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Values and Ethics Assignment Help

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Values and Ethics Assignment Overview Part of becoming a professional social worker is reflecting on how your personal values and professional ethics will play a role in your practice. This assignment will give you opportunity to define some key terms, consider potential ethical challenges in your present or future practice, and place your discussion in a scholarly context.

Competency 1: Demonstrate ethical and professional behavior. C1.GP.A Use reflection and self-regulation to manage personal values and maintain professionalism in practice situations.

Competency 2: Engage diversity and difference in practice. C2.GP.B Apply and communicate understanding of the importance of diversity and difference in shaping life experiences in practice at the micro, mezzo, and macro levels.


The social words need to understand about the qualitative and the quantitative research methods where the respective roles are related to the advancement in the society of social work. It includes the evaluation of the practices and then provide the logic, scientific inquiry and the cultural informed principles to build knowledge. The social workers are able to understand about the evidences that help in deriving from the multi-disciplinary sources and different ways of knowledge. They are able to understand about the research into the effective practice. The focus is on the different competency factors which are needed to handle the personal and the professional values for the social work practice.

Personal and Professional Value for Social work practice

The social workers need to understand about the value base which is determined through recognizing the personal values and the distinction which is defined through affective reaction influence (Vandekerckhove, 2016). The workers need to understand about the inter-professional forms with engagement with related to the ethical use of technology in social work practice. The social workers need to look for the human rights and the justice that helps in contributing towards bettering the individual lives and then improving the society as a whole.

Concepts of Competency

The professional social workers are worked upon with gaining the on-the-job experience. The social work values are for NASW code of ethics which are determined for the social workers who need to practice about the competency and the potential skills. The importance of the ethics and the values are found to be more than the compliance to handle the regulations and requirements (Engelbrecht et al., 2017). The empowering factor is oppressed with poverty-stricken factors with values in future career. It help in the advancement of degree with professional social workers pursuing the leadership and the administrative positions for ever-expanding field.


For facilitating the relationship, there is a need to focus on improving the lives of the others where social workers need to exhibit and plan about the trustworthiness at different times. The social workers need to continually be aware of the mission, values and the ethical standards which can help in setting the right example for the client. The behavior of the client with honesty can be helpful to promote the organization for creating most value for the populations.

Social Justice & Boundaries

The social justice for the social workers include the discussion about advocacy on the oppressed and the voiceless where the people are involved in handling the issues like the poverty, homelessness, discrimination and harassment (Chell et al., 2016). They need to make sure about handling the different planning which can help in improving the equality standards with seeking about the people who are educating the people who are not experiences. The focus is on educating the people and then working with a better approach which is helpful to highlight on assisting the organisation with a proper help. They tend to connect the people with needing assistance to the organization and individuals.

Competency 1: Demonstrate Ethical and Professional Behavior

The social workers need to plan about the frameworks which are important for applying the principles related to the critical thinking (Banks, 2016). The frameworks are defined through recognizing the personal values and the distinction procedures. The understanding is also about focusing over the skills to ensure that they are completely relevant. The understanding is about the social worker organization that works on identifying the professional obligations and the legal conflicts of interest. This will help the people in addressing the public services through helping the people to address and manage the different problems. The social workers need to elevate the public services above the self-interest and personal gain (Barksy, 2019).

a. Making Ethical Decisions: At the time of reviewing session, I consulted the supervisor for the ethical issue that came up about the client confidentiality for the guidance.

b. Reflection and Self-Regulation: For supporting the client self-determination, I managed my personal values by not influencing the client with any commentary for what I am going to do on a situation that they are experiences. I offered the options which are possible to assist the client to make the best decisions.

c. Professional Demeanor: I tend to present a new community resource in the area for the staff meeting where I was handed out the pamphlets on the organization and the agency had to offer for the benefits of the clients. I have been mailing the collaborators in reference to the in-service of the agency about hosting. I ensured that the emails were also professional in presentation and included the different information and life links which were important for the individuals to register. With this, there has been a completion to the group session, where the documentation is done for the patient chart with summary for the group discussion and patient response in the time of 24 hours of the service.

d. Use technology ethically: It was about emailing the providers and I was sure to avoid using any client identify information in the mails.

e. Supervision and Consultation: With sending the agency flier for the in-coming service, I have my supervisor proof for the document related to accuracy.

Competency 2: Engage Diversity and Difference in Practice

a. Application and communication of diversity: It works on viewing the webinar for the parenting practices about the refugee population that impacted the clients who tend to seek for a better healthcare (Mänttäri, 2016).

b. Learners and Engaging Client: Working on the attending of the in-service with the rise of the refugee populations and then planning to share about the findings related to the agency staff who are at the next department meeting.

c. Self-Awareness and Self-Regulation: My self-awareness has been challenged this week when there was a population of the students who were seen to be mainly in the poor parts of the community. I was sure about them not bringing any treaties for each other. I also did not want anyone to be felt left out as I brought in something or the other for everyone. It turned out that they brought treats for each other.

Ethical Challenges that can be improved

The ethical standards are mapped with social workers focusing on continual awareness for the professional values. The honesty and conduct includes maintain the integrity and then understanding the social worker needs which will help in maintaining the positive relationship with individuals. The social workers need to engage the clients or the professionals with community program staff that will help in promoting the clients socially responsible with self-determination based on the individual values (Trevino et al., 2016). The ethical issues can be improved through working and helping towards a better self-interest and personal gain.


NASW Code of Ethics are determined with professional conduct of social workers with the core values working on comprising the service, social justice and the dignity. It includes the mechanism that includes social, economic and the cultural exclusions that might oppress and marginalize with creating a better privilege and power.

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