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Nursing Theory Assignment Help

A. "Nursing theory development is an essential component of nursing scholarship. Nursing science growth flows from nursing scholarship nurturing the interrelationship between practice and theory ". Please identify two specific examples of this in your professional life, give me daily workaday nurses' need of this and what is your understanding of this.

B. Why do you, as a nursing theory novice, need to study concepts of professional nursing in BSN program?

C. General systems theory will be cited by several nurse theorists as being influential to their development. In your understanding of our readings, why do you think, in the time of ‘growing nursing theory ‘, this theory from non- nursing disciplines "spoke" to our nursing theorist foremothers as being a part of nursing knowledge foundation?

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"Nursing theory development is an essential component of nursing scholarship. Nursing science growth flows from nursing scholarship nurturing the interrelationship between practice and theory ". Please identify two specific examples of this in your professional life, give me daily workaday nurses' need of this and what is your understanding of this.

The significance of nursing theories is immense. When talking about the standards f nursing practices on a professional front two of thee relevance instances shall be discussed in the present scope. For nurses to offer their responsible services they need to possess sufficient rationalizing capacity (Kaakinen et al. 2018). It is in such situations that nurses are guided effectually through the source of theories.
In the first professional case the nurses are able to distinguish between what should be forming the basis of practice and what shall explicitly describe nursing. The other instance in which use of theories enables nurses to gain effectiveness is in the professional practice of communication among nurses. For engaging nurses into proficient and improved service performance better care towards patients shall be possible to project when professionalism is adopted by them accurately. The professional standards of services with enhanced quality of outcomes enable the nursing status to undergo training and evolution (O'brien, 2017). They are introduced to the effectiveness their performance can reach through communication efficiency. Research and educational guidance shall enable the nurses to understand the significance of professionally orienting their knowledge and skill sets. In order to provide care towards patients the foremost stage is the gain their trust and loyalty. In the process of securing optimum level of security and trust in depending upon the nurses, judicious use of communication enables massively.

Communication built up effectually between the patients and the medical staffs is possible when this is used to bridge the gap. A significant degree of understanding has to be implied upon the patients so that nurses are able to provide ultimate care towards the patients. It is therefore signified that having a defined body of nursing theory is likely to benefit the practice which comprises patient caring responsibilities, improved communication so that an enhanced status for nurses using professional regulations are possible.

B. Why do you, as a nursing theory novice, need to study concepts of professional nursing in BSN program?

Bachelor of Science in Nursing is that educational program which is necessary to be implemented with the intention to bring effectiveness in service delivery among nurses. The nurses who are novice about the relevance of the theories of nursing are necessary to be approaching towards such an orientation (Cusack et al. 2016). Theories are necessary to play a principle role in generating the BSN program towards aspiring nurses.

Theories are necessarily categories into the forms of needs theory, interaction theories, outcome theories and humanistic theories. Needs theory allows the fulfillment in physical and mental needs. When the Tierney's Model of Nursing is brought to play the medical understanding towards nurses shall be come vivid. The medical model of health needs to be criticized for growing an over dependence. The patient shall be placed in an overly dependent position (Sitzman, 2018). It is depending upon the Interaction Theory that essentially revolves around the relationship developed and built between the patients and the nurses. Even such theories face increased criticism as a result of ignorance to the medical model towards health and not attending the fundamental physical needs. The Outcomes Theory reflects the transition of forces that enable in adapting the ill health. Due to the difficulty in implementation the nursing practices this theory also faces criticism.

If the nurses are planned and endeavored to be undergoing professional standards of education each of the theoretical measures have to be incorporated within the BSN program (Grossman and Valiga, 2016). The relevance and significance towards nursing theory gets strengthened with this virtue to use and incorporate them within the BSN program. With this incorporation it shall be effectually implemented that discrepancies existing between learning and performance shall possibly get bridged to some extent.

C. General systems theory will be cited by several nurse theorists as being influential to their development. In your understanding of our readings, why do you think, in the time of ‘growing nursing theory ‘, this theory from non- nursing disciplines "spoke" to our nursing theorist foremothers as being a part of nursing knowledge foundation?

As time progresses the relevance of theories and its implementation within the nursing practices have been valued with greater impetus. It is rightly believed that nursing theories bear a strong influence in the course of their practice and performance development. Hence when time travels growing number of nursing theories seems to get evolved and project new ideologies (Cook and Peden, 2017). There are various streams of knowledge from practical genres which also tend to render understanding towards nursing services. Hence there are several non-nursing disciplines which have in the course of passing time impacted diverse theorists to create nursing conceptions. A humanistic approach is fundamentally belonging from a sociological and philosophical origin. However, they successfully and strongly impact upon the nursing knowledge foundation in order to create performance enhancement.

In today's time, nursing is expected to cater beyond the conventional medical norms. Developing a definite humanistic approach within all nurses in delivering their performances towards patients is necessary. Hence in this way a non-nursing background study seems to offer its influence and guidance to orient nursing practices (Nowell et al. 2017). As nursing is a field of manifesting increased levels of tolerance towards diverse patient needs a consequential study needs to be adopted. For each nurse to cope with diverse environmental forces in the practicing atmosphere such an analysis of outcomes possible shall be directly or indirectly influencing their performances. In order to develop the nursing approaches this field of abstract study which belongs from non-nursing origin shall also create a huge impact within nursing field.

The general system theories that revolve around nursing practices are hence likely to be dependent upon a wide range of spectrum that shall not necessarily incorporate nursing origin itself. Knowledge and observation through practical experiences originating from varied non-nursing avenues are likely to frame the nursing knowledge base (Solbakken et al. 2018).

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