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HSEM Policies in Orpic Assignment Help

Recognize and analyse the potential hazards that observed in the workplace during your site visit, and identify the factors leading to accidents. In addition, take steps to eliminate or reduce those risks.

Discuss in details the company policy to integrate the HSEM in the company management system. However, identify the safety standards adopted by the company and show if needs any improvement.

Discuss and enumerate the contribution (or not) of the HSEM system on the profitability of the company. 

Critically evaluate the occupational health and safety legislation &amp; compliance requirements for the specific work activities in the site.

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The paper broadly elaborates the conditions found on a site visit at Orpic, which is the largest oil industry in OMAN. The study is based on the experiences perceived on visiting the site and experimenting the conditions at that time. Orpic is one of the largest and fastest developing business commodities in Middle East section. They are known as the biggest manufacturers and suppliers of crude oil to the Middle East region of Arab and supplying the whole Oman. The industry not only deals with the oil refineries, in fact they are accompanied in production and supply of Polypropylene and aromatics products as well with their plants located in Suhar.

Though they are a renowned business sector in the world, still the plant and the workplace have various hazards and safety issues which are need to be considered for better production. The paper will discuss about the probable risks that are encountered at the time of the site visit and the possible ways that Orpic have undertaken to reduce the hazards in the workplace. Finally, the paper will conclude with the HSME policies that are implemented to develop and the recommendations based on the experiences resulted from the site visit.

Identification of the risks in Orpic and evaluation of the accidents that can occur in the plant

Arab is known to be a region of oil production and manufacturing in the world. Oman is also in the same business and is in a way of conquering the petroleum and other petrochemicals products manufacturing in the world. Orpic located in Oman, is termed as the Oman Oil Refineries and Petroleum Industries Company. The fundamental of Orpic was actually derived from the integration of three different production companies namely the Oman Refineries and Petrochemicals Company LLC (ORPC), Oman Polypropylene (OPP) and the Aromatics Oman LLC (AOL) (Bingham and Nuttall, 2018). The site visit to Orpic is actually an experience of their production units and the functional areas that they are linked with.


As Orpic is an oil refinery unit, so they are engaged in processing of several hazardous elements like Methanol, Ethanol, Gasoline and other chemical substances. The whole unit is working in processing these elements and as a result there will be severe amount of polluted waste excretion in the plant. Risk and hazards analysis is actually a related identification and discussions on the various potentials risks that are linked with this petrochemical plant. The risk analysis assessments are an effective study which will help to quantify the hazards that can results in severe accidents for the plant and also the personnel engaged there.

The site visit to the Orpic plant has identified several risk factors associated with the installation purpose mentioned below:

Various hazardous materials and compounds are used in the process which will require safe installation process to operate the production in better way. This faults mainly rectifies some of the mechanical issues which consists improper material elected for operations, construction defects and even temperature factor of the pipes as well.

Vessel properties such as corrosion and also several uncontrolled phenomena like heavy rains, floods or even droughts can be a external reasons for the risks in the plant as well (Khan and Al Mamari, 2016). Several external factors that could interface in the installation process are the human activities such as drilling in the operations,unearthing leading to risks in the workplace.

Flammable substances that are associated with the productions are risky to execute when there is a drawback in the installation field of the plant which is due to the pinhole leaks in the pipe or vessels (Abdul-Wahab et al., 2018).

Apart from the installation, Orpic have major issues related to the storage part of the plant as well. Like every other plants Orpic also deals with various loading and unloading operation for the production of the oil; and supplying unit. This operation also found to have major risks accompanied with the storage, the loading and unloading operation as follows:

The tanks that Orpic is using are not cleaned when tested. Even there are several leakages found in the tanks when loading the product in the vessels. As the tanks are used to store flammable materials, unclean tanks will results in ignition of fire when there is a contact with air and the vapour inside the tank.

Orpic deals with Electrostatic ignition process like other plants when it release both positive and negative charges in the operation (Tsai, 2018). Thus, the charges can collide can cause static electricity ignition causing a serious accident at the workplace.

Petrochemical plants deal with VOC discharge as it tends to produce Volatile organic compounds when the materials are exposed to heat. It is found that the plant operation was not running in a smooth closed loop function and there are several open ended lines observed during the visit. This will certainly hamper the production, increase the risks of severe accidents and even in a blast of the section remained open.

Measures recommended to avoid and eliminate the risks associated in the plant The measures need to be followed are:

The safety tanks should be cleaned and the leakages should be checked thoroughly.

The storage systems should have secondary containments to reduce the corrosion of the hazardous materials and also fire protection measures need to be administered (Omaima and Imran, 2016).

Proper training should be provided to the personnel in the plants to reduce the chance of unwanted fire execution and to promote safety operation in Orpic.

Management need to ensure that the oil and chemicals are kept in proper vessel to reduce the effect of electrostatic discharge.

For loading and unloading arrangement, the interlocking system should be monitored from the control room.

Discussion on the HSEM adoption in ORPIC plant and the role of the management to reduce accidents in the plant operation
The Health, Safety and Environmental Management policies were introduce to minimize the risks and hazards related to a plant or organization. Proper application of the safety measures according to the HSE is beneficial for the management to encounter and resolve the risks leading to accidents in the workplace. The site visit of Orpic provides the policies and measures they have taken under HSEM to increase safety in the plant operation (Nair et al., 2017). The management team under HSEM consists of the Chief Executing Officer of Orpic, the Chief operating Officer and the manager of the HSE team.Every personnel have maintained their role significantly. Measures that are implemented by them are

1. A useful HSE system in observance with all applicable essentials of the ORPIC HSEM practice is in position for every single actions under the charge of management.

2. The COO should ensure that mechanisms be present to spot, have admittance to and display conformity with all suitable legislation and guidelines

3. The COO have approved the HSEM policy and also provided the objectives and training based on the HSE policy to every personnel in the workplace. This helps in properly conducting the safety policy and arranging the activities that are to be performed in the workplace to ensure protection at the time of operation (Mabood et al., 2017).

4. The role of the managing authority of the HSE department in Orpic is responsible for the implementations of the entire safety measures of the HSE policy. The HSE manager mainly involved in delivering expert HSE support and recommendation to the COO/CEO on the ongoing HSE problems, as well as implementing HSE management targets and deliberation of any probable outcomes to the HSE risks that can occur in the site.

5. The Management team has gone through an analysis of the major requirements and the relevant training and development plans adoption in Orpic. This will further help the workers to work accordingly will the HSE objectives and confer with the process engineers to carry out the operation smoothly.

The HSEM adoption in Orpic, Oman resulted in both technical and physical improvement in plant operation. The team ensures to follow every possible safety measures to control the outcomes of the operations, so that there is less chance of any further risks leading to accidents in the workplace.

Discuss and enumerate the contribution (or not) of the HSEM system on the Profitability of the company

The HSEM system or the Health, Safety and Environmental management system helped ORPIC to develop into a responsible and sustainable organization of Oman. The HSEM system enabled the renowned oil and petroleum organization to improve its credibility in the market and enhanced workplace and employee relations. Health and safety are a very significant part of any organization, whether it is a large-scale or small scale manufacturing organization. The contribution of the HSEM system also proved positive for ORPIC which gained revenues and profits in millions of Omani Rial (Al Sadi et al., 2015). The contribution of the HSEM system on the profit-making capability of ORPIC is as follows:

The Occupational health risk assessment or OHRA is implemented with effectiveness so as to ensure proper health legislations for the workers and employees at each of the sites which engage in hazardous materials and wastes.

Disposing hazardous and poisonous wastes in a safe manner has ensured safety and protection for both employees and workers which in turn has enabled investors to invest in ORPIC.

Precautions while handling electrical equipments which include dry footing, high-voltage alert signs, electrocution guard, and to wear work suits which are made up of bad conductor material are taken so that workers do not face any mishaps and are assured of their safety while working in a risk environment. Owing to such risk handling policy, workers are encouraged to work and they feel safe about their surroundings and feel respectable towards their employer (Nabhani, Khan and Yang, 2016).

Knockout drums prevent oil leakages entering into compression chambers of gas. If by anyway, gases get contaminated by solid wastes from hazardous material, they are handled properly using industrial strainers. If gases get contaminated then it can have adverse effects on the workers who are handling it as well as the environment where it is getting disposed off. Employees at ORPIC ensure that such mishaps are avoided as soon as possible.

The foremost priority of ORPIC is to be a global leader in the oil and petroleum industry and to ensure the same they follow certain environmental or ecological standards which covers five aspects such as waste water treatment, and removing odour, reduction of emissions from oil flares, detection and mitigation of leakages and repairing them, reducing sulphur dioxide emissions, and industrial waste management. They have implemented these environmental improvement programmes or EIP in their Suhar refinery with the help of Suhar Environment Unit and the Ministry of environment and climate change affairs (Nabhani et al., 2016).

Temperature is controlled to an optimum level so that corrosion does not happen and quality of the work could be maintained. Volatile and organic carbon emissions were contained and prevented using measures like pressure relief, blow down system, low emission packaging and open-ended lines (Al Ghafri et al., 2018).

Periodical medical checkups of every employee and worker are done to ensure that they do not face any problems due to the hazardous nature of their work. Regular medical checkups of every employee and worker at ORPIC ensure that employees are suited and fit to do their jobs efficiently and stay safe and healthy.

Critically evaluate the occupational health and safety legislation and compliance requirements for the specific work activities in the site
The site of Orpic at Suhar complex which is a renowned oil refinery follows certain occupational health and safety legislation as well as compliance requirements to carry out the day-to-day activities in a systematic manner. While evaluating the health, safety and compliance requirements, few key points come into view. The key points are as follows:

The Suhar refinery uses high integrity sealing materials for flanges which is helpful in controlling volatile organic carbon emissions. Although the sealing materials are currently used in the Suhar refinery, the ORPIC authorities are planning it to implement it in their other oil plants all over Oman.

The plant of ORPIC at Suhar has LDAR or leakage detection and repair system which helps in the timely detection and maintenance so that emissions can be minimized. LDAR is mainly done by a flame ionizing detector and an IR camera. The ionizing detector is used to identify accessible leaks and IR camera is used for identifying inaccessible leaks (Azadeh et al., 2015).

The activities at the Suhar plant ensures that compliance to health and safety rules are maintained and that any of the oil refineries do not engage in any activities which have any detrimental impact on the society and the environment

A unique feature of ORPIC's health legislation namely BS OHSAS 18001:2007 includes the pre-employment and post-employment health and medical checkups of employees, which enables the Suhar plant at ORPIC to ensure they are providing a healthy and safe workplace to work in and creates an overall positivity.

The safety legislation of ORPIC involves following ‘twelve safety rules' which are internationally recognized by safety legislation authorities globally and help to prevent any serious injuries and sudden occupational hazards. They also follow process safety rules throughout the design and implementation of any project and they are monitored and evaluated regularly.

ISO 14001-2015 EMS is a safety management legislation which has ensured that such legislations are followed strictly and campaigns regarding awareness of health and safety are carried out to ensure employees remain informed (Asad et al., 2017).
Thus, it could be said that although ORPIC follows health, safety and compliance legislation in their workplace as well as hazardous activities, it has to go a long way to ensure its activities do not impact the environment adversely and ensures the overall safety and health of the workers as well as employees.

Conclusion and Recommendations

From the above discussion, we have a clear view on the risks and management process of Orpic in Oman. The paper is an overview of the site visit to the Orpic plant and the outcomes and recommendations are provided. The study above shows the probable risks associated with the plant which mainly deals with petrochemical operation and supply in the world as well as in Oman. The main risks that are highlighted are of tanks design and safety measures, personnel improvements and safety training and also the flammable materials separation to avoid any accidents. The following are some recommendations:

Enough and protective fire equipment and system should be adjusted in the operational plant.

HSEM policy should be maintained in order to reduce further risks and accidents in the workplace.

Health and Safety of the workers in the plants should be reviewed and proper guides need to be followed to ensure safe working place inside the plant.

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