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HE400 Multicultural Health Assignment Help

1. Provide three (3) examples of three (3) different cultures and describe their views on disease etiology.

2. Describe the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) culture in terms of health beliefs and access to care.

3. Describe the farmworkers, immigrants, and refugees’ cultures in terms of health beliefs and access to care.

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1. An instance of three different cultures and their outlook on disease etiology

African culture and its outlook on disease etiology

According to African culture, it is assumed that one can get sound health by shaping his/her behaviour as per the customs and values of society. There are multiple ways in which Traditional Africans makes out disease etiology. Most of the traditional Africans firmly believe the fact that disease is predominantly caused by the attack of bad or evil spirits. Some of them also believe if the forefathers are not given proper respect, they may curse people as a form of the disease (Dutta et al., 2019). When forefathers or ancestors are being neglected by their relatives they are supposed to become angry and imparts them misfortune as a method of punishment. Traditional Africans also believes that disease can be the result of witchcraft and spell-casting. In Akan communities, one may become ill invoking curses in the name of Antoa, the river deity. Therefore, it suggests a way of praying for divine justice from the river god. Even a number of traditional practitioners firmly believe that people may become sick by defying taboos. Taboos are regarded as one of the most important aspects of traditional African religion. It further suggests a religious and social custom that seek to restrict unlawful association and forbidden practices. There are also meat and food-related taboos in several African communities. Showing disobedience towards those taboos may lead to life-threatening diseases and severe illness not only to an individual but also to the entire community as a whole.

Amish culture and its outlook on disease etiology

The Amish are a large cultural and religious sect who has their roots in Ohio, Indiana. The Amish provide much value to hard work in order to get rid of illness (Graham & Cates, 2002). Some of the prevalent health-issues among the Amish encompass injuries, genetic diseases, stress and whiffing cough. They do not seek medical advice till they are obliged (Sharpnack et al., 2010). They believe that nutrition and physical activity are crucial in terms of preventing illness and life-threatening diseases. They firmly believe the fact that God has the power to heal everyone. People belonging to the community believe in their action and helping others in their distress. Furthermore, the Amish community also believes that disease may be caused by marrying close relatives. Therefore, they inspire people belonging to their community to marry distant relatives

Arab culture and its outlook on disease etiology

People belonging to Arab culture firmly believe that diseases and their remedies are in the power of Allah. They further believe that several ways of getting sick and cured are taking place in accordance with the decree of Allah. According to the Arabian community, everyone needs to follow the principles of Islam in order to get rid of diseases and illness (Madkhali et al., 2016). None but Allah can save a man from diseases. People belonging to the culture may ask for spiritual remedies depending on the Quran.

2. Demonstration of gay, lesbian, transgender and bisexual culture concerning to access to care and health beliefs

Lesbian, gay, transgender and bisexual individuals are considered as an increasingly visible and acknowledged part of a community and the clinicians.   According to Ryan et al., (2018), LGBT populations have been experiencing a number of obstacles and structural hindrances in terms of getting access to quality healthcare services. Sexual minority individuals may also confront barriers to access modern medical care on account of a number of reasons such as isolation, lack of cultural competency, inadequate social services and so on. According to a study conducted by (Madkhali et al., 2016), there are striking differences in attitudes towards gay people by both female and male healthcare professionals. The study has further suggested the fact that male professionals tend to be more negative towards gay people compared to female professionals. Institutional barriers that have been restricting the access of the LGBT people towards quality healthcare include lack of legal recognition, negative attitude towards same-sex partners and so on. A number of researches further suggest that LGBT individuals confront health disparities that have been linked to discrimination, societal stigma, and refusal of human and civil rights. It is relevant to point out that LGBT individuals tend to commit suicide very frequently and become homeless now and then. LGBT cultures may vary depending on geographical locations. There are umpteen numbers of evidences where members belonging to the LGBT community confront deplorable health conditions than their heterosexual counterparts (Daley et al., 2017). 

3. Description of immigrants, refugees and farm workers’ cultures concerning to access to care and health beliefs 

There is no doubt of the fact that immigration has been increasing worldwide. Therefore immigration has become a significant public health challenge. It is worth mentioning that migration poses a significant challenge both for the individual and the community. A number of recent researches have suggested the fact that immigrants do not seek to use medical care as a native population do. Additionally, a number of immigrants pass away more quickly compared to the other native population. Sometimes, they do not avail modern healthcare facilities owing to the language barrier (Bloemraad & Terriquez, 2016). Having an enormous amount of stress and deplorable socio-economic status have been affecting their well-being and access to modern healthcare services.  

According to Scott et al., (2018), farm workers have a minimum access to modern healthcare services. Consequently, they have to suffer from q number of major health issues. For instance, farm workers of California have been suffering from hypertension, obesity and hypercholesterolemia owing to poor access to healthcare services. Most of the workers have no health insurance. Stiff competition in the food industry and various other cost-conscious pressures has been affecting their access to better healthcare services. A number of surveys have further suggested that most of the farm worker do not approach to the healthcare practitioners even when they need medical care and investigation. As a result, the work culture of the firm workers has resulted in an alarming rate of obesity. Diseases like hypercholesterolemia and obesity is more prevalent among the male farm workers. Some of the major reasons associated with the cultures of the firm workers that have been affecting their health beliefs include seasonal working patterns, risk of chronic disease and lifestyle. 

Refugees around the world have been experiencing poor mental and physical health. They are at high risk of mortality than the rest of the population of a host nation. Millions of asylum seekers and refugees have been undergoing psychological and physical stress in their origin country. They also face a number of adversities while spending their days in their host country. Due to poor access to healthcare, they have been facing a number of health hazards, especially posttraumatic stress and depression (Willen et al., 2017). For instance, some of the common health issues experienced by Iraqi refugee women encompass stomach pain, anxiety and psychological health issues and so on. Refugees confront substantial hindrances when it comes to access to modern healthcare services. Some off the major reason causing these barriers include cultural barrier and communication barriers.

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