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B325 Managing across Organisational and Cultural Boundaries, Arab Open University, Egypt


Question 1

Culture is an important factor in determining the organization structure and flow of actions. Culture is seen as an important tool in collaborative venture. Based on B325 course material, explain different levels of culture. Reflect on the case and identify how these levels have been materialized.

Answer 1

By definition, culture means social behavior along with the given norms that can found and exist within human societies. The culture is one of the central concepts that hold it as a part of the anthropology, encompassing that be made as a part of the phenomena and can hold as transmission through social learning that can exist within the human societies (Davis, 2018). Organization culture is the model which is dependent on the powerful leadership along with the organizational culture change tool

The essence of the organizational culture is defined as a concept and would be difficult to understand and apply, as it the culture is to understand why people behave differently (Brown, 2016). It was observed during the 1980 and the idea to launch a model by the Edgar Schein which had developed an organizational culture model and evaluated the culture cohesive. It would be more visible in an organization.

This is also indicated as to understand how it needs to follow what should be center on cultural change. Even it has an ability to have a direct and indirect mechanism that can constitute and made it part of the organizations. As such the organizational culture model would also be adequately be influenced by the direct mechanisms (Chan, 2015). It is imperial to have exemplary behavior, opinions and also the related status and appointments. As per the indirect mechanisms, it would also not influence the organizational culture which would not be determinative. The culture would include the mission and vision statement on the basis of the given company. It would have formal guidelines, corporate identity and also an enriching ritual and design (DeCenzo, 2016).


The culture is divided into three segments as below-:

Artefacts and symbols

In the approach of the Artefacts it tends to understand the surface as a part of the organization (Fuchs, 2016). It would also be visible elements that would include the organization for examples like the logos, architecture or even the structure, processes and lastly includes the corporate clothing. It would not only visible to any stakeholders or the employees but it would also be visible and recognizable with respect to the external parties.


Espoused Values

It should be connected with the concerns standards, values along with the implied rules of conduct (Hutchison, 2016). It would be built on the given organization express strategies and the related objectives and philosophies which would also make it as a public. It is important to understand why and how the Problems would also be related to the ideas of managers which would not be on the basis of the basic assumptions of the organization (Jandt, 2017).

Basic underlying assumptions

In here, the basic underlying assumptions would deeply be dependent on the embedded and made as part of the organizational culture along with the inbuilt experienced that can also make the self-evident and unconscious behavior (Jin, 2016). It is important to note that the core hard would be able to recognize from within.

From the case, we can apply the cultural change with the three levels approach and understand the different layers (Lipizzi, 2015). It has been determined how the outer layer would significantly be easy to adapt and also to be applied with the given fairly change. It would also be related to the deeper the layer and would be considered harder to consider it as a part to adjust it. To relate with the deeply embedded and to understand the core of the onion it should also be related to the core assumptions. It also includes values. Even the relationship of the artifacts and symbols would manifest to be part of the outer layers which can also be changed with times. It would not be as resistant and it would also constitute the need for embedded values called as a “heroes”. The other people would also be crucial to play and make it as a part of the important role existing within an organization and the one who has also admired. It would be the core of the organization to make all related assumptions. It would also need to evaluate the “how the world works” and also to understand how the people who would be belonging to the other forms of the enriching organization which would also originate from the experiences and perception. It would also be related to the unconscious assumptions and which would also sufficiently be self-evident.

Cultural change

To define and integrate it with the Schein’s Organizational Culture Model it should also beable to create a cultural change (Moro, 2016). As analyzed how there can be a sensible discussion that would be related to the employees and would be significant in relating to the underlying backgrounds and aspects as a part of the organizational culture. It would be on the basis of cultural change. As the individuals and the employees should also be able to understand that the culture change is all about the transformation process, It should also integrate the element of the behavior that needs to be unlearned first and applied with the new behavior that can fall into the learned place (Powell, 2018).

Culture means social behavior along with the given norms that can found and exist within human societies This would also be per the different approach of the desired along with the prevailing culture and constitute the cultural interventions as a necessary part of it. It would also hold a responsibility that would connect and lie with the senior management support through the personnel department. It would also require a comprehensive approach such as the formation of the new logo, corporate style along with the significant customer-orientation training which would not remain suffice. This would also be constituted as a part of the results that can also measure good performance is rewarded.

Question 2

The formation and implementation of collaborative agendas is led by three media: structure, processes, and participants. Based on B325 course material, explain how each media affects. Reflect on the case and explain how the use of each media has helped the organization to stay sustainable and to change its culture. Reflect in your discussion on the type of media that had a most pondering effect on the change at the organizational level.

Answer 2

The formation and implementation of collaborative agendas are led by three media: structure, processes, and participants. in the case each of the media affects and to be evaluated per the sustainable and to change its culture are as follows-:

It has been determined with the change programme board that can also consequent the design and also form a new organizational structure that can extensively also support the organization's strategy (Sloan, 2018). it would include the ‘Great Art for Everyone’. This would also be central to the strategy which would be working consecutively as to be part of the different types of the arts bodies that have been funded by the Arts Council. It would also include the organizational structure having four chief components:

1- New posts and existence of the relationship managers that has been created

This has also been related to the posts and are called as a ‘lead officers’ that have also been responsible in the  managing relationships that have also funded the arts organizations existing within each of the regions It would also be continuing the  officer responsible and forming it as a part of the art form (Moro, 2016). New posts and related to the relationship managers can also be created to perform and to be associated with the relationship management roles that would hold as a key responsibility depending on the broader remit. Such posts work far and also be related to the arts organizations that can also constitute as to have a set style of partnership that would be working per the core workers and would be attaining an office-based. It would also be able to understand the staff drawing that would be dependent on their regional teams that can also work to dependent on the effective partnerships.


The other is the Hot-desking that was effectively also core workforce and it would be able to equate with the staff equipped and holding an appropriate technology that can support this (Powell, 2016). it would also be applicable per the implications that would also be related to the core number of such core workers that can also help in the skill set. This shall be dependent on the redeployment process and can be a resultant selection of 146 new relationship managers.

Media has a great influence in the culture and the impacts, as when there was a new team formation and it can also create and centralized approach within the Manchester that is also called as a ‘Grants for the Arts’, that can also be dependent on the new online, centralized and also be able to hold it as a standardized center that can emerge to be part of the managing funding applications related to the Arts Council (Lipizzi, 2016). It can also constitute the manual entry system and also be related to the paper applications which would be associated with each region and ensured funding that can also be transparent and harmonized depending on the country.

Alongside, it would also be related to the new knowledge along with the behaviors (competencies) that can support the collaborative and partnership working. Essentially it would be related to the three aspects of the core competencies that can also be dependent on the executive team that can drive forward and also be related to the organization's new mission (Brown, 2016). Such competencies can also be held and related to the nature of organizational processes that can be supported with the types of staff behaviors that constitute the support them.

It would also be important that the synergistic impact would be also be related to  achieving and made it as a part of the organization's mission, which can be identified with the following parameters such as the (1) breadth of related perspective, (2) working collaboratively, and  also holding a (3) accountability (Lipizzi, 2016).

This would also hold and be dependent on the ten new competencies (such as the three core ones listed above) that have been linked with the individual roles and it can also be used as a part of the recruitment process that would be resultant to the new jobs. it would also be created as part of the restructuring (Jandt, 2016). These is also based on the step of the new organizational and support of the individual staff competencies and also hold a new approach that is related to the performance management which would help to shape behavior change.

Another aspect of the cultural change would be to associate with the restructuring. As it is a relatively new post of the area of the executive directors it would also command and synchronize the clearer accountability framework that would be related with the regional directors along with the chief executive and to also be able to build and facilitate greater connectivity which can exists within the given offices (Jandt, 2016). Such as the HR and IT posts that would be part of the regional offices that can also help to constitute the two teams that would be centralizing and can be related to such core functional areas. This would also contribute as a part of the new art leadership groups that can work progressively with the share learning and knowledge that can prevail within the given organization. As such there would also be a process of restructuring, which would replace and restructure the 400 of the organization's our ot the 600 that would be put on the risk. This would also be associated with the restructuring process and also be making the organization to also be able to reduce per the size by one-third, resulting in the 150 posts (Grant, 2016).

It should also be embedding values in order to support the organization's strategy along that the structures

As the culture group would include the 15 representatives that would be related to every department and the region, it would make the country to be dependent on the buy-in from all aspects that can originate and make it as a group that belongs to the cross-sectional slice of the organization (Fuchs, 2017). It would also be dependent on the six months that can also visualize and belong with the visioning and reflection exercises. It can examine how there would be a type of culture that would require to support the new organization


Additionally, once the new culture can be identified it would be important to hold culture representatives (champions) that can be made as apart of the regions and departments (Fuchs, 2016). Gradually with the briefings and also be related to the values workshops it can also be delivered with the organization and made as a part of the culture champions. This would include the 300 people and would help in the attainment of the cultural values which can briefly include and made as a part of the organization's desire that can be associated with ‘one confident organization'.

The Six values which the organization is dependent on the : (1) passionate, (2) also on the knowledgeable, (3) bold, includes the (4) nurturing, (5) collaborative and with the (6) accountable steps (Sloan, 2016). Media has a crucial role to play and the social media tends to influence the organization culture. As the organization is always evolving and should stand at par, but with the recent media influences it has constituted to influence the people at large. Not only it helps to understand the well being in a given framework but it also helps to analyse and apply the cultural impact. Organization should always adopt an approach which would be conducive of the trends and social aspects, that can help to support employees and to make them perform well.

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