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Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Assignment Help

Describe how the Superfund or Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) or the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) law has affected you, your employer, or someone you know. Is there a Superfund remediation site near where you live or in your state? If you are overseas in the military (or for another reason), is there a hazardous waste site nearby? Please explain.

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The RCRA law gives the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) permission to manage and control hazardous waste right from the source to its final designation. This entails the collection, storage, treatment, transportation, as well as disposal of hazardous waste. The act also stipulates how non-hazardous solid waste should be managed (EPA, 2019). As an employee of Louisville Municipality in Kentucky, I can attest that the RCRA law has influenced how the municipality and town council operate in terms of managing its waste. In particular, following the implementation of RCRA Act in the council, the twon mayor Abramson Abramson initiated a volunteer program to collect waste products in the city. The program saw the collection of approximately 80 tons of aluminum wastes being collected. Furthermore, the mayor initiated environmental awareness programs through road shows and media advertisements where citizens are informed on the essentiality of protecting their own environment. Moreover, there are security officers who are mandated to see that everybody complies with environment management. Anybody who throws away litter or any type of waste haphazardly is punished accordingly.  This has seen the amount of waste within the town reduce significantly. In addition to these is litter bins in strategic locations as well as waste disposal joints.

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