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Gender Inequality Assignment Help

Write a proposal (200-250 words) for your research paper. You are asked to draw on the readings and class discussions in English 1100 to generate a high-level issue - a prestige abstraction. This prestige abstraction becomes part of your topic. You should examine the existing knowledge on this issue, identify a knowledge deficit, and make a knowledge claim of your own. You must draw on at least one of the articles in this course to examine the existing knowledge on an important issue and identify a knowledge deficit. To support your argument in the actual research paper.

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Gender’ inequality is caused due to the inequalities in the socio-cultural term that could be objectified per the socially defined role (Besse). It is a problematic concern, as it relates to the predefined notions and how it would impact concerned behaviors that could result in the segregation to themales’ and ‘females’ in a given society. It is also how the term ‘sex’ could be related to the biological and physiological phenomenon that could result in the social, historical along with the cultural aspects which describe it based on gender that could define per the given function of a power relationship,  


Gender Inequality can be used to discriminate and also against the women depending on the sex. It is also how provides an injustice to the discrimination against women concerning sex. Women are also weaker sex that would be described as a subordinate position to men. The gender inequality can also be caused due to the exploited, degraded along with the violated and discriminated norms. It is also how the women experience discrimination against women due to which one could face any indefinite actions or repercussions (Blau).


It is more related to the system set up and how the social structure and practices could result in the men dominating andexploiting the women” due to their cultural norms (Kleven).


The gender inequality also defines, how the gender role of men would be considered to be superior to women (Jayachandran). It is also subjective to how gender could create a man-made concept that evaluates the ‘sex’ as a natural or biological characteristic concerning human beings.

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