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INF60007 Introduction to Business Information Systems Assignment Help

Discuss the following in essay:

- Overview of Enterprise System

- Investment of Sainsbury's in innovative implementation of ERP system in supply chain management

- Innovation by executing ERP system in Airbus

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The emergence of enterprise system has been pressurizing an organisation to adopt innovative enterprise system in this stiff competitive market. The market has become highly competitive due to which companies have been adopting innovative strategies to improve business success as well as stand out alone in the market. an enterprise system is also known as enterprise resource planning system which is a cross-functional information system that helps to provide organisational wide coordination and integration of the business operation as well as helps in Planning the resources of a firm. In this study, the knowledge regarding the implementation of an innovative enterprise system in companies to meet the competitive advantage is going to be provided. Apart from this in this is an essay, the focus on adoption of innovative enterprise system among companies will be provided.

The essay has emphasized on analysing the significance of enterprise systems in an organisation to achieve the competitive advantages within their industry.


Overview of Enterprise System

An enterprise resource planning system has been driven by the earpiece software Suite a set of an integrated software module and a common centralised database which helps in improving the business processes under different operational areas as well as stores data within an organisation. With reference to the view of Alcivar and Abad (2016), enterprise system helps in reducing the cost of transaction processing, software and its support staff in an effective way. Furthermore, enterprise resource planning also helps in augmenting the quality and efficiency of customer services production and distribution of goods in sales operation. With the continuation to this, Tenhiälä and Helkiö (2015) have commented in their study that ERP system also helps in creating a more uniform organisational culture where working members uses a similar type of processes to conduct the task. 

There are several companies that have focused upon adopting the innovative enterprise resource planning system to stay for a longer period in this stiff competition. The rapid growth of enterprise system has increased the competition level in the market in every industry. It has been found that ERP software accumulates over £25 billion every year and continues to grow by around 10% to 20% every year. It has been predicted that the global enterprise system might reap to £47 billion in revenue until the year 2022 (, 2019). Due to this reason, companies have started to adopt innovative Enterprise Resource Planning System at their workplace.

Investment of Sainsbury's in innovative implementation of ERP system in supply chain management

Sainsbury's is one of the most renowned supermarkets in the UK that emphasize on producing the best quality product and services for their targeted customers. It has been observed that UK supermarket Sainsbury has been investing a huge amount in implementing an ERP system of Quantum Retail Technology to improve the supply chain solutions in the UK market. Quantum solutions work with details existing ERP systems and have been using several retail projects around the world to improve the business operations of a firm (, 2019). The company has been planning to improve the supplier collaboration by investing in new solutions that generate an "electronic tab on the shoulder" to alert both Sainsbury and its suppliers at the time of potential problem arises. Apart from this, the information has been perceived that Sainsbury has adopted innovative ERP system to cut waste during production processes. It has been found that the company has invested 10 million on the ERP system to become "the test bed for innovation" by initiating in the reduction of household food wastages (, 2019).

Another innovative ERP approach that Sainsbury has been adopting in their firm by the year 2025 is minimising the usage of plastic packaging for the products. To meet this goal the company is going to launch a program to accelerate the change that will include switching to alternative materials using lighter with plastics and introducing refillable packaging at scale. With the continuation to this, the proper analysis of plastic footprints will be done especially in the area of a milk bottle, packaging for fruits and vegetables, fizzy drink, and fruit juices (, 2019). The company has been adopting this ERP system at their workplace not merely to improve their services and meat business success but to stand out in the market of stiff competition. The reduction of 50% plastic bags in the market will result in making the company popular as well as will help in increasing the brand image in the market. From the viewpoint of Garefalakis et al. (2016), the increase of brand image is a good sign for companies in a highly competitive advantage this is because it gives an understanding that the product and services are meeting the expectation of consumers living in the society.  

Innovation by executing ERP system in Airbus

The usage of an ERP system has been increasing in every sector as the competition level in every industry has been increasing rapidly. In the recent news, it has been found that the Aerospace industry has also been shaping the future by applying innovative enterprise system at its services. It has been observed that the Airbus has been adopting innovative urban mobility by adopting Voom. Voom is a convenient and affordable helicopter that is available for 24*7 hours and can be booked easily by travellers who have the emergency to travel in urban places. This technology has been taken into consideration to minimise the traffic congestion as well as provide the people which new urban mobility services.

Apart from this, the main motive of implementing this innovative ERP is to stand alone in the highly competitive era. In supplementary to this it has been noticed that Airbus has been planning to launch electric flight by which will bring zero-emission technology to Aviation ( 2019). This is the most inspiring and innovative step is being considered for the aviation industry as the availability of electric slides is zero in the present competitive market. The information has been perceived that the Airbus is going to develop and test electric and Hybrid electric future technology in the aviation industry that will minimise CO2 emissions of commercial aircraft (, 2019). Airbus has made a commitment to meet the environmental goals in Flightpath's 2050 vision for Aviation. Here the carbon dioxide will be reduced by 75%, NOx by 90% and noise by 65% in aircraft. By adopting a viable Technology solution namely Hybrid electric propulsion system, the company will establish the aircraft. with the continuation of this Airbus has also planned to launch in a series of international races in 2020, Air Race E will become the first-all electric aeroplane race in the world ( 2019). The company has been applying all these strategies of ERP system to present its success and capability of bringing innovation in services in the highly competitive edge. In this tough competition, the aviation industry is also applying strategy and best possible tactics to increase its brand image and reputation in the market.


From the overall study, it can be summarised that enterprise system has been becoming the lifeblood of the companies in the highly competitive era because it has been leading towards both improving as well as bringing innovation in an organisation. it has been found that e Sainsbury's has been planning to adopt a program to minimise the usage of plastics by 50% in the market so that it meets the expectation of customers as well as stand positively in the highly competitive market. On the other hand, Airbus found to be implementing future technology to establish electrical air craft’s to omit the carbon emissions and well as noise from the aircraft. Furthermore, it can be said that companies belonging to different industries have been applying strategies by implementing Enterprise resource planning system you to stay longer in a stiff competitive environment.

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