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MITS5004 IT Security Assignment Help

Identification of the paper you are critiquing/ reviewing, a statement of the purpose for your report and a brief outline of how you will discuss the selected article (one or two paragraphs).

Describe the intention and content of the article. If it is a research report, discuss the research method (survey, case study, observation, experiment, or other method) and findings. Comment on problems or issues highlighted by the authors. Report on results discussed and discuss the conclusions of the article and how they are relevant to the topics of this Unit of Study.

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Details of the Article – Reviewed in the current context:

The article titled “Cyber-Storms Come from Clouds: Security of Cloud Computing in the IOT Era”, By Michele De Donno, Alberto Giaretta, Nicola Dragoni and Antonio Bucchiarone and Manuel Mazzara.

Introduction: The current report is a critique of the article titled Cyber-storms come from Clouds: Security of Cloud computing in the IOT Era. The article is about IOTs and the way they dominated the data connectivity in the current world. IOTs were connected throughout the world and there is increased data communication across the world at present.  Large quantities of data are being transmitted across the cloud from the IOTs connected. Any breach in the security of cloud or IOT will obviously can give severe implications to the integrity of the system. In this connection, now there is increased attention being provided to the IOTs as well as the cloud security. However the author indicates that as long as the security perspectives and the profiles of IOTs and the cloud computing are seen separately the benefits of such interactions are minimum.  There is need for integration of the security of IOT and cloud computations for strengthening the system. Further it is said that just securing IOT is not sufficient and there can be storm from the cloud that can impact the overall security of the system and hence the security of cloud computing in the IOT Era need to be managed differently. This is the essential core concept presented in the article and the following part of the report will discuss the rationale for such comments by the author. 

Analysis of View point presented in the report:

Ideology and the basic conception of the article:

One thing that author presented very impressively in the report is the fact that the security of IOTs the end devices of the system cannot be considered as an isolated matter. There is need for comprehensive consideration of the entire system to evaluate the security of the system comprehensively.  Cloud makes up an important part of the data transmission and the connectivity of the same, hence any measure taken up to enforce security of Cloud will impact the overall security of the data connectivity systems and if there is lapse in enforcing the security of the cloud, then it can lead to serious disasters in the security of the overall system.  The author metamorphically indicated that if the security concerns of the cloud are if not actually address properly, then the IOT security is not addressed and this is like a storm from cloud to the IOT network.  Once this perspective is established, the author tried to refer the cloud by the reference architectural formats available in the literature, there is critical evaluation of each of the layer of the cloud architecture and insights are drawn into the security aspects of each layer of cloud, finally the report attempted to wrap up all the information presented in the article.

Critique of literature exploration adopted by the author:

Author has limited his approach in considering the articles for the analysis of the cloud computing model. Only few architectural model like SaaS, the service model based security evaluation of the cloud architecture. Security modelling of cloud computation from the perspectives of homomorphic encryption, key translation within-browser and hardware-anchored security methodologies are discussed in literature and collected in the current discussion. Further there is consideration to the models where in macro level consideration is done towards the security threats classification and without fine grain level evaluation. Though such security evaluation will provide basic overview of security conception, still there is much to do with fine level evaluation of the security model for devising detailed security model for cloud systems. However the article could not able to identify any sought of investigation performed on cloud computation in the context of IOT and their extensive usage for data connectivity applications. The architecture and the security aspects and attributes of cloud computation are discussed on very traditional framework, the architecture and security aspects classification if it is categorized to include the aspects of IOT, it would have been more impactful. 

In any case some of the cloud specific security aspects discussed in the current article includes features like confidentiality, Virtualization level issues, multi-tenancy issues, VM isolation issues, virtual network issues, VM introspection issues, VM management issues, VM migration issues. Further there is detailed focus on Application level issues like isolation issues, synchronization mechanism issues, data storage level issues, outsourcing issues, data deletion issues, integrity, virtualization level issues. Other issues considered in this discussion include application computation cheating issues, insecure APIs, management and control interfaces. Data storage issues like outsourcing addressed comprehensively. Further there is considerable discussion on availability, virtualization level issues, multi-tenancy issues, VM management issues, tenancy issues etc. There is detailed emphasis given on issues like virtual network, VM migration Etc. Application issues included resource accounting issues, Network level issues, network under provision issues and other multi-level issues. Economic sustainability and Generic security issues are other major complications that the organization does face in this context.  For each of these aspects of the security concerns, there is detailed of the type of security concern possible, its probability of occurrence and severity are all discussed in detail in the article[6]. 

There is separate discussion provided on the vulnerability of security parameters in the context of IOT. There is detailed focus on the aspects like how IOT can be employed for data transmission, how the application of IOT can be destructive when it is employed for transmission of data without any encryption, which is seen in several IOT data transmission cases. Typical consequences like data breach and approach to the data by unwanted third parties is discussed in detail in the article. IOT collaboration is a good source for possible data breach, further when IOTs are employed for data collection and sharing in the IOT connected vehicles there is much scope for the loss of the security of the data being transmitted in the due course of time. In any case, there is much to do reinforcing the security of the IOT devices in these applications. One suggestion suggested is security introspection based on the insights obtained from the data analytics taken from the IOT connected gate ways; it is one of the intelligent options that can inspect the possible security breaches in the data transmission occurring and they will also work on to provide opportunity to curtail the security breach much earlier in the cycle of the operations. 


The key merit of the content presented in the article is the conception and the need for new perspective in the security of the cloud computing in the IOT context. It is true that there is no any sufficient literature existing at present to focus on these aspects of the discussion. However still the article intelligently presented a well detailed and comprehensively presented overview of security concerns in the cloud computation. At each layer and each level of functionality of the cloud computation there is detailed discussion on the vulnerabilities possible in the cloud computation, however in most of the cases the discussion of the threats is presented at levels close to the micro detailing but still it is not totally perfect and there is still much to do with the discussion of the security aspects of cloud computation in the context of data interface and communication with IOTs. When IOTs comes into picture, how the communication exchanges are going to change and how actually they are going to impact the security controls and the security configurations in place at multiple levels of Cloud computation configuration is not discussed as there is no sufficient information in that regard in the literature. IOT integration with cloud computation will definitely call for fresh challenges in security perspectives as well as in planning initiatives for security provisions, it can be true that there can be security threats from cloud integration of the IOTs and it can be a serious threat to all users and organizations working on IOTs, however still the recent developments in the security measures do have potential to offset the challenges being imposed by these integration processes. The evolving technologies can curb the vulnerabilities in future. The direction provided in the article like introspecting the data transmission from IOT devices for evaluation of vulnerabilities and evaluation of the same in the gateways before moving off to cloud can be a good solution. However the technology is still need to be researched further to adopt as a solution for the security concerns. Further this measure only can predict and provide insights into the security integrity, but is not a solution to the problem. Further the security concerns in the unencrypted data communication between mass collection of IOTs, data transfer from distinct networks from applications like IOT connected vehicles etc is still a problem and there is need to look for solutions in this direction. Curbing unauthorized access controls to IOTs and continuous observation of the security response and the security data analytics of IOTs can be a right solution to curb the problem in this direction. In any case the article has focussed its attention on a hot and unavoidable security concerns, however the discussion is not totally informative in the current IOT usage context since it has limitations in the application to the current context. Also, the discussion of the solutions is very primitive and their capabilities in addressing these concerns are yet to be proved. If the coverage is extended more into these aspects information can be more useful, however still it is one of most resourceful article for this topic.


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