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Spirituality and Gerontology Nursing Assignment Help

write a reflection paper regarding your thoughts, meaningful ideas, feelings, and/or reactions, and the application of these to nursing practice or your own spiritual growth and self-care.

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Adult Gerontology is the part of the health care provisions that does have specific focus on treating adolescents to adult ages and into the advanced ages. Health practitioners in this age group setting will work for treating for adults in their life span i.e., from adulthood to oldage by rendering acute, chronic and preventive health care services. The following part of the write-up is focussed on insights regarding the use of remedies for better health and wellbeing of all ages of people in general. The article emphasizes the need for using the remedies, the rationale behind using the remedies as well few examples of remedies are also presented in the write-up. Principles of health when integrated in the practices of eating, drinking, working and dressing then can manifest interms of better wellbeing. People do often complain on god for the illnesses which they face, illness and actually the consequences of violating the principles of health and wellbeing and usage of right practices and remedies can ensure better health for any human being in general. 

Remedies and Overview:

Fever, Sicknesses etc need to be considered and seen as manifestations of the nature’s interaction on the human body and its efforts in rectifying the actual deviation of the normal working and the ill treatment the person has performed over his body in the due course of time. In any case, application of few rational remedies is always suggested as part of good health care practices. In most of the cases, the illness will result due to over eating, over working and over working etc. In such cases the disturbed harmony in the human body can be normally attempted to regain by use of burdenous medicine. Rather than using such medicine, it is worth going for a fasting for a meal or two. By doing so the overworked digestion system can be given rest to regain its lost energies.  Abstemious diet if continued to take up for certain duration of time, it is more likely that the person with the assistance of recuperative efforts of nature can able to get back his lost energy and health.

Over work is the source of illness in several instances. Overwork can impact both the body and mind equally. Rejuvenating the body and mind impacted by overwork do not need any complex procedures of care or medications. Just a judicial resting of the body can create the necessary facilitation for rejuvenation of the body resources. 

Pure water is free to available in most of the places and is one of the cost effective source of energy to the body (Feehally and Khosravi, 2015).  Consuming pure water will clean the internal systems and reduces the vulnerabilities to the diseases. Further, when external body is applied with pure water, it will clear off the open pours from the body and will let the impurities removed off, further makes perspiration of sweat from the body skin get released and provided natural thermal control to the body. 

Inactivity is a weakening force, regular exercise keeps the body health and will enable it equip with the necessary strength and energy to take up the challenges. Exercises will increase the blood circulation and will also improve the lung and its fresh air consumption capacities. When lungs consume sufficient fresh air, they do keep the entire human body as well as the skin in good condition. Physical exercise not only will add vigour and energies to the human body, it will also add energies and circulation of blood to the vital organs like mental faculty. Those people who work more with mental resources like teachers, administrators, planners, professionals can gain more by doing regular exercises. The fatigue contained in over work can be removed and they can regain energy and capacities to take up the new challenges in life (White, 1942). 

Taking healthy diet, small walk after the diet with proper upright gesture can keep the body health in good condition for long time. Also there is sufficient scope to keep the body healthy by occasional if not regularly possible, doing exercises like cycling and surfing etc. Such exercises having provision to stretch and contain the muscles will provide good circulation of oxygen to the vital parts and organs in the body. 


Strictly speaking, it is not very difficult for the human beings to get a healthy and fulfilling life.  At all times, it is not mandatory to take up range of medicines for treating the ailing conditions of the human body. If some sufficient care and attention is taken towards the body by employing range of remedies they can provide more quality functioning of the human body. Though the remedies suggested are not for treating acute and chronic diseases that may arise, they can provide sufficient scope for keeping good the health and wellness of the human beings. Most of them are not cost intensive and will not take up more physical efforts also. Remedies like employing controlled diet, employing sufficient water, exposing self to sunlight and keeping simple stretching exercises regularly can keep the body equipped to take up the fatigue that can arise in life on regular basis and it will also help on provide the necessary support to the mental faculties as well. So simple remedies for life health care can cause great benefits to the human beings. 

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