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BSBHRM602 Manage Human Resources Strategic Planning, Victoria University, Australia


Project Report: Manage human resources strategic planning

Performance objective

The candidate will demonstrate the ability to develop, implement and maintain a strategic approach to managing human resources in an organisation ensuring that the organisation has the structure and staff to meet current and foreseeable business and performance objectives.

Question: Part 1

Research your Human Resource Planning requirements. Analyse your businesses strategic plans to determine human resources strategic direction, objectives and targets

Answer : Businesses Strategic Plans Evaluation for Determining Human Resources Strategic Direction, Objectives and Targets

Human resource strategic planning is a significant component of any business and this acts as the link that allows the management of an organisation to associate with their workforce and organise them to work towards the achievement of the strategic planning, corporate mission, vision and goals. It enables the individuals from the organisation to get prepared for their respective job roles and act accordingly so as to be able to fulfil their productivity requirements and contribute positively towards the growth and development of the organisation. The strategic plan for the current business is to increase its profitability and sales and thereby gain more competitive advantage and stronger position in the markets of its operations.

As the business is highly competitive belong to the software industry, therefore, it is important to recruit those individuals as the part of the human resources who have the competency as well as are driven towards success and achievement. Individuals with these ideologies and zeal would be the most ideal for fulfilling the business strategies and organisational goals and objectives. It is highly crucial to ensure that the candidates that are recruited are provided with suitable training and development so that they can be developed in such manner that they are able to comply with the organisational requirements and perform such that they can meet the ultimate requirements of the organisation.

Question : Undertake additional environmental analysis to identify emerging practices and trends which may impact on human resources management in the organisation

Answer : Environmental Analysis to Identify Emerging Practices and Trends That May Influence HumanResources Management

The environment that surrounds the business of an organisation may influence the human resource management practices in a varied manner. The various trends and practices that are associated with the process of human resource management are highly affected by the business environment and therefore it is important to conduct suitable analysis of these trends so as to ensure that the major trends and practices that can greatly influence the human resource management, can be identified and thereby utilised for developing the strategic planning of managing the human resources. With the development of the business world and international markets, which is highly facilitated by the globalisation, there are certain trends that have been influencing the human resource manager, which is eventually reflected on the overall human resource management practices. These trends include the following:

• HR managers have been assisting the business leaders in the smart decision-making processes. The HR managers have been contributing their advises with respect to new business models so that the business can become more competitive, profitable and efficient.

• The demographics of the workforce are getting younger.The millennials, that is, those born between 1981 and 1997, have been dominating the global workforce and they operate in a varied manner as opposed to their previous generation. These individuals seek those organisations that have similar personal values and offer positive energy from the workplace. Furthermore, these individuals prefer those organisations where they can occupy leadership position within the next 3-5 years.

• Employers are implementing new ‘social contract’ with the employees.It has become a rising trend whereby the employers have been engaging more with the employees and the same has led to the rise of flexible work environment. Furthermore, the employees also expect to interact with their employees to gain more knowledge that would aid in building and developing their respective careers.

• The contingent employees have been shaking up the workforce. Also known as gig economy, whereby there has been a rise in the contract or part-time employees who work from varied locations and different time, thereby making themselves available for almost 24x7. It has been determined that 71 per cent of the Human Resources and Business Executives have mentioned that contingent workers are highly important, although, only 11 per cent have been successful in efficiently completing the management processes of handling these workforces.


• There has been a rise of the people analytics. The data driven analytics that are being employed for charting profits and losses, impacts and reaches are also used in the modern times for analysing the existing and prospective employees. The human resource managers have been gaining information from various sources such as employment brand data, social media networks, feedback surveys, demographics and so on for predicting the work place trends as well as for attracting and retaining talents, thereby shaping a productive as well as engaged workforce.

• Organisations have become more about ‘network of teams.The modern organisational designs are highly focused towards grouping the workforce into different smaller teams who are responsible for achieving specific challenges and projects. With the emergence of these networks, the human resource manager are required to provide leadership training and performance management to the teams so that they are able to operate in an effective and smooth manner.

• Organisations are prioritising on inclusion and diversity.The organisations are promoting not only physical diversity but also mental diversity that comprises of perspectives, thoughts and the socioeconomic background of the individuals. As a result of the same, the organisations are able to reap benefits such as high performance levels and innovations.

• Digital technology has been replacing the traditional business models. With the development and advancement of technologies, amalgamated with the rising globalisation, have been replacing the business models with the digital technologies and the same are being integrated in almost all the aspects of the operations. Consequently, the human resource managers are required to identify those talents that have the proficiency in the required area of technological advancements and provide further training and development to them.

• There has been an acceleration in the rate of changes in the business models. The rate at which the business models are changing are highly facilitated due to the rising competition amongst the organisations and the business markets. As a result of the same, the human resource managers are required to update their management systems so that they are able to enhance the workforce as per the updated business models and facilitate to the changing patterns of the businesses and market trends.

Question : Identify future labour needs and skill requirements and options for sourcing labour supply

Answer : Future Labour Needs and Skill Requirements and Options for Sourcing Labour Supply

The future requirements and needs for the skills and labour would depend upon the advancements and variations that would be introduced within an organisation. Furthermore, the option of labour supply sourcing would develop even further due to the highly globalised world where every corner is linked with one another. Workforce planning is associated with the identification and responding of the future HR requirements that are required to be implemented within any organisation. It also provides the rational based on the funding and development of the human resource programmes that are required for supporting the organisational objectives.

Question : Consider new technology and its impact on job roles and job design

Answer : New Technology and Its Impact on Job Roles and Job Design

The technological advancements have been affecting the various aspects of business functions and it is expected that the same would be highly influencing the job designs and job roles as well. The integration of technologies into the business operations are expected to offer the following advantages:

•  Technology have been complementing various tasks, enhancing productivity, innovations and improving the quality.

• The greater access to the data, telecommunications and analysis tools have been enabling organisations to focus more on the social interactions, innovations, collaboration and social interactions.

• The use or integration of machine learning and big data have been increasing the ability of the machines towards performing different functions such as physical, cognitive as well as certain social or language tasks.

• Technology has been making several high skill jobs more intrinsic and motivating the workforce towards it, thereby, enabling more tasks, decentralisation and skills.
Although there are several advantages due to the new technological integrations, however, there are certain drawbacks that are associated with the same. These include the following.


• Machines have been substituting the humans in the aspects of manual and routine jobs and this has been reducing the requirement of human workforce in several respect, thereby reducing their demands.

• The labour markets have been polarising and there has been a rise in inequality amongst them. There are less demands for the workers with mid-level skills, which thereby has resulted in a rise of high skilled workers.

• The pace at which the machines have been gaining the ability of performing cognitive tasks, is faster than what it used to be in the past and thereby has been making adaptation by the human resources more difficult. As a result of the same, the workforces are required to be offered more training and development practices so that they are able to enhance their competitiveness.

• The technological advancements have made several of the middle level skilled tasks intrinsically motivating, along with limited skills and tasks as well as more monitoring and centralisation.

Question : Review recent and potential changes to industrial/legal requirements

Answer : Recent and Potential Changes to Industrial/Legal Requirements

The potential changes that are associated with the legal and industrial requirements include the following:

• The decision of Brexit, which would affect the organisational processes at the industrial level.

• The introduction of the PAYE modernisation and the real time reporting of the workforce through the same ensures that the individuals are paid as per the deduction that have been calculated and reported along with the payment being made.

Part 2: Question

Develop your Human Resources strategic plan (based on your research). Consult with your assessor who will play the role of your manager about his/her human resources preferences. Agree on human resources philosophies, values and policies with relevant managers.

Answer : Human Resources Philosophies, Values and Policies

Planning and the development of an HR strategy is a critical part of the HR process.  It is important that all HR processes and initiatives are developed as part of an overall people strategy which is aligned with, and designed to assist in the achievement of, the organisational strategy and goals.Strategic human resources objectives are goals aligned with the organization's goals. In fact, it has been identified that strategic human resource management as the "managerial process requiring human resource (HR) policies and practices to be linked with the strategic objectives of the organization." A number of human resources objectives support organizational goals, such as profitability, business reputation, ethics and principles.

Question : Develop strategic objectives and targets for human resources services

Answer : Strategic Objectives and Targets for Human Resources Services


• Short term objectives for the organisation is to recruit the hill skilled staff to increase the sale by at least 10% within the next 6 months

• Also, a staff has to install the 50% of the technology from overall for the improvement of technology.



• Long-Term objectives for the organsiation, are to improve the modern technology with all the new efforts of new strategic development of the company.

• Aware the public and market about the new operational changes and new business within just one year by at least 60%.

Question : Examine options for the provision of human resources services and analyse costs and benefits

Options for The Provision of Human Resources Services and Analyse Costs and Benefits

Cost Benefit Analysis of the human resources services would encompass the following:







Revenue: webpage (5*5000)


Employee hiring


Micro Page Development (7*3000)


Employee training


Social Media (8*5000)


Company website


Advertisement (7*10,000)


Other Expenses


Games (2*5000)






Question : Identify appropriate technology and systems to support agreed human resources programs and practices

Appropriate Technology and Systems to Support Human Resources Programs and Practices

In response to the business situation, a more formal trend analysis was undertaken which uncovered some interesting data regarding new entrants to the market. Due to the arrival of next generation computer design technology and software (i.e.:QuarkXpress, Adobe Creative Suite) around the late 1990’s, the undoubted credentials and capabilities of organisations are been suddenly overtaken by a proliferation of these new entrants, including sole operators providing similar design solutions, and who were more than willing to substantially undercut in price.

This new ‘ultra-competitive’ market situation was further impacted by the rise of a number of design and multi-media colleges offering a variety of training courses in the use of these design packages. It was as if almost anyone could train up and provide design solutions faster and cheaper than the old school classically trained designers and art directors. To add to this vigorous competitive environment, there was a move by many institutions, corporations and government departments to employ communication managers with the qualifications and knowledge to set up in-house studio operations consisting of ‘desktop publishers’ who knew their way around the new generation software to provide everything from marketing collateral, business presentations and even digital interactive solutions, (websites and intranets) with great skill and immediacy.

Question : Write strategic human resources plan and obtain your managers (assessors) support for the plan – You will need to “sell” your plan to gain support.

Answer : Strategic Human Resources Plan

Operational/ Short Term HR Planning

A distinction is often made between long term HR planning or sometimes referred to as manpower planning and what is called operational planning. Operational planning essentially involves annual HR plans. Organizations usually have 2 types of plans- the long-term strategic plans and the annual operational plans which involves annual goals e.g. sales and profit targets for a given year (when are these reviewed for public companies.)

Operational HR plans are also in this category where annual HR goals – in line with the organizational goals- are set and means of achieving them also set.

An operational HER plan is essentially a document that spells out what the organization will do in terms of the various HR practices.

HRP as a Process

Given that conditions in an organization’s external and internal environments can change abruptly. This implies that HRP should also be a continuous process whereby HR plans are continuously updated to match changing external circumstances.  Thus, it does not make business sense for the HR manager to form and continue implementing a plan that no longer makes sense in view of the external changes.

In the process of establishing a comprehensive strategic HR plan, it is required to:

Enhance the experience of candidates by using latest technologies that include refined online application process, connect with professional social media network and automated testing interfaces.

Support initiative both at national and local levels by providing strategic advice, control and monitoring schedules to operating departments, among which one of the most noteworthy being Agile Organization hiring and succession planning for the software development company.

Conduct several executive-level recruitments (including Human Services Director, Chief Information Officer, Chief Probation Officer, Deputy County Manager, Perks Director, and First 5 Director) that resulted in the successful continuation of services.


Attract top talent to the organization that has resulted in over 95% of hiring managers satisfied with their new hires.

Lead efforts to expand supervisor and manager leadership development programs, including the Essential Supervisory Skills Program, which provides employees with coaching, feedback, goal-setting/monitoring, and performance evaluation skills.

Expand partnerships and resources for the Global Training Consortium for corporate professional development including adding new memberships and offering more training sessions, e.g., Leadership Academy, Supervisory Academy and Lead Worker Academy.

Enhance customer service by creating new training curriculum and online resources based on a recently conducted Training Needs Assessment.

Increase workforce performance and training usage – participation doubled compared to previous year due new courses, technology options, tools, and online packages which included mandated Countywide programs.

Question : Develop risk management plans to support the strategic human resources plan

Answer : Risk Management Plan

HR Activity

Potential Risks

Potential Considerations


  • Discriminatory practices

A complete screening of the potential applicants is to be conducted.


  • Wrongful hiring

Establishing probationary period


  • Recruitment of unsuitable and unsafe candidates

Observing the provincial human rights laws

Employee conduct

Reputation in community

Following up the parameters of the job description and monitoring the same


Maintaining clearly written position description for all kinds of positions.

Existing employee


Conducting existing interview



Retrieving organisational equipment and information that were used by the dismissed employees

Occupational health and safety

Personal injury or death

Providing adequate training to the staff

Question : Provide a detailed procedure on how you would implement and monitor your human resources strategic plan

Answer : Implementation and Monitoring theHuman Resource Strategic Plan

Strategy development was undertaken, and a ‘4-phase’ strategic plan was formulated with input from the team, focused on a market development growth strategy: new products for the existing market. The new products were digital design including:

• Websites

• Microsites

• Digital campaigns

• Social media

• Games

The 1st phase included a marketing plan to develop new business including the purchase and population of contact database software, growing quite rapidly to contain 1200 targets in a variety of industry sectors.

The 2nd phase of the plan would be to undergo a program of brand repositioning. This would begin with are-jigging’ of their own visual identity (logo) and upgrading existing marketing collateral (high quality brochure) and the commission and design of a more developed interactive website.

Phase 3 would focus on developing new ‘design’ products for the existing market, which broadly covered 3 sectors:

• Corporate

• Government

• Arts

Phase 4 would require the outsourcing of human resource capability to develop an HR strategy and implementation. International HR group, PEOPLE, was chosen to undertake this phase of the project that required the alignment of the strategy to the corporate strategy and business strategies. The recruitment process would involve the utilisation of online sourcing, and not recruitment agencies or specialists’ creative ‘head-hunters’ to keep costs down.


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