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Essay: Management Plan Assignment Help

The Role of the Manager Implementing a New System. In this section of the paper, address the following issues related to implementing a new EHR system:

- How the software selection process works

- What contract negotiations should involve and include

- What will be the role of the IT manager in the department

- What role will a Strategic Planner take in the process

- How will the system be financed?

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Management plan Assignment


The current report is about the electronic health recording systems in the organization and an overview of application, operations and management of the same in any organization in general. Also the possible extensions and modifications that do arise in the organizational operations all discussed in the following part of the write-up.

Implementing the new system as a manger:

As a new manager, facilitating the implementation of electronic health recording systems implementation, diverse aspects to be taken care of. At the outset, it is very much required to assess the actual demand requirements like how many patients will be visiting the health care centre, what specializations are available in the health care etc. These aspects will provide an overview to select the right health care system for the organization. Once the requirements for ,EHR, System are finalized tendering need to be done to invite the interested bidders, once getting the right bidding, implementation will initiated by right contract delegation. The delegated contractual plan should meet the const constraints of the project allocation. IT manager has to foresee all the IT matters right from the implementation of the project to the final point of maintenance and operations. Complete operations need to be verified for compliance with the blue print of specifications and should ensure the necessary level of security is as per the needs. Another important aspect of the system implementation is the work for implementing the services, storage, retrieval of the data etc. These aspects will work on to have a comprehensive model of the Electronic health recording system. The operational finance can be obtained from corpus funding of the organization or from the budget for expansion and developments. Also there are always other alternatives like loans from the local financial institutions (Lin et al., 2019).

Maintenance and upgrading of the system:

There is a need for complete maintenance and upgrading of the existing system. Whatever changes that arise due to the increase in the requirements and the expansion of the hospital activities, new security threats arrival etc, do call for a comprehensive upgrade of the system. Also if the capacity levels of the organization if increased drastically there is sufficient need to upgrade the system to meet the new challenges (Nor et al., 2019).

Upgrades of the organization will be not just in the operational competencies, but they can also be there in the form of new modules in the systems. New features of data analytics, insightful reports for the organization can be included in the form of the upgrade to the existing system from time to time as per the new releases from the vendor. A grievance and monitoring cell can be initiated to collect the data of complaints from the staff as well to take of grievances and forwarding them to the IT manager for the sake of rightful implementation of the same in the organization.

There is always scope for new employees to get training in the usage of the system as per the organizational needs. IT facilitators can do the same. At the time of orientation and absorption of the new employees, new training as per the system requirements can be provided; same time for the existing staff training can be provided as part of the skills training programmes. Training can be provided with supporting reference material, simulated computer units with online support etc along with expert facilitators. All these activities have scope to provide comprehensive orientation to the employees on the use of the new system. Also there is need for training on every upgrading included in the system from time to time.


The report comprehensively covered the maintenance and operational issues of Electronic health record systems and the role of IT manager in the same. IT manager need to work very closely with the organizational management right from the strategy initiation, implementation and maintenance. At every stage of the operation, IT managers need to have complete focus on the organization needs, resources availability and other skills in hand. By consolidating all these elements, IT managers can work on to establish the new developments like Electronic health recording systems in the health care organizations. However still IT managers in collaboration with other IT specialists need to perform activities of continuous maintenance and upgrading of the system for the entire life cycle of the project operations.

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