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BUSS1702 Staffing, Training and Development - Middle East College

Choose any of those listed Jobs or any job as your preference:

1. Customer service representative
2. Call center agent
3. Accountant
4. Banker
5. Quality manager
6. Lecturer



In the modern world, there is a vast assessment of the staffing, training, and development which potentially has to focus on the core job roles. As everyone aspires to have different roles and the related development, it is essential for the staffing and training role to align the job requirement to the given job role. In this report, we would be briefly evaluating the job role of the Customer service agent (Moro, 2017).

In the given business scenario there is always a need to have a profit and the business are always focused on providing support to the customers in order to sell out their goods and services. A business is said to succeed if they are able to increase their sales through the hiring of the customer service agent. The role of the customer service agent is always to address the problems or the issues related to the customers (Lipizzi, 2015). The business is always focused on providing the quality of the goods along with the best customer service, but sometimes the issue and the gaps are not best understandable b the business, which can be tackled with the best customer service agents. They are crucial to the company, as they are the face of the company. If the customer service agent is rude, then the company is perceived to be not customer friendly. If the customer service is the best, the company sales improve and there is the word if appreciation among the employees,

A. Carry out the Job analysis on this job

The prime role of the customer service representative is to ensure and step up in providing a core role that can have an effective approach to provide the support (Lipizzi, 2015). The customer service is able to exercise the key roles which would be able to balance the internal and external customers along with ensuring steps to provide the excellent, in-depth knowledge that is related to the company products along with the key programs. The prime role of the customer service agent is to step up and be responsible in keeping a transparent communication which can be used effectively with the communicating effectively along with the team members, It would be central to the approach of the customer service department.

Essential Primary Functions

The main reason for the accommodations can be due to the need to address and be clear with the individuals approaches to perform the roles of the essential functions.

  1. To be able to provide an accurate and timely approach to include the information that can help to understand the incoming customer key requirements, order status and also hold the product knowledge requests.
  2. It also needs to ensure processes that would be abided by the company, before it comes to the customer orders, any similar issues of the replacement or the issues of the returns to be well coordinated with the established department policies along with the key procedures (Jin, 2016).
  3. It also needs to work closely with the account section team in order to ensure that if at all any disputed items or the issues of the replacement can be quickly taken care off.
  4. The customer agent has to also be able to provide timely feedback related to any issues, discrepancies and the related governing matter to the company management. It also needs to address service failures or customer concerns.
  5. It also has to partner along with the sales team that would be able to meet with the adequate exceed and the responsible customer's service expectations.


  1. The customer service agent should be able to provide a customer/Client Focus.
  2. It should be able to address the problem solving/analysis.
  3. Needs to adhere and abide by the time Management.
  4. Should have a uniformed approach to adhere to communication proficiency.
  5. It should also be abided by the teamwork Orientation.
  6. It is also setting up the technical Capacity (Jandt, 2017).

Supervisory Responsibility

It should be able to address the position that has no inclination to the no supervisory responsibilities (Hutchison, 2016).   


B. Conduct training needs analysis

The Customer Service has a training analysis which would be able to address with the Knowledge Challenge. to provide appropriate training (Grant, 2016). It has to constantly be able to provide an assessment that can also be able to provide with the measures that would be a gap with the individual's knowledge of customer service with respect to the below seven areas-:

  • The attitude  should be subjective with the customer service personality
  • It also provides a notable knowledge of the time Management
  • includes the knowledge that is related to the product or Service
  • It has to address the notes of the developing along with the maintaining Rapport
  • To help in the identifying problems along with the projected Needs, and Desires
  • To ensure steps that can help to provide the optimum meeting the customer's needs along with the prospecting with the increasing the Order
  • TO categorize with the order Entry, fulfillment and be able to also follow through

It is important tot has a feature integrated within the report that would help to identify the measures that would be related to the individual's knowledge that is related to the customer service skills.  The training needs analysis would also be providing appropriate positive feedback that would be related to the mastery of each section and can also be able to provide recommendations that can address the targeted areas of weakness along with the process (Fuchs, 2015).

C. Outline the Objectives of the training program

The objectives of the customer service training that would be related to the training and teaching which would help the customer service agent to under the core process to improve customer support along with the inbuilt satisfaction (DeCenzo, 2016). This would also be an  extensive iterative process that can include to the teaching skills along with the core competencies, and tools that would help to address the serve customers  which can help to derive more value that would be related to the products and services

The training main objectives are also able to provide the team motivated along with the related to the happy, and efficient. The objective of customer service is typically to interact with the customers in order to answer questions, resolve support issues that can help to establish credibility, along with the nurturing the relationships The companies should also be able to provide customer service.

D. Design the training program


Week 1st

Week 2nd

Week 3rd





Voice Training

Voice Modulation

Focus on the Ascent and pronunciation

Two language training

Non Voice Training

Personality development

Presentation Style

Supporting customers. Know how?

Customer Handling

Problems and Issues

Grievances and the feedback support (De Mooij, 2016)

Any suggestion systems, helping them and how to reach out for the follow-ups?


E. Conduct the training

The training would be conduct on the basis of the following parameters-:

 Job Orientation-: When the candidate would be joining the company, they should be blend with the company system (Davis, 2018). For this, the training should be identified that can mold the company personal core relations, goals and the objectives with the company requirements (Moro, 2018). The company should be able to project the true picture with the best of the capabilities while examining the employee's core roles. The employees should be able to understand the company expectations, the required customer service goals, and the job key deliverables along with the roles.

Job Hiring-: job hiring should also be on the basis of examining the customer service agent. It should be able to relate to the existing how candidates are able to perform in the customer service core roles. for example, if the candidate is hired who has a leisure type of the attitude and is not very focused on the delivering the best of the customer service core roles, then the job hiring training should be done on the basis of choosing the right potential candidate (Chan, 2015). If the candidate is wrongly chosen from the given candidate pool, it would only lead to the business loss.  

On-Board Training

The training aspiration would be on the basis of the onboard training, the customer service agent after hiring should be on-boarded and for this, the company core roles, goals and the aspirations should be detailed out. On board, training would help to identify the newly hired customer service agent gaps such as the knowledge required to exercise the company core roles and be able to deliver appropriately with the company goals. The customer service agents required to deliver per the customer expectations (Brown, 2015).

Performance Improvement stages

The performance improvement stages would be applied in those stages when the employees are unable to deliver the core roles as per the objectives defined in the job description. Over a period of time, if the performance of the employees is deteriorating or not living up to the expectations, then the training needs would be differently designed. it would be an outlining with the company core goals and objectivity that would be delivered, with the training modules.

Development Needs

The customer service agent, how they are able to perform with the core roles, personality, how they are able to carry themselves and the set deliverables should be defined. The overall employee personality, communication, skills set, required aptitude in delivering, understanding fo the customer queries and handling the multiple jobs related to the assigned job should be aimed at in here (Brown, 2015).

F. Evaluate the effectiveness of the training program using various methods of evaluation

Training programs would be evaluated on the basis of the three primary methods-:

Goal based-: it should be able to deliver with the goal based evaluations that can be aligned with the company goals and the objectives. It should be on the basis of the assessment of the candidates which would be delivered per the goals based evaluations (Davis, 2016).

Process-based -: it would be based on analyzing strengths and weakness. It is an evaluation based on the future set core goals and the exhibition to the development projects along with the need of the exhibition to also be able to design research process.

Outcomes based-: The outcomes of the company goals and the objectives should be the main outcomes that would be set with the individual targets.

G. Discuss employee's development problems in the organization and suggest suitable solutions to the problems

The employee's development problems would be on the basis of the solutions-:

On the Job training-: The on the job training would be able to provide a consequent approach of the on the job training deliverables, job expectations and the required skill set with the employee's job roles (Sloan, 2017).

Off the job training-; The off the job training roles would have to be focused on the overall training requirement of the employees. The off the job would be on the basis of the development needs, and the core skills set required to perform the job.


 Each of the job roles of the company should be accessed properly and should be delivered with the time.  The staffing core roles of the training and development would be focused on the training needs and the job set deliverables (Davis, 2016). It should be aimed with the company goals, targets, and developments. Customer service agent helps to bridge the gap between the customer and in between the company.  Customer service agent also happens with the overall progress of the company, who invest their time in training with the company and well-being part of the organization (Powell, 2016). A customer service agent is the crucial roles which are mainly focused on the bridging the gaps, lags and also help to address the crucial roles of the company.


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