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MSDL836 Security Architecture And Design


Question: How does the human factor influence software development?

Answer: Human factors play a major role for the software development and it has been mainly for coordination, collaboration in the development process, trust and expert recommendation. The software development has been one of the human centered process which is mainly impacting the process and performance. The process involves the noticeable impact on the success by being a manager. The human factors involve the perspectives with psychological, cognitive and the management aspects. It includes the research with software engineering and the development research areas. The idea is about the investigation and interpersonal human factors that involves the covering of specific human factors and introducing the new aspects of the software development process (Wagner et al., 2018). The tests and the Maintenance with software project planning, review and evaluation and closure or software requires to plan and then involve in the software development process.

The research is based on the Systematic Literature review to identify about the different research factors for the software methodologies. One of the software engineering issues are related to the lack of researcher focus which directly influences the software development process. The research is mapped with human factors for the analysis, negotiation, documentation, validation and the management. The feasibility study and the requirement elicitation is considered important with the cost effectiveness from the business and budgetary constraints. The phases are designed and allocated for the requirements which are for analyzing the programming language, productivity and the end-user programming methods (Noe et al., 2017). The testing phases are for the Software Development Phase which involves the integration of individual programs and then creating a unit of the complete system if software requirements are met completely. In the development testing, the developers tests the components with carrying out integrated components for finding errors that are for the analysis of unanticipated interactions in between the components and the component interface. The maintenance phase involves with the operations and then involves the correcting errors which are not discovered in the earlier stages of life.

The major focus is on handling the project management scheduling through cost estimation, scheduling, allocation of resources and activity planning. The people management, risks analysis and the steering of challenges are related to the change management and management skills. They are important for analyzing the resources and planning about the feasibility study, risks and the risks study (Ali et al., 2018). The scheduling and the resource allocation is mapped through understanding the role and activity assignment. This involves the overestimation, human judgment and the human errors. The Software Project Enactment (Execution) is mapped with the communication issues, personality types and mentality patterns which help in analyzing the human factors and other communication procedures in a group. The analysis of the risk is mainly concerned with the risk study, and then using the procurement options with user participation related risks.

Software development is a human and collaborative endeavor which involves the planning about success of a positive and a negative process (Ghayyur et al., 2018). It involves the Agile development context that helps in mapping with the team-based activities. The conflicts are mainly among the team members which are found to be inevitable and so there are differences which relates to the managing of conflicts. The software project success includes the feeling that the developers tend to establish a closer tie with the product client. The software development team composition requires to focus on the skilled sets where the developers are involved in analyzing the software requirements with software clients who are involved with the integration of different components. The achievement of the optimal success is through analyzing the software development team, where the team activities requires to plan about the team coordination as well (Chuang et al., 2016).


The composition of the team is through team active demands that needs to be subdivided into different sub-projects. The members in the group generally play a major role to handle the productive level of a team. If the members are located sparsely, then there is a possibilities of having different human coordination issues. This involves the perspectives of team composition, communication and role of the management team. The software development involves the team activity that demands for the different sub-projects that holds the members with the culturally different and productive level of team. Here, the success of the team is through understanding:

a. The skill levels for the team members involve the skill set which tend to play a major role for the problems solving (Oinas et al., 2018).

b. Motivational level: It is important for carrying out the different tasks of development with esteem needs, social, safety and the psychological needs.

The communication is mapped with exchanging information that impacts the software product with development. The clients and the management team or the developers need to focus on using models with lack in standardized models. This comes with the sparse distribution and covering a general view for the different interpretations which allows a narrow application. Here, the focus is on understanding the different forms which involves the teamwork setup and how the views are considered for setting up decision making. The importance is to focus on the developers with the need to communicate on the meetings, brain storming ideas and the other software documentation procedures. It involves the enhancement of the group cohesiveness that will impact the exit of the group members (Seigmund et al., 2015).

The management of the team involves the delivery of the product within the time and budget where the capabilities are mapped by the customers. Here, the major focus is on handling the system on time and the costs that are for the proper management of the project. The management needs to focus on planning the different variables with determining on how the management is able to work with the different dynamic industry roles. The challenges are related to the software costs, budget, scheduling and the human resources. The management team is also involved in working over the improvement of self-esteem of the developers with properly coordinating among the team members. The role is about focusing on the issues that involves the implementation and testing phases. The mapping needs to be done for the software developers with ensuring about how the issues are addressed. Some of them are:

a. The developer motivation: This is considered important for the management team for looking on the project work. The motivation comes with organizing the work and planning about the developer's withdrawal from project. The individual power of the developers is through understanding the imminent problems which are generally involving about the rewards and the encouragement to share the knowledge.

b. Managing the skill set of the developer: The planning needs to be done to ensure about the pivotal role for the entire system. The skill levels and failures are determined through the composition of team. It requires to handle the communication, with software development project success (Chuang et al., 2016).

The planning needs to be done for understanding the role of management team which involves the allocation of tasks and the effective communication as well. The goal is to map with the group work that directly influences the communication among the developer. The skill wise balanced team guarantees about the success with the coordination coming from the management of team. The focus is on the goals and then understanding about the good quality software products for the clients. There is a need to delve into the specific factors like communication and the team communication which will help in contributing towards the development of the different set ups like the open source and commercial development projects. The analysis is mapped with understanding the forms and integral part of the software process. There is a need to incorporate the problem-solving capabilities and the cognitive limitations which are involving the administering of the team members. The focus is also on understanding how the personality factors affects the different quality and performance. The individual needs to plan about the software engineering profession which evolve to understand the socio-technical activities. The industry needs to plan about the internal empirical experiments to understand the issues which are related to the performance-oriented teams. Here, the data collection and the collection of the insights is for improving the overall process of development (Ali et al., 2018).

The software development is considered to be a complex activity with subject to the vulnerability. Hence, the personal behavior and the human cognitive standards are likely to involve the human factors like the soft skills, and the team building process. The management abilities involves the adoption with focusing on the incorporation of the competencies that are for the programmes at the time of formation phase. The recognition is through deeper scientific working with behavioral sciences and strong components of the statistical analysis. The software engineering is one of the efforts to reduce the costs of producing software through raising programming, productivity and lowering the maintenance efforts with increased benefits of the software.


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