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Project Scheduling With Resource Capacities


Case - Project scheduling with resource capacities and requests varying with time: a case study By So ¨nke Hartmann

1. Abstract

The conventional methods of project management such as Resource constrained project scheduling method need to be critically evaluate it and analysed in order to introduce some of the enhancements and more advanced Origins for making them applicable to the real world problems. There is a possibility of considered the time dependent resource and demand as an extension of Resource constrained project scheduling method to be used in order to apply within the various problems and the scenarios related to the latest form of the project management.

The large scale Enterprises and the business oriented organisations need a rapid solution which can be implemented in the real time for the purpose of managing the technological as well as the human resources in the most efficient way. The use of the time dependent resource capacity and demand method along with the critical path method of the project management may be considered as one of the effective way to the latest problems emerging in the real time within the business organisations as well as large scale institutes.

2. Introduction

The conventional approaches for the project management may be considered as getting obsolete in case of applicability related dynamics associated with large scale businesses and the organisations. There are many different possibilities of enhancing the existing project management methods such as Resource constrained project scheduling method. This method is considered as one of the conventional method which is used for the project management related functions and the main problem with this particular method is its restricted approach related to the number of resources which can be e included in the specific project management scheme and the scenario in which it is applied. There are many different methods and the techniques which can be used to enhance the conventional project management schemes and the techniques in order to make them efficient and more applicable to dynamic environment of the project management and the associated problems in the real time (Hartmann, 2013).

The different businesses and organisations in the real time may be considered as getting more Complex due to the the enhancement within the technological parameters and it becomes important for the project managers to consider the different it resources specific management along with the human resource management available to conduct a particular project. There is a need to find out the best possible ways of using the most appropriate project management techniques and methods which can be applied in order to manage the human as well as other resources such as the capital and the technological Resources for a particular project management scenario and the problem. The project management methodologies can be enhanced with the prospective of looking to find out the best possible methods and the ways to enhance the overall applicability and the capacity of the project management schemes which are conventionally used by the project managers for accomplishing the different project management tasks and the responsibilities (Besikci, Bilge & Ulusoy, 2015).

The use of the modern and more advanced variance of the project management Tools and techniques may provide the project managers with an ability to efficiently manage the different resources including the technological as well as the capital resources with the possibility of of making the run time changes even during the accomplishment and the implementation of the project. The interconnection between different projects and the the respective schemes of the project management scenarios need to be considered in the large Canvas of the organisational problems and the businesses which has to be addressed adequately by the project managers in the best possible way. The advanced variance of the project management methodologies need to be sought out in order to potentially apply them in the different project management schemes and the scenarios in order to make the best use of them for the purpose of accomplishing and completing the project management dynamics associated with the products in order to make them and completed more efficiently and appropriately in the real time (Boctor & Kadri, 2016).

3. Problem Statement

Resource constrained project scheduling method of project management is considered as one of the important way to handle the timeline and various Resource Management for the projects. There are significantly many different problems such as the one in a medical experimentation in the University of Keil Germany, which cannot be handled by this conventional method of the project management. It is important to use the more advanced version of the project scheduling framework to deal with the dynamic nature of the project and the its completion earlier than the conventional capacity of the medical experimentation centre which need a consistent change within the the human as well as other resources involved in the process.


The various possibilities associated with enhancing the conventional project management methods in the medical project need to be evaluated and analysed critically for finding out the best possible solutions which can respond to the different problems of the project management. The conventional project management methodologies need to be examined and updated on the basis of considering the various upcoming challenges in accordance with the latest updates in the technological fields and to use the various ways of solving the problems in the project management in the best possible way. The productivity and the efficiency of the experimentation can be increased on the basis of managing the project by using the most efficient forms of the project management strategies for completing the project before the usual timeline in the desired time period.

4. Analysis

Time windows and lower bound

The Resource constrained project scheduling method can potentially use the time windows management with lower bound methodology to address the different limitations related to the applicability oriented aspects of PM in the real time within large-scale organisations and the projects. The limitations associated with the conventional method particular associated with the different aspects of the previous models of the project management can be overcome by the time sensitization and time window slots priotization in accordance with Time Windows and lower bound scheme. The entire scheme has to be appropriately planned in the conventional project management schemes and the techniques launched in the project management domain.

Priority rule heuristics

1.1 Schedule generation scheme

It is important for the project managers to make use of the SGS scheme with the ability to priotize the steps as the most efficient as well as time saving project management tool and the Framework. This can provide the alternative to the conventional project management schemes in the light of looking at the various dynamics of of newly emerged problems and the latest challenges in the field of the project management.

1.2 A multi-pass heuristic based on tournaments

The simultaneous time and project resources and subsequent management including the human as well as capital and the technological resources may potentially associated with the multi-pass heuristic method to find the simplest schedule and its possibility to overcome the scheduling related constraints. This may become include to use the project management team assigned with the task of accomplishing a specific project in the light of the most sophisticated and applicable project management methods. The conventional methods of the project management will not be able to provide an opportunity to the project managers and the coordinator in this particular project to to handle and manage the project management dynamics appropriately (Hartmann, 2011).

1.3 Priority rules  :CPRU priority

The conventional project management methodologies clearly lack with the efficient management capacity to deal with the various latest problems and scenarios in the project management Canvas. There is a possibility to introduce the CPRU priority and the time dependent resource and demand method for integrating with the project management needs and requirements for a more complex natures project's accomplishment. The methods can be used on the basis of utilizing the automated tools of the project management and certain frameworks in order to accomplish the projects specific implementation in a more robust and latest way.

Computational results

4.1 Results for original data of the real project

The use of the better PM tools can provide the project managers with an advanced version of the capacity and capability to introduce the best level of the communication during the medical project. The correspondence among the different stakeholders and experiment performers as well as the project developers can provide significance to complete the project earlly. The lack of the coordination and be correspondence in the real time can make the project management and implementation more complex. The automated tools used in line with the various guidelines and the methods highlighted in the critical path method and the time dependent resource and demand method can provide a better framework and methodology for the project managers to execute and run the different aspects of the project management for larger and more Complex projects in the most efficient way (Kerzner & Kerzner, 2017).

4.2 Generation of test instances for the RCPSP/t

The allocation of RCPSP/t based time slots as well as the analysis of various resources with the development of adequate level of the understanding about their significance is an important task which has to be accomplished and performed in order to look at the various dynamics of the applicability in the real time for the project management methodologies. The RCPSP/t based time slots  can enable the time dependent resource to be considered as one of the most appropriate methodology which can be used by the project managers to understand the changing and the emerging demands corresponding to a particular project management scenario and the situation. There are significantly many different possibilities which can be explored by the concerned project management team in order to utilize the most effective way of of managing the human as well as the technological resources for or dealing with the various inconsistencies which may come across the way of the implementation of the project.


4.3 Analysis of lower bounds

The dynamic nature of the continuous changes and the most an acceptable for an unpredictable form of the challenges which may come across the way of the accomplishing the projects, can become potentially challenging for the different project managers and the coordinator how to deal with various scenarios and the problems associated with project management. The experience of the project manager and the coordinator in order to critically analyse the real time problems and challenges which are coming in the way of the implementation of the project management schemes and the techniques used during a particular project specific execution (Mubarak, 2015).

4.4 Results for generated test sets

The lack of of human as well as other resources during the accomplishment of the projects specific management may provide certain levels of the considerations at the end of the project managers to apply the most appropriate project management methodologies such as the critical path method for the time dependent resource and demand method for overcoming the various problems in the real time. The conventional methods of the project management including the Resource constrained project scheduling method were developed in the historical context for managing the different project management challenges in the best possible way. There are significant development in the technological and other domains of the word specific execution at the professional level which clearly indicates about the importance of introducing the more sophisticated and applicable versions of the project management methodologies (Nabipoor Afruzi, Aghaie & Najafi, 2018).

Overall Analysis

The complex and large scale projects associated with the businesses and the organisations require the more advanced versions of the project management schemes to be used for execution and management of the various strategies of the project management in the real time. The conventional approaches of the project management are not able to provide the convenience to the project management team and the coordinator to look at the overcoming of various challenges and the problems associated with project management in the most feasible way. It becomes important for the project managers and other project coordinators to utilise the most latest form of the project management methodologies and techniques which are in phase with the rapidly changing technological advancements and the developments in the real time (Schwindt & Zimmermann, 2015).

The different automated tools for the project management can be effectively used in order to manage the various complexities and the challenges associated with the project management scenarios in the real time. The project management tools and the frameworks are consistently developed in order to provide the project managers and the coordination fertility to look at Different techniques in the methods for the accomplishment of the project specific sketching in the best possible way. The Automated tools associated with the project management are developed on the basis of utilizing the most logical ways and different aspects of the applicability of the project management in the real time scenarios on the basis of performing the computational calculations. The automated tools of the project management can be effectively used by the project managers in order to manage the ongoing progress and the monitoring of the projects by involving all the different stakeholders and the project developers. The automated tools provide a better way to develop the communication and correspondence link between the different stakeholders and the project developer is involved in the accomplishment and implementation of a particular project (Shen, Minku, Bahsoon & Yao, 2016).

The various inconsistencies and the problems which can come across the way of the project implementation can be effectively managed by using the efficient form of the project management techniques deployed by the project managers. There are some of the significant methods and techniques which can be used by the project managers on the basis of using and utilising the automated tools by including all the different stakeholders in the project tracking and the correspondence related procedures. The efficient methods of the project management can provide the project managers to accomplish and implement the projects in the best possible way by providing the different stakeholders to effectively co-ordinate and communicate with each other. The project managers may be considered as the main resources and the experience human resources which need to be effectively deployed during the execution of the projects effectively. The analysis and understanding of the project managers related to the different aspects of the project management and the implementation in the real-time plays a vital role in the accomplishment of certain projects (Besikci, Bilge & Ulusoy, 2015).

The complex projects may have a more possibility of of providing the project managers to get into the challenging situations with regards to the successful execution of the projects. The project management team has to be managed effectively by the project managers on the basis of looking at the Different techniques and the guidelines of the project management paradigm as a whole. The project specific scheduling may be associated with efficiently managing the human as well as the other resources available to the project managers in connection with the accomplishment of certain projects. The conventional project management frameworks such as Resource constrained project scheduling method can be considered as obsolete for lacking with the basic level of the applicability e within the real time complex problems and challenges associated with modern day requirements of the project management. The large scale organisations operating in different business specific sectors in the areas encounter with a different complex nature challenges and the problems which are associated with modern day use of the technological resources in the efficient way. The Mega and the complex projects may require the efficient utilization of the technological resources along with the human resources which were the conventional considerations in the previous and the conventional project management methodologies (Boctor & Kadri, 2016).


The technological resources need to be managed and handled in the best possible way in order to make the the projects related accomplishment and implementation smart and more smooth way. There are many different challenges associated with the adequate level of the technological understand in at the end of the project managers all alone to understand the technical details as well as the various constraints associated with them in case of utilizing the different technological resources within the projects accomplishment Paradigm. The efficient utilization of the technological resources within the project management framework can provide a better level of the efficiency and productivity which can make it possible for the project managers to complete the tasks in less time than the usual Times. The understanding of the technological resources and their efficient utilization may be considered as an advanced area within the project management which can be accomplished by utilizing the more sophisticated and project management tools (Tritschler, Naber & Kolisch, 2017).

The automated project management tools can provide the significance of utilizing the best level of the professionalism within the project implementation and utilize the technological as well as the other resources available for the accomplishment of a project in the most appropriate way. The project management methodologies conventionally deployed by the project managers in order to manage the different resources available for the accomplishment of the projects need to be revisited for the sake of making them more efficient and more useful.

The technological development in the different aspects of modern day project oriented dynamics provide an opportunity to the project management experts for the development of better Project Management methodologies which can be used for the accomplishment of certain projects in the most sophisticated and advanced way. The productivity specific attainment may be considered as the main objective of any particular project manager in order to accomplish the project implementation phase of a specific project by utilizing the different resources available. The project management methodology and the Framework has to be updated on the basis of considering the upcoming challenges and the problems in the real time in order to provide the best level of the opportunity to the different project managers for accomplishing the projects and completing the projects in the best possible way (Hartmann, 2013).

5. Conclusion

The time dependent resource and demand Method can be considered as one of the advanced version of the conventional Resource constrained project scheduling method in order to deal with the complex project management scenarios and the problems. The complex projects associated with large scale organisations of the business as well as medical domain may come across the bay of the project managers in order to efficiently managed the different capital as well as the other resources. This will ultimately provide an opportunity to the project managers to critically evaluate the real time problems and to use the the most sophisticated techniques of the project management to handle the different challenges in a timely way.

The critical path method may be considered as another important additional methodology which can be used in order to define the certain parts and the ways within the overall paradigm of the project management associated with a complex project. The advanced form of the automated tools in the project management domain can be used in order to model and manage the real time problems of the project management in the most efficient way. The project managers are the most important personnel which need to decide on the basis of critically evaluating and analyzing a particular situation that which of the latest form of the project management methodologies can be used to overcome the various upcoming challenges in that particular scenario or the situation.


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