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HI6008 Business Research Project Assignment Help

Describe which methods and techniques will enable your group to collect the data required to answer your Research QueStion and any sub-question(s), and why. 

Explain which research method — Quantitative, Qualitative -or Mixed method - will provide the best data that you need to answer your Research Question. accepts instant and short deadlines order for HI6008 Business Research Project Assignment Help solution – order today for excellence!


McDonald has been working over the marketing and the different advertisement strategies where the company has been using the billboards and the sign systems that can help in the hosting of the events. The consideration of the technology and the internet McDonald's is about getting in touch and understanding about the effective way where the customers are able to match with the fewer costs. The company generally takes help from social media like Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, LinkedIn. It has been working according to the professionals who are able to manage properly as per the platform. There are different challenges which are for the cost of maintenance, and then using the company to handle the activities with new trending applications. The efficient manpower requires to be focused with competent customers who are working on solving the problems and the objections to operating on the social media working in an efficient manner.

Project Objective

To determine about the project standards where McDonald’s has been using the social media perspectives for enhancing the marketing standards. 

Project Scope

The project scope is based on the business requirements and then focusing on the liabilities and the entities for the social media sector. Here, the understanding is about how the social media pages are working on providing the services and applications through Facebook that helps in providing more space to share the information. There are different problems when the company has been handling the activities and the platforms with operating costs or training as per the social media personnel. The understanding is about daily updating the data with planning about focusing on the different social media applications and then understanding the use of the applications with the burden to recover from the social media costs of maintenance. 


There have been different problems which are associated to work on the methodological constraints and the unclear return on the investments. There has been a certain misinterpretation of the matrices with the new social media apps that do not guarantee return about the problems. The ethical problems involve the true value and product presentation problems. The planning needs to be handled along with making the decisions for the new social media apps and software. The administrative costs considerations and the privacy issues have to be handled with technological limitations and accurate information that is set under the malicious use of social media factors (Zhang et al., 2019). The challenges and the opportunities need to focus on the factors that help in developing an appropriate standard with the products that are able to maintain the customers on social media.

Design of Research Method

Primary Research Questions 

Q1: What is the importance of social media for McDonald's in Australia?

Secondary Research Questions 

Q1: What are some of the methods that aim for the better level of use with the research questions that need to be addressed?

Q2: What are some of the SMEs who are working on a competitive level with McDonald's?

Q3: What are the various ways McDonald’s provide the services?

Q4: Are there merits or demerits associated with social media in McDonald's?

Research Design and Methodology

Here, there are variations based on the qualitative and the quantitative measures where the study has been able to adapt with the mixed methods. Here, the mixed methods are applicable to the different collection of the methods with the interviews and the questionnaire survey. This will also help in detailing the investigation for the social media approach for McDonald and how the company is using the different perspectives with the increased confidence of the researcher. Here, the data and the results need to be obtained with the use of multiple resources and then enhancing the holistic forms of the data collection (Iankova et al., 2019). The research is based on understanding the data collection where the research is based on the elements for the quantitative and qualitative data collection. There has been a wider range of the research and the questions with the need to focus on the research requirements. Some of the research involves the descriptive and the explanatory research where the use of the mixed methods has been there. 


The qualitative measures need to be taken for the different several perspectives where the increased confidence focus on obtaining the data and results. The use of the resources includes the enhancement of the complete data collection forms and standards where the qualitative and quantitative results are set with a wider range of research. This requires meeting the research factors and then focus on the clear understanding. The social media has been effectively able to work on the detailed questionnaire with the open and the closed-ended questions. There has been triangulation with the research approach where the qualitative and the quantitative data is analyzed in a proper manner (Macarthy, 2018). The research helps in understanding about how the participants have been addicted to the social media factors with individuals who are involved in showing the interest with intertwining and then working over the ability to find the friends, lack of socialization and monotony. Here, the need for social media networking websites is to connect with the research across the globe. The aim is to work on the source of data and planning for providing a critical look where the approach is to understand the brand perceptions and the attitude in the marketing place. The questions are reviewed with the validity and social media monitoring that helps in well-established methods and recent inventions. The particular attention is given as per the analysis where the social media measures need to work on the qualitative research interviews as well. The critical features are for the direct, interactive and consumer approaches. It helps in understanding the needs of the customer and the personal goals that can help in driving the forces to behaviour and brand choices.  

Quantitative Designing

The quantitative methodology has been set for the well-structured interview where the research is conducted for the respondents who can work face-to-face and then ensure the interviews with certain questions and the set. The planning has to be done for the detailed answers as well (Kasemap, 2019). The quantitative research design involves the research project that tends to make use of the methods where there are face-to-face interviews, online survey and the survey by the posts. It involves the aim that concentrates mainly on understanding the use of the emotional insight with the data that is supplied at a numerical format. The survey is tailored with the approach that involves the services with the quantitative research for favouring the closed-ended questions. The respondents work with different list of answers and the process of quantitative research is efficient with the qualitative style that has some of the open-ended questions. The research helps in allowing the inclusion with the possibilities that are appropriate and then working over the analysis of the research. The understanding is about the randomization of the different study methods and control groups which needs to be used for the handling of manipulation of data.

Survey or Questionnaire

We have chosen the approach of the questionnaire with the details related to how the surveyors are able to work with the pilot testing and the focus groups. The questionnaire involves the discussions about the writing of the good operations and then measuring the changes over the time. There are prior survey factors that helps in crafting the information with the substantial research where the questionnaire designing is done in an effective manner. There is a need to work overtime and plan about how the research is able to draft and review the different changes depending upon the open and the closed ended questions (Chiang et al., 2018). 

Sampling Approach

The case of the sampling includes the people of 18 years and more in the study as they are able to work on the social media marketing standards. This will include the people who  are going to the college and then at work. The interview is done to get the reactions and understanding about the McDonalds’s requirement and the social media approach for it. The population is identified for drawing the sampling approach and then determine about the findings which will help in studying the population with proper interpretation as well. The sampling techniques makes use of the simple random sampling methods where there is a possibility to make use of the interviewing respondents and then answering the questions of research with the testing of the hypothesis methods (Chung et al., 2018). The pilot study needs to be carried with focusing on the determining of data effectiveness and collecting it for the main survey. 


There are research variables which are considered to be dependent and independent that helps in including the age with the respondent gender as well. The independent variables have been able to work with the business nature and understanding about the financial accounting standards. The effectiveness level needs to be understood along with the social media planning. The research will help in understanding about the managing of the company personal and professional life where there are changing information section. It can be used against the harming and causing the reduction in the goodwill or the controversies. The social media has been effectively used for the perceived risks and then handling the brand image for the product where the companies can get the positive and the negative feedback on the social media pages. This can lead to customer support reduction. There is a need to understand the comments of the people and then try to resolve them so that there is a proper customer orientation process to deal with the use of the media. Apart from this, the companies also need to be aware of the social media and then plan about the marketing strategy methods which will be able to help in making a better operational conceptual framework.  

Data Collection Methods

With the different sampling study, there are different informed consent which is sent for understanding about the participants who are working by hand delivery. With this, the study highlights about the participants who are working on the responses and the planning which is confidential and compiled with different views. The conclusion and the recommendations helps in the questionnaire to involve the different research assistants and the participants are then asked to work on submitting the filled questionnaire for the research (Sun et al., 2018). The data is then involving the responses with the questionnaire and the interviews that comes in MS Excel, edited and coded with the data representation. The use of the SPSS version with the data analysis software includes the analysis, and the descriptive statistics are for the mean and the mode percentages. The 5-Likert scale and the standard deviations involves the summary which will be able to help in visualizing the tables, charts and the graphs. The multi-linear regression involves the finding of the use of social media for the companies like McDonalds.

Analysis and Interpretation

Here, the response is based on understanding about the questionnaires and how MS excel, editing and the coding is effective. The data is exported to SPSS 17 version for the analysis of data. There are different descriptive statistics like the means, mode percentages and the 5-Likert scale or the standard deviations. The results help in summarizing the different visual representation for the tables, charts and the graphs. The multilinear regression model has been used for the controls that effects the independent variables (Stieglitz et al., 2018). It involves the offering of information that concerns the independent variables and the relevant effects to it. 


The expectations are involving the factors where McDonald’s has been making use of the social media for handling the management entities. It is working on the different source of information and the purpose of decisions that are for working and understanding the likelihood of the internal and the external source of information. To work on the problems, the social media forms and the policies are for handling the jobs where the employer needs to plan about the platforms that will help in providing the platform with providing lesser space. The companies need to work on the privacy policies, technological problems and then handling the uncertainties for the social media (Sheikh, 2019). The social media standards involves how the brand exposures and the company goodwill could be used for the communicating of the investor information where the data is shared and then worked through choosing the customer-oriented process. The technical problems have to be handled with the new age and standards where the employees have been also using the social media on the job. 

Reliability & Validity

Here, the use of the mixed methods is associated to the system of reliability and validity where the results are obtained for the primary data. The tests need to be performed with the reproducible forms. The secondary data needs to plan about the factors that there is no need to carry the tests and so the data is published and then signed. The interpretation is about the social and legal aspects where the diversification and production involves how the privacy policies of the company are able to take care of different products. The social media platforms has been working on the administrative standards and the cost of maintenance with differing of the software and applications. It helps in working on the social media where the international company like McDonalds is able to make use of the technical approaches for the social media sharing and the information standards (Colicev et al., 2018). 


The research has certain limitations where there are problems related to the long time and the effort which needs to be added for the collection of the information. Hence, the different sources are for the proceeding to be confident and then work with research findings as well. The information obtained need not to be collaborative with the possibility that there are discrepancy of the results. The respondents have to be careful about the research with the sound business enterprise and then reaching out the questionnaire with the possibility about handling the ability to read and then write the use of the internet services. 

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