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Sustainable Development Goal

Includes the SDG, connected to the health along with the global context/countries and from the given framework of the communities that would be affected

To evaluate how there can be the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) in examining to the key role of the gender equality that would also help to build on to the eradication to all forms of discrimination that would also be running partially to the women and girls globally, It would also be working in relation to the ending all forms of violence that would go against the women in public and it would also be built on the private spheres and it would also be examining how there can be an eliminating female genital mutilation along with facing the issues of providing equal access with respect to the health care. it would also be building on to the representation that would be part of the political decision making and it would also help to relate how there can be a job creation/equal pay along with the parallel issue of the education (Esquivel, 2016).

TO evaluate how there can be the UNTST (2014, p. 216) it is also important to interpret how there can be also a slight progress that could have also possibly made in relating to the gender equality of education, includes the Millennium Development Goal's (MDGs) that would also be building on the gender gaps that can help to recall to the persist and goals that could have also to be met (Ford, 2016). Such as how there can also be the disproportionate and a sense of the women who would be un-precedent be living on the poverty and also be connected to the women who would be also live with and relate to the victims of violence and also be experiencing on the women that would also be able to build on to the violated as against to the sexual and reproductive rights,i such as the female genital mutilation (FGM), along with the parts of the patent inequality that could also be able to connect on the quality education, includes the name a few . It would also be women having a disadvantaged such as when they are in the rural areas and it would also be building on the SDG that would have a number of goal targets, and it would be dependent on the related to the given roles of the inequality. It would also be targets that could connect and would also be able to relate to women's health making them part of the elimination of FGM, and also causing the violence against women that would include the trafficking, sexual along with the other forms of exploitation and also includes the access of the ensuring universal access that would relate to the sexual and reproductive health along with the significant rights.
It would be aforementioned dot the given health goals that would also be building on the number of statistics that would help to relate to the health inequality women face. It includes the 35% of women worldwide that can also be experiencing intimate partner violence, or the issues of the non-partner sexual violence (UNTST 2014, p.218).


Describe the includes the success and limitations part of the interventions with the given global issue, that can have the PHC models along with the frameworks related to the theory.

It would also be dependent on the progress that could have made from the gender equality and it would also be meaning how there can be the different interventions along with the association to the processes (Appendix 1). This is not one of the intervention but it would also be connected to the capacity with the change gender equality that could have the global scale, which would include how there can be the change that could have been made. It would also be dependent on the PHC models along with the frameworks, which would also e built on to the number of interventions that could have also be briefly to be demonstrated and also understand how there can be the success which would be dependent on the global issue. The success is examined in relation to the fair adoption and Commission to the Status of Women (CSW) (Heise, 2016). It would also be belonging to the CSW applied predominantly and also be connected to how there can be the upstream approach that could have built on the legal measures within the given macro-level state and for the rights of women along with the given raise awareness with the factual things of the inequality (Ford, 2016). This has also global population health within the onset of the mind. For example, given with the CSW that has also played a vital Universal Declaration in relation to the Human Rights (Appendix 1) that could also be inbuilt with the strengthened women's human rights. It would also include how there can be the CEDAW (appendix 1) which would be able to also adapt to the similar strategies that can examine to the legislation of the use and form the given better inequality. It would be built on the midstream approaches that can also show how there would be a recent success that could be able to have an education. Such as the from the given CSW 2017 report that can examine how there can be the strengthen education along with the required training and skills development. It would also show how there would be the CSW that also has the capacity which would be able to address determinants includes the (education) making it part of the midstream level, and would also be related to the education and training that can help to examine to the smaller communities which would so be allowed for the given equal access within the career development (Assembly, 2015).


The role of power along with the empowerment OR equity and with the fairness connected to the global efforts

These are the two important factors such as the power and empowerment related to the inequalities in health. It would be dependent on the collective action along with the community-based action. It would be dependent on the approximated 140 million females that could have been suffering due to the FGM. To also estimate how through the statistics of HIV/AIDS that has worked unprecedented with the women that would have to gather connection to the countries and communities which would have been affected. It would also be dependent on the larger scale, women that can also be able to 52% of all people that have been living with the HIV/AIDS belonging to the low along with the middle socioeconomic countries that have also risen to the 57% within some part of the African countries. It is also connected to the estimation of how the countries and communities would also be prolonged to be affected by the affected in connection to the others along to the connection with gender equality globally. It is also connected to the resultant with the UN Charter of 1945 (Fukuda-Parr, 2016), This would also be related to the ‘fundamental freedoms which would include how they can be the distinction and also relating to the race, sex, language or religion' shown in the (Appendix 1).

Includes the brief synopsis in relation to how occupational therapy would be related to the SDG

It would certainly be part of the goals of the SDG which would also be connected to the top-down along with the bottom-up approaches. It can help to examine to the emergence with the community development that can also be building to the fight for gender equality along with the occupational therapy (OT) that can also be able to SDG which would be making it the participatory along with the comprehensive PHC (Buse, 2015). it would include to the OT's which would be related to the top-down approaches along with the key understanding of social determinants in connection to the health which would also be able to examine how there can be the different environments that could also have an impact that can relate to the occupations. As such the OT's would also be working in the given collaboration along with the government agencies that would help to relate to providing input along with the given laws and legislation that would help to provide a supportive environment and it would be important to have counter social determinant challenges.

Furthermore, there would also be an instance of the sexual exploitation along with the rape which can be examined to the widespread and also be dependent on the particularly during the conflict (Garcia-Moreno, 2016). There also needs to examine how there can also be a suggested approximately rate of the 250,000 to 500,000 women along with the given set of the girls that have also to be exclusive to be targeted in the year of 1994 Rwandan Genocide. It also covers how there can be HIV/AIDS, that has resulted in the fuelled experience of the gender inequalities along with the case of the violence against women, resulting in the deaths for a woman belonging at an age depending on the between 15 and 49 worldly.


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