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CIS8500 Critical Literature Review Report Assignment Help

Assignment 1 requires you to read and critically analyse a research article sourced from the Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS) held in Tasmania in 2017. Your research article will be allocated to you during the second week.

As part of the critical review and analysis of your allocated research article, you are required to investigate at least three (3) relevant research articles referenced from the allocated article, and to find out more about the associated research topic.

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The research article that will be discussed in this report called the Internet of things for improving supply chain performance: A Qualitative study of Australian retailers. In this report, the importance of the Internet of things on the performance of the retail companies supply chain performance had been tested and explained. For a better understanding of the user of this research, the use of the Internet of things had been critically investigated by the researcher in this report. The data were collected by interviewing the manager of the Australia retail companies. Its finding stated that this Internet of things had made the supply chain of the retailer more efficient which has positively impacted the performance of the company. (Vass et al., 2018). In the next section, some of the keywords of the research will be discussed.

The Internet of things means the use of internet technology in different electronic devices (Cui, 2016). Supply chain integration means it is about coordinating the different information of the business with the activities of the different supply chain management (Wiengarten et al., 2016). Supply chain performance means the efficiency of the supply chain to manage the different customer-related activities (Prajogo et al., 2016). Organisational capability theory means the company capabilities to manage different assets of the business like human resources, IT system and many other aspects like these (Samuel et al., 2017)

In the next section, the detail of the literature article above mentioned that will be included in this report will be explained. In this report, the critical review of the research from different perspectives will be done with the research questions given in the assignment. Then the three articles related to the research topic will be found and explained. Then the gaps in the literature review will be identified. Then a proper conclusion including the main finding of this report will be discussed.

Critical review

The research area or scope of this research topic is very vast and dynamic in nature due to the fact in a daily basis, different innovation or technology are introduced in the market under the Internet of things, and these new technologies changed the dynamic of the Internet of things in the market. The dependent variable of this research study is the influence of the Internet of things on the supply chain of Australian retailer companies. The research objective is research study is to find out how the Internet of things has managed to impact the Australian retailer's supply chain and its different aspects. The research data of this report are qualitative in nature as the data has been collected by interviewing the managers belonging to the Australian retail industry. The finding of this report had been taken out using the interpretivism research philosophy. The sample size of the manager used to collect the data for this research study is twelve who comes from different retail business models, different firm size, different department and many other different aspects like these.

The main theory that has been used to get the findings of this report is organisational capability theory which has assessed how different aspects of the supply chain have been impacted by the Internet of things. Some of the aspects that have been discussed in this report are retail supply chain, supplier integration, supplier integration, internal integration, customer integration process, additional capabilities developed by the supply chain due to IoT, effects of the IoT on the supply chain performance and firm's sustainability. Author's observation has evaluated the result of this research and analytical skill also used, and the basis of the success of each aspect has been kept as the number of positive impacts that the IoT has been able to create in supply chain management.

From the reviewing of the different aspects of the research study discussed in this study, many comments listing the limitations of this research study have been stated in the section below.

• The first limitation that has been found in this research study is that only qualitative data has been used and this increases the chances of bias in the finding of the research study due to possible prejudice or incorrect assumption of the managers.

• Then the sample size of the managers interviewed in this research study is too small, and this forms another limitation of the study as the small sample size creates another bias in the research study.

• The fourth limitation of this research study is that there is only one manager from E-retail had been included in the data collection process of this study which decreases the value of the research. The reason it is creating a limitation for this article is that IoT has contributed majorly to the development of the E-retail business model and representation of the E-retail business model by only one manager among the total twelve managers interviewed in this research study is making the possibility of use of the Internet of things being understated significantly.

• Then interpretivism includes the risk in the research that finding of the study has been negatively affected by the inaccurate interpretation of the researcher to collect the findings of the study.

• Then only positive impacts of the internet of things had been researched upon in this article whereas there are some critical drawback of inefficient implementation of IoT had been ignored like the increase in the possibility of the cyber attack in the business system.

On the other hand, some of the strengths of this study are also noticed in this critical review of the research study. The first strength of this research study or the most interesting aspect of this research is that this study is quite well updated and for making the user understand different findings of this research study real-life example has been used making the research more relatable and reliable for the users. The second strength of this research study is that the sample of this research is diverse as each manager interviewed in this research study come from different backgrounds of the retail industry.

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Literature Review

The three articles that have been identified for critical literature review in this section are Value co-creation with the Internet of things technology in the retail industry, Modeling the internet of things adoption barriers in food retail supply chains and The effect of "Internet of things" on supply chain integration and performance: An organisational capability perspective. These articles are all related to the research topic which is the use of the Internet of things impacting the supply chain of the organisations in the retail industry.

The first research article called Value co-creation with the Internet of things technology in the retail industry tells about how the Internet of things has changed the customer shopping experience in retail stores. It is also stated in the article that Internet of things has created and increased the value in the retail business by bettering the interaction of the customers with the management of the retail business through the help of different IoT technologies. The finding of the article includes different customer value which is created by the use of IoT (Balaji and Roy., 2017). These values are easy to use of different retail technologies, the superior functionality of the retail technologies and more flexibility in the use of the retail service by the users. According to the article, the internet of things has better the relationship of retail companies with its customers. The first article is highly related to the main research article of this critical literature review as both articles the finding include the value created by the internet of things in the retail business industry.

The second article that will be discussed in this critical literature review is Modeling the internet of things adoption barriers in food retail supply chains. The article will investigate how the different aspects of the business environment of a food retail business organisation get affected by increased use of the IoT in its system. The different aspects which have been investigated in this research are management working, customer service, automation, coordination between different activities of the business and many more other aspects like these. It also investigates the barriers that were existing in the food retail industry before the development of internet of things and how these barriers have been removed by the internet of things It is stated in the article that the Internet of things increased its capabilities, increase the customer satisfaction and many more other positive impacts like these (Kamble et al., 2019). This research article is related to the main research article of this critical literature review as both articles try to find out from the retail business point of view how having IoT have changed the working of the business and its interaction with the customer.

The third article that will be discussed in this critical literature review is The effect of "Internet of things" on supply chain integration and performance: An organisational capability perspective. Some of the features in the supply chain that the Internet of things has effected according to the article is the supply chain performance, supply chain integration, customer interaction, efficiency of the business process, marketing activities of the business. Besides, this article stated that business organisations have been able to increase the overall capabilities of the business and its supply chain de (Vass et al., 2018). It is stated in this research article that the internet connected ICT system help the business increase digitalisation in the supply chain of a business and its different logistic activities. This increased digitalisation helps the business integrate its different logistic activities with each other. In the data collection of this article, 227 retail business organisations data had been used The data collection strategy used in this article is the cross-sectional survey and the evaluation of these data had been done by the structural equation modelling (SEM). This article is highly related to the main research article as both try to find out the effect of the Internet of things on the Australian retail firms using the organisational capabilities theory.

Literature Gaps

There are three pieces of literature which have been reviewed in this critical literature review are critically analysed to found the gaps in its research design and its findings which will be identified and discussed in this section.

The first gap found in the first literature called Value co-creation with the Internet of things technology in the retail industry is it fails to link the findings of the article with the real-life examples which will help the user relate the finding of the article more easily. Then the second gap that is found in this research article is that its comparison of the value created by the Internet of things from both companies point of view and customer point of view. This comparison would have helped the finding of the research article more effective. The third gap is that it has analysed the changes that the IoT has to bring to the retail industry in Australian market only and this creates a huge limitation of this article as the user of the article may want a review of the effect of the internet of thing on the overall global retail industry. Therefore, the research question formed for further studies on this topic from this article is listed below.

• What are the differences in the perception of the value created by the Internet of things in the retail industry service from both customers and retail industry employees' point of view?

• What are the differences created by the internet of things in the different global market?

• What is the real-life example of the internet of things better the retail companies supply chain management?

The first gap that is found in the second article called Modeling the internet of things adoption barriers in food retail supply chains is that it specifically tries to found out the effects on the food retail industry and neglect the other industries like a garment or other consumer goods. The second gap that has been identified in this research is that there is a lack of in-depth research in the E-retail food retailer business model affected by the internet of things. Therefore, the research question that has been formed after identifying the gaps in this research article is listed below.

• What are the effects of the internet of things on other retail industry excluding retail?

• What are the effects of the internet of things on the E-retail industry?

The first gap that is found in the third article on which critical literature review has been performed is called The effect of "Internet of things" on supply chain integration and performance: An organisational capability perspective is that it evaluates the IoT as an investment option. Also, how favourable is the manager with the implementation of the IoT in their system but does not take into account how organisational behaviour or culture change due to the implementation of IoT. In short, it does not take into account the psychological advantage of having a superior IoT system can give to business management. The second gap created in this article is that it is limited to the Australian firms and Australian industry only. Therefore, the research question formed from the above gaps in this research topic for further studies is listed below.

• What the behaviour changes or psychological advantage can be seen in the employee of the organisation after implementing an efficient IoT?

• What are the effects of the internet of things on the retail industry in the other global market excluding the Australian market?


After conducting a critical literature review, there are few findings which had been identified which are also related to the objective of this report.

The first finding that has been identified from conducting this review is that retail industry has been able to give a higher level of service to its customers than before by the help of increased digitalisation in its business process. This finding is related to the objective of this research as it shows how positively the internet of things has been able to improve the supply chain ability to serve its customer by giving better customer experience.

The second finding that has been identified from conducting this literature review is automation and integration of the retail business supply chain different activities can be achieved by the internet of things technologies. This is related to the research objective of this report how it finds out how the internet of things affected the supply chain of the retail business.

The third finding of this critical literature review is finding out the internet of things has been able to remove many barriers from the supply chain of the retail food industry, and this has increased the supply chain performance. This is related to the research objective that is to find out how the internet of things affects the supply chain performance in the retail industry. All these form the findings of this report after conducting a critical literature review.

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