it is further important for this workforce to adhere to the organizational guidelines and ensure following the Code of Ethics in a given environment(DeAngelis, 2014).

They need to overcome challenges related to unethical practices and subsequently ensure that all the tasks are carried out by following the principles of accountability, transparency, honesty, ethics, and effectivecommunication in a given environment.

Assignment 2

Question 1: What are the variables that influence an employee's decision to leave or stay at an organization?

Solution: Response of Porsche

The student mentions that he is not current pleased with the current reputation of the company and is also unhappy with thecurrent HR policies at the workplace. He thereby highlights five major aspects that will effect on the decision making of the employee in a given environment (McShane, 2013).

These include - respectful treatment of employee, compensation and pay, trust between employees and senior management, job security, and opportunities to use the skills and abilitiesat work(McShane, 2013). I agree with the response of this student since these are the factors that will either increase the motivation levels of the employee or will decrease it.

It is the responsibility of the HR department to look after this issue and ensure that all the employees remain satisfied by working in a given environment. Further, the role of the top-level management is also important as they need to monitor the different strategies in the present scenario.

They need to monitor the performance of the HR strategies, determine the gaps, if any, and accordingly provide recommendations to improve the future outcomes. The student has thereby identified the role of the manager who will be supporting and assisting his team based on the different requirements in a given work environment(McShane, 2013). However, there could be other reasons due to which people could leave jobs from the current organization.

Response of Meryalt

The student first states that there are two major variables that could affect the employee's satisfaction levels in a given environment. These include - environmental pressure, recognitions, responsibility, growth, achievement, and other matters related to compensation.

The student despite identifying the factors that could effect on the job satisfaction levels is not able to conclude the argument on how these factors will affect the performance and also the satisfaction levels of employees(McShane, 2013). It is thereby recommended to analyze these factors and thereby find the correlation between the employee leaving the organization and employee job satisfaction levels in a given organization.

The student has further identified other additional factors such as - community relations, other job opportunities, financial obligations, family ties, and such other factors that could force the employee to either continue or change the current organization(McShane, 2013). It is important for the HR department to conduct interviews with all the employees and subsequently determine these factors so that they can work on it accordingly.

They might requiremodifying the existing HR policies in a given environment. It will thereby allow the HR department to increase the employee retention ratio in a given organization.


Assignment 3

Question 1: How are work perks different from work benefits? Or are they? Explain. What are other perks that are used as incentives for engagement?

Solution: Work perks are provided to the employees for the purpose of increasing their engagement levels in the organization. They are different from work benefits as they are first provided occasionally. Second, they are provided in the form of - treats, picnics, travelling packages, other goods, and even items for the family members (Oeij et al., 2014).

Thus, it is not necessary that it will have an associated financial value unlike the work benefits. The work benefits on the other hand are already included in the offer letter of the employee during the time of joining the organization.

The work benefits will include - paid leaves, additional compensation for over-working hours, extra off days for travelling, and similar other benefits. The purpose of providing both perks and benefits to the employee is to first increase their job satisfaction levels in a given work environment(Oeij et al., 2014).

It will also make employees feel that their work is recognized in theorganization. Second, these perks are sometimes used as an incentive for engagement either during team meeting or during any other discussion(Oeij et al., 2014). The manager will be found quoted saying that whosoever achieves the target will be awarded with a mentioned perk. Thus, all the employees will ensure that they provide their best efforts and accordingly will be able to deliver the tasks as per the expectations of the organization.

On the other hand, the manager will be rewarding the employee with perks for their best performance in a given working environment(Oeij et al., 2014). The HR department is thereby recommended to deploy such strategies so that the employee motivation levels can be increased in the organization.

Question 2. What are some strategies?

Solution: Today, in a given challenging work environment, it is observed that the employees not only need to be motivated but also need to allowed to participate in the team meetings to boost their inner morale and also allow them to share their reviews, opinions, and feedbacks. There are different ways through which employees can be motivated so that they can achieve the desired goals and objectives of the organization (Knudsen, Busck, & Lind, 2011).

These include - increasing their participation levels in a given environment, allowing them to work in a flexible working approach, deploying transformational leadership style at the workplace, seeking their opinions and also rewarding them for their performance, motivating them through perks and other supplementary benefits, and finally conducting an interview regarding their performance (Chawla&Guda, 2013).

The HR department thus needs to determine the performance of the employee, inform him about major strengths and weaknesses, and thereby guide him on the key working strategies of the organization. It is important for them to deploy ways of effective communication that will not only bridge the gaps between the employee and his manager but will also overcome conflicting situations in a given working environment (Oeij, Dhondt, &Korver, 2011). The employees will thus feel motivated and will be able to perform as per the goals of the organization.


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