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Safety Measures Assignment Help

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Most construction worksites are required to have a competent person for many different operations. In your opinion, is it a best practice to make the worksite safety professional that designated person? Why, or why not?

A competent person is referred to as a person who understands and identifies the hazards that are associated with particular kinds of tasks. He or she also has the ability to decrease and mitigate such hazards. In construction onsite work there are several employees that are required on which are like foreman, supervisor and many others who are mainly designated as a competent person. Therefore, a competent person for a designated post is not chosen lightly. Here are several previous experiences, training which is identified within the candidate in order to engage a person with a bright performance background (Provan et al. 2017).

There are at times problems in the proper decision-making process when a hazard is going in the onsite construction work. In such a case, the competent employee needs to identify the types of hazards and recover the work by taking corrective action. This will further help them in the development of work ahead. Therefore, a competent employee can handle the safety professional if being experienced and rightly trained. It is the duty of the employer to choose the employee keeping in mind about both competency and right identification and decision-making the process of hazards that can take place anytime. This will further help in making the different operations successful in a construction site.

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